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  • Birthday April 10

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  1. @Elisabeth I am going to get in touch with my intuition and have some self-inquiry process about what I truly want to do. This might take a while.
  2. I have thought that "helping people live authentically" should be my domain of mastery. But I still need to test it out with small bets and need to hone it down to a really specific thing. And again, I still don't know how I should interact with people yet. Writing? Speaking? One on one coaching? Need to test it out. I think intuition is important for my life purpose and I want to refine my intuition by meditating a lot and learning how to read people's thoughts and emotions via intuition/energy/psychic stuff. And I will need to read a lot of books on this field, how to live authentically, etc. Personally, I want to test many things out but my family says I should make school my number 1 priority.
  3. I took the LP course in hope that I would find my life purpose and boost my motivation level before I go off abroad to uni to study psychology. But after I finished the course yesterday, I am still clueless about what I should do. I got my impact statement, which is, “using my intuitive thinking to help people live authentically”. I am thinking about being someone who could help guide people to become authentic versions of themselves. I am not going to be a psychologist, I decided on psychology because I am interested in it but not to the highest degree. I am more passionate about PD books instead. I would love to study the heck out these books instead of going to school for 3 more years. I have already gotten a useless business degree from ABEuk. My parents want me to pursue further education and get to the point where I got the masters degree in business ideally. I still lack a lot of life experience as I am only 21. So I need to start making little bets to test out my passion and get closer to my LP. But should that small bet be going to school??
  4. I am most drawn to instrumental music like movie, anime, games soundtracks, piano covers, classical, lo-fi, Japanese electronics, etc. This album is my current favorite right now. Very inspiring and moving.
  5. Happy Birthday! You are not alone. I am in a similar situation as yours. Almost no friends to hang out in my town. Well, I have a few I could call but I just don't want to hang out. And I don't go outside much and don't talk to anyone. Turning 21 this year. And I almost never celebrate my birthday with anyone. (Probably the reason behind this is that when I was 12, I invited my classmates to my house to celebrate my BD but only 2 people came. And I was very sick that day and the event gave me a little trauma.) I have been alone since late 2014. Somehow, I have learned to be content with being alone. I have 2 internet friends who I sometimes talk about personal stuff and that keeps me content somehow. But I am not fully satisfied with the relationship because they are not interested in personal development. So I need to get out there and meet new people too. Out of the comfort zone!
  6. I have gone through that 7 days no internet. no phone challenge and succeeded. Meditation helped me a lot. And distracting myself with books. And other hobbies. You can do this!
  7. Just finished taking the test. I realized that I really value Beauty = Feeling Beauty-full. Appreciating the beautiful things of life. Being a beautiful person. Don't know how this will take towards my LP. Still in the midway of the course. Appreciation of beauty and excellence - You notice and appreciate beauty, excellence, and/or skilled performance in all domains of life, from nature to art to mathematics to science to everyday experience. Your Second Strength Spirituality, sense of purpose, and faith - You have strong and coherent beliefs about the higher purpose and meaning of the universe. You know where you fit in the larger scheme. Your beliefs shape your actions and are a source of comfort to you. Strength #3 Hope, optimism, and future-mindedness - You expect the best in the future, and you work to achieve it. You believe that the future is something that you can control. Strength #4 Perspective wisdom - Although you may not think of yourself as wise, your friends hold this view of you. They value your perspective on matters and turn to you for advice. You have a way of looking at the world that makes sense to others and to yourself. Strength #5 Forgiveness and mercy - You forgive those who have done you wrong. You always give people a second chance. Your guiding principle is mercy and not revenge.
  8. Thanks for the advice. I will do that. I have a very small cute notebook that I am dying to use too.
  9. Personal development Youtube channels I subscribe to: - - What I've learned - The Journey - Freedom in Thought - The light space - FightMediocrity - PictureFit (fitness) - Thomas Frank (student productivity) Spiritual, consciousness stuff - Rupert Spira - Jeff Foster Creativity and self-expression inspirational youtubers are: - Kylelandry -Peterdraws -KickThePj Meditation and hypnosis channels - Jason Stephenson, Michael Sealey And favorite "mainstream" channels include: nigahiga (creativity & quality content, originality) & pewdiepie (authenticity, playfulness)
  10. I just started the course on 22nd December with 6 days holiday break in between. So it's been 11 days for me. I just finished part one of the series which is all theory and concepts, 40 videos in total. I didn't want to rush through the videos and have been taking lots of notes on them. I study it for 2-3 hours a day. I thought I would be able to finish the course in a month. Boy, I was so wrong! Now that I just start doing the exercise, I realized that this is going to take a while, maybe 3 months, if you are consistent and very committed to doing the exercises. But this is just my guess. So don't expect that you will find your LP within a month.
  11. Enjoying great instrumental soundtracks from anime, from my favorite artists, pianists, composers. Sometimes I shed tears of joy because the music is so beautiful. Breathing in and breathing out gently... or just chilling on the bed Binging on completed anime series from time to time. Or reading manga. Watching or listening to PD videos on youtube. Currently, my 'fun'( but also not so fun) activity is taking rigorous notes on Leo's LP course videos. And I enjoy talking to myself.
  12. Hey @ahmad ibdah Sorry for the late response, I was on a trip. Thank you for taking the time to read my journal. During the time I stopped journalling here, I still tried to meditate for 10-15 minutes every day. But it was never consistent. I read some books from Leo's book list from time to time and PD articles from Never really applied them. I journal physically in my book about the "events" that happened, my feelings about it and stuff. In 2017, my focus was all over the place. I tried to teach myself to play the piano and now I could play a couple of songs and learned some Japanese kanji online. It was a way to develop self-discipline. In November 2017, I decided that I should reduce my media consumption. Mainly Youtube, anime and manga, maybe snapchat. I don't use facebook anymore, or instagram and other social media sites. I realized that media consumption is the thing that is stopping me from doing personal development work. Leo was right! So I make sure that after I get up every morning(I am an early bird btw), I won't go to youtube but to Steve Pavlina's website to read his blog posts to get inspired to do PD again. For me, what I do early in the morning is very important. (they call it the miracle morning) It sets the tone for the day and helps define what to focus on. With daily exposure to this stuff, I got motivated again and got myself back on track. My advice is that you just gotta be patient with yourself. Gently nudge yourself to focus on PD instead of other distractions. When your mind constantly focuses on the "one thing", you just start to take actions towards it. Baby stepping every day. And I am not really doing any full-blown PD work right now, just baby stepping each day. And to forgive yourself when you stray away from PD. As long as you always get back on track, it is good enough.
  13. I would like to know what greatest gifts, people of forum are giving back or thinking of giving back to the world. This has to align with your greatest strengths. I want to hear the reasons behind it. Why is it meaningful to you? And how you are giving them back. Through which medium? This post is to help inspire fellows on the path of discovering what kind of impact they want to make to the people, society, and the world. For me, in the bigger picture, I think the greatest gift you can give back to the world is becoming your highest self or becoming a master of your psyche. To be completely authentic, loving, and of course, transcending the ego and becoming enlightened. Not sure how I am going to get there but I am in the process of discovering how to do it.
  14. @Joseph Maynor Now I don't celebrate christmas, but I will consider Leo's LP course a chiristmas gift from my mom.
  15. A Doodle project I worked on last month. Inspired by Peter Draws. Kinda let myself go lose and go with the flow in this drawing. Naomiki Sato's rose origami photoframe