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  1. @allislove Thank you, perfectly clear. You have tailored your answer to my level of understanding, much appreciated.
  2. @Forestluv Thought is not experience, yet thought can guide you through experience. Thinking there is a couch behind me is not the couch behind me yet thinking about it helps me know that when I turn around there will be a couch behind me. So regarding enlightenment: You are referring to a complete and utter disconnection from thought, that you dont buy into the thought automatically but you may chose to so if you will. Question: who is the will that chooses to buy into or "believe" those thoughts. To me, the decider, the will, the observer is me. How is this "me" the same as you? I just dont understand.
  3. @allislove This is one example. The doctrine on this forum and among actualized.org followers, as well as many newage spiritual folks have the belief in way or another regarding the law of attraction, this notion that you are the creator of your reality and focusing on the reality you want will manifest that reality into your current one. The question Im asking is how does one go about manifesting this wanted reality. From my understanding, you enlightened folks seem to understand how to do this, yet your will is alligned with that of the will that caused this existence so for you, to want something to be otherwise would be to want something you dont want. This is paradoxical and I want some clarification.
  4. @Heaven Thanks for your reply, im not new I have had a previous account I closed cuz I primarily want to ask questions.
  5. I just got this insight for ya: You just gotta drop this whole game youre playing. Its that simple. The reason you're keeping this game up is because you want love. You convinced yourself you can only feel love when youve received validation or, when you perceive yourself to be “ authentic”. Just feel love and this game of wanting to bw authentic shuts itself down. Or. You can find yourself a group of people you feel a strong sense of belonging with. Then you will feel love, and wont try to get it in these sort of ways. A good way to feel a sense of belonging is by getting a boyfriend hit me up
  6. @Barbara In trying to be authentic you already failed. You just gotta do it, there is no “how” process.
  7. @Moksha Thank you again for taking the time to write an elaborate response. The impression I have is that I am missing either experiences or knowledge to grasp what you are saying. I don't recognize myself as "all of reality" living out "my" life. I recognize myself as me right now. I have yet to awaken to this understanding. } I just don't see how I could be me and all of reality at once. Perhaps users here and followers of actualized.org have different perceptual capacities that I don't share with them in having. Maybe this forum isn't for me. Any chance you can tell me about your moment of realization? What you perceived yourself to be prior and after.
  8. General question, because I have this impression and want to know if it is true.
  9. @Marija1602 Thanks Marja for your reply. What is this link about? I've clicked it, it as an audio meditation and ebook product. How has this helped you achieve the success you wanted?
  10. @Frenk Story time: I had a friend who's mother believed in affirmations. She made him affirm to himself 300 times a day that he would score a 100 on his history test. He didn't study, he just repeated the affirmation. Time came and he scored a 60. Me and my friends mocked and told him that next time he had to affirm to himself that he would score 140.
  11. @Moksha Thanks for your reply. What is consciousness, I have watched actualized.org regarding this and read forum posts, but it is quite unclear. Who is conscious of what? Where is it happening? This word is seemingly synonymous with: Love, source, being, infinity etc.. I don't see how these nouns can be used to describe the same thing. Does this mean that me wanting to pass the exam is not what "I really want". Its not so clear, could you perhaps elaborate?
  12. I want a practical answer from an enlightened user. For example: I've got exams coming up, I want to create the reality where I score 100% on my exams. How is it done, if it is possible, to manifest this reality. Must I be in a meditative state of higher consciousness and then visualize this happening? Must I think about it all the time? Must I repeat affirmations? Im not the smartest, so please dumb your answers down