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  1. Try TikTok easier to go viral there than anywhere else, from what I've seen. Show off your skills in intriguing ways, build followers, start getting deals to promote products of brands, and off it goes.
  2. I consider myself mostly a complete beginner in the field of entrepreneurship. My ultimate purpose for this phase of my life is to achieve financial freedom. Right now I'm in a heavy research phase of identifying all possible wealth creation methods and defining my understanding of them, before committing to choosing one to invest all my energy into. Recently I've been feeling more fired up about this path (and this goal) than ever before, and I've been feeling like I'm crazy because most of the world doesn't seem to care at all about the opportunities that exist out there on the internet. I guess I never did either, but now I do. And I'm wondering if there's anyone here who feel the same way? Who would be interested in masterminding together in this beginning period and see where it goes? We may not stick together for long if we end up choosing different paths and then we'd need a new mastermind for that specific field, but, I still believe this element of working together with others is so damn underrated in every part of the journey, I'd just like to invite ya'll to see if something cool can happen. Who's up for that? For context, I'm a 23yo dude, currently in the Netherlands.
  3. Oh god, that place looks like the biggest circlejerk I've ever seen.
  4. Sure, but I don't see that as a reason to stop exploring and investigating.
  5. @Farnaby That's okay lol. It's a fun discussion I caused. The videos I posted are laughable anyway, since I tried it for myself, and yeah, it's wind. It initially just tripped me out because of the delay between hand and foil movement.
  6. You're right. The only way is to try it for yourself. The videos serve as inspiration, imo. @Blackhawk That's what I always thought too, but what if there's something about this phenomenon that makes it difficult/impossible to prove in a controlled setting? @undeather Hmm, all good points. But supposedly there are videos of people doing it without even moving their hands. I haven't extensively looked for those yet. Btw if anyone is interested, I found a book called "Defy Your Limits" by Sean McNamara which seems like an interesting thing to investigate concerning telekenesis. I read a bit of it just now and he seems to do his best to train you while taking into account things like wind, static, heat, etc. So like, if it works, you'd know you're really doing it, I guess.
  7. Today I thought of psychic abilities and typed "telekenesis" into YouTube for fun and... wtf. I don't know what to make of this. Have any of you seen anything like this, whether in other videos or in real life? Another video of a girl doing the same thing: EDIT: Nevermind, everyone. I just tried this with a piece of aluminum foil like the 1st guy and was able to replicate the effect almost immediately. It actually freaked me out for a minute. It looks so supernatural. So either I'm a telekenetic master, or... foil is just really, really light and succeptible to even less input (from wind, probably) than you might think. If telekenesis is real, I now strongly suspect that these videos are not it. Don't know if I should delete this post or leave it up for people to try it for themselves and see how easily you can get fooled by how real it looks on a video (at least to me it looked real).
  8. Well, I wish to be location independent and online businesses seem to be the most scalable as well. But you're right, I don't know if something offline might possibly fit me even better. I can't imagine it would, but I'll remember that on my search I should also scan how people might be succeeding offline.
  9. I find to be incredible and I was wondering if there are any similar websites out there? I love how LessWrong has this massive goldmine of concepts that you can see some real high-quality posts and discussions about. Personally, it really provided a lot of inspiration for my own Commonplace Book, since the website itself is like a Commonplace Book of sorts. But of course, they are limited to the paradigm of Rationality, so there's nothing but crickets when it comes to the more "open-minded" subjects. Anything esoteric, spiritual, mystical, etc. So I'm looking for more websites like LessWrong that include those subjects. They don't have to though. Can still be in the "Rational" realm.
  10. I agree with you. It does seem to be the case that providing real value is the only way to get far (though I'll need to verify it myself in order to really know). So I know that money by itself isn't the fundamental thing to aim at. But I disagree with you about going at it from the wrong direction. Right now I feel like my view of what's possible with entrepreneurship is too narrow, so if I tried to figure out how to help a specific group of people in some specific way, I might miss a lot of creative possibilities because I haven't seen enough examples of how others before me have helped people. I think the questions you propse to ask are definitely a good way to go, but only after I got a bigger picture of what's really possible. That seems interesting, thank you. I'll read it.
  11. You can grow your own psychedelic mushrooms, my dude. 100% natural. Used by wise masters for thousands of years.
  12. Oh, good point, I suppose. You know, in a way it is comforting if it doesn't exist That's an advantage for those who realize they should first look at everything holistically rather than rolling with what "feels right", which seems like a mistake so many people make, including me. Appreciate it.
  13. It was already a big courage challenge for me to even dare to ask such a question, since I knew this response would come from someone I do agree with you, about making your own list, as I said in the post. I just don't see it as lazy to check out lists that other people have potentially created and filling in as many blindspots as possible. I think it would be foolish of me to not try to seek out information goldmines like that. (I do also recognize it may have come off as arrogant/entitled to just ask for all the possibilities to be handed to me. I was more like aiming for clues.)
  14. Well, from what I've seen, creativity happens as a result of many dots interconnecting, from creations of those before you. I'm not sure you can decipher a creative idea out of thin air. So that's what I was aiming for with this. Collecting dots.