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About OmAhHungVajraGuru

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  1. Bananas + Ghee Black Lentils aka Urad Daal
  2. Remarkable Invention. Highly worth watching & sharing.
  3. @martins name When you spend decades upon decades destroying your body, you begin to lose touch with the natural order of things and when it dawns upon you that you need to fix your diet and reverse the damage you've done, the hyper left brain takes over and makes everything complicated.
  4. most raw recipes are high fat recipes that just beat the purpose of being in a raw food diet. I wouldn't get too stuck on making gourmet recipes for everyday meals instead I would recommend taking a course on making salad dressings & flavoring & that would make your diet very interesting. You could prepare the same raw veggies and soak it in a unique dressing everyday. If you're into recipes then I would just recommend sticking to the simple raw meals and having some cooked recipes on occasion
  5. @Opo there simply is no rationale for giving people donuts everyday for a year in the middle of a pandemic in the name of health.
  6. Your silence is your consent. Ignoring this wont make the impending doom go away. The earth will rejuvenate and thrive regardless but if we continue this geoengineering stupidity, we definitely will go extinct very soon. PS.. the headlines have very little significance, climate engineering has been happening for decades.
  7. A virus so deadly, you have had to put your body under a perpetual inflammatory state for decades and decades on end to be significantly affected by its brutal nature. But hey... free donuts & a VIP membership to strip clubs? Sign me up.
  8. There exists such thing called symbolism which has had utter significance to the powers that be throughout history & how human history has played out. if you listen to the people who blow the whistle on the fuckery that goes on within the Entertainment Industry then you know exactly the purpose of this video. If not then... its just innocent art depicting the shadow aspects of stage blue which we all need to embrace and let go of and a music video such as this is definitely encouraging people to be open minded to satanism because after all, there are valuable lessons to be learned (: also don't forget that most of Lil Nas audience are underage children so lets get em when they are young! The sooner they embrace the fact that art is a free phenomenon, the sooner they break away from religious taboos. Oh and also the people who are saying that the shoes being marketed with this song can somehow be related to witch craft & blood rituals are batshit crazy. There is no such thing. Its just fashion man.. just relax man... be open minded, the world is becoming more open & we must embrace it. This is what growth looks like! You're only resisting it because you are in a lower stage on the spiral. Lets all come together and support this man by buying the shoes that consists of a drop of human blood because that is whats cool
  9. @Mohammad yupp! If you like the works of Vandana Shiva, you definitely don't wanna miss out on the works of Zach Bush. These people are some holistic mfs.
  10. @Leo Gura Alot of people say he is a saint and there are many mainstream institutions which reinforces that narrative. I mean the man has massive influence over public health, environmentalism, education & now agriculture but not many are resisting or even questioning.
  11. You've probably noticed an upsurge of mainstream news headlines talking about the supposed 'new' climate change endeavor to send a hot air balloon into the air and spray a bunch of chalk to 'block out the sunlight & reflect it back into space' which would have a 'cooling effect' on the planet causing 'global cooling' in an attempt to 'buy us time' to solve global warming. The most deceptive part about this is that this 'plan' is proposed as a relatively new concept when in fact weather modification programs & techniques like cloud seeding, solar radiation management, chemical ice nucleation has been going on for many decades. While the mainstream sources have not been very open about the climate engineering practices that have been happening right above our heads in our skies for decades, there are a few instances where they have admitted that it is a common practice in many parts of the world, namely when CNN released this article claiming "China to expand weather modification program to cover area larger than India"... emphasis on the word "expand" because you simply don't conduct a large experiment such as that if its relatively new technology that is just being acknowledged by the climate science community. The fact of the matter is, Solar Radiation Management aka Geoengineering is happening and has been happening extensively in first world countries for the last decade. The technology itself can be traced back to the Vietnam war where the US military manufactured artificial rain in order to flood the barracks of the Vietnamese causing a famines as a tactic to defeat them. This strategy was called 'Operation Popeye' and can be learned about on the internet without any controversy. Yes I am talking about the notion of 'chemtrails' however I hope you can see how deceptive it is to use that term because it is associated with all kinds of preconceived notions of what that term is and who uses it. I cannot articulate the severity of what's happening on planet Earth due to these weather modification programs. On the surface, it seems like a good approach to buy us time however independent researchers have well recorded the catastrophic consequences that we are currently facing due to the Weather Modification Programs currently at play. It is no different than the western medicine approach where you are given pills to mask the symptoms of degenerative health meanwhile the underlying disease worsens. In the context of climate change and geoengineering, the latter has the same connotations. Researchers have found Nano particulates, heavy metals and inorganic aerosols namely aluminum, barium, strontium being dispersed from airplanes that create a dimming effect. You can learn more about that in a slightly different context here. dimming is the reduction,a 4–20% reduction. As much I hate to spew conspiratorial thinking in a forum such as this, it is no longer a conspiracy and no longer viable to ignore it as we have been doing for the last decades. Here is a remarkably made documentary where many researchers and Government whistle blowers have come together and discussed Weather Modification endeavors & their effect on the ecology of the planet. In this documentary, You will also find absolute proof of everything I've claimed when it comes to the dispersions of heavy metals as people test their air, water, soil & come to a indefinite conclusion that there are no other ways of these elements ending up in the atmosphere without it being deliberately put there. The idea of geoengineering has been around since WW2. Here is a footage of the 36th US President Lyndon B Johnson talking about the governmental Weather Modification Programs where he openly says "He who controls the weather, controls the world"
  12. @Hansu considering that vaccine companies aren't liable for any injuries, you would be fucked
  13. I innerstand the notion that there are criticisms from above & from below. Unfortunately most of the criticism against Bill Gates roots from poor epistemology and black / white thinking which skews the public perception about the actuality but fortunately, there are people like Vandana who have a holistic comprehension of the catastrophic consequences that have arose and are further manifesting because of Bill Gates hyper left brained non holistic approach to address multi dimensional... non linear world issues. Very Insightful which might destroy your preconceived notion that Gates is a saint saving the world.
  14. look into the works of Dr Robert Morse, if you create a detailed document of your symptoms and send it to him, he will address it in his video.