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About something_else

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  1. These are all rather unhealthy forms of motivation. Being motivated by insecurity and fear isn’t particularly beneficial. A better approach is to frame it as something like, “I want to learn martial arts to condition my mind and body to feel comfortable in more situations.” When I was training Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu regularly, I probably felt the most mentally and physically healthy I’ve ever been. It’s not about the desire to hurt or dominate others or anything like that. Realistically, I didn’t have enough knowledge of BJJ to defend myself in a real fight. What mattered more was that I was pushing my body and mind to their limit 3 to 4 times a week. This reduces anxiety and fear but also increases confidence. You feel more comfortable throughout the day because you have a much better understanding of your body’s capabilities. Additionally, training BJJ is so mentally intense that everything else you do during the week feels easier and less stressful by comparison. Honestly, you can achieve this effect from any full-body exercise. Martial arts are just one of the best forms because you’re also pumped with adrenaline and it's super intense.
  2. I think it's probably a pretty bad buy. It has a fundamental problem in terms of management and PR which is Elon Musk, and I doubt he's going away any time soon
  3. Bro you are utterly miserable to listen to. If you are like this in real life you must kill the mood of every room you enter. I’m not surprised you have trouble finding a woman Like 99% of women are not looking to date serial killers. If you go to your local grocery store and look at couples there, not a single one of the dudes is going to be a serial killer and hardly any are going to be career criminals or whatever other kind of guy you think woman are looking for. You’re generalising from a few examples and applying the conclusion to all women Idk where your obsession with this comes from, it’s fucking weird and irritating to listen to because it’s such a blatantly stupid take This might cross the boundaries of what’s allowed on this forum but you are being truly idiotic, I’m sorry
  4. Given that I used to be (and still am) very shy sometimes, I can tell you that's not the case. There's a significant difference in how most women will treat an attractive looking shy guy versus how they'll treat an average shy guy. An average shy guy is essentially invisible. Yes and no. Good looking people are more confident but that doesn't mean that looks aren't playing an important part either. Good looking people are more confident because they see how much of an advantage they have from being good looking. You see how people respond positively to your good looks, which makes you more confident. Yea, fair enough. I'm not denying confidence and personality are very important. They definitely are. But looks, on the whole, give you a greater advantage. It's weird because although this is about women's behaviour, men tend to have more experience with it than women do. I always feel like an asshole when I talk to women about this because it feels like I'm trying to tell you how your own gender behaves, which is obviously kind of a dick move. But at the same time, guys are the ones who typically experience how they're treated by lots of different women and so they have a more real sense of how important different traits are in dating. The inverse is true too, women tend to be keenly aware of how important their looks are in dating. Even though some guys will try to convince them otherwise, they know from how they're treated by guys overall that looks are undeniably important.
  5. Not really. Looks are still a big factor. "women don't care much about looks" implies that being good looking is barely, if at all, important for guys. Which is just plainly not true. It might not be the highest priority for every woman, sure. But for many it's certainly high up the list. And there are probably many for whom it's top of the list. Personality-wise, "don't be weird and be at least a little bit chatty/funny" is good enough for me to find women who want to hook up from bars/clubs most of the time, but for a lot of my friends that doesn't cut it. That 80% rejection figure I gave there could be 95%, 99% or even close to 100% for some guys in a club. Some of my friends really struggle because they are both shy and average looking, which is basically a death sentence for a guy in an environment like that. I've also met guys for whom it is like 50% or less, who were invariably extremely good looking. I would say this rejection percentage is largely determined by your appearance, and you can adjust it probably +/-5% depending on your personality. I don't particularly like using broad numbers for stuff like this, because people can vary quite a lot. But it serves as a good way to express what I've experienced in clubs/bars here.
  6. To protect people, mainly. I promise you that your life will not even change in the slightest after this legislation has been introduced.
  7. Most major governments already monitor a significant amount of online communication.
  8. The list of things that become potential criminal offences to do online all seem pretty reasonable to me: encouraging or assisting serious self-harm cyberflashing sending false information intended to cause non-trivial harm threatening communications intimate image abuse epilepsy trolling I certainly would not say that banning any of these is hindering your free speech. Also the main purpose of the act is to force companies to moderate content on their sites better.
  9. I mostly just focus on enjoying myself in clubs, and when I do that, approaches don’t even feel like approaches. They just happen naturally. You meet people by having fun with your friends in a busy place, and conversations will flow from there. Because of this, it's kind of hard for me to give an accurate estimate of a 'rejection rate' But of the times I've actually seen a girl in a club and decided to go up and talk to her out of nowhere, I'd say 10-20% success rate (by which I mean she actually talked to me and seemed interested, not necessarily anything more) seems reasonable. I won’t lie, I do rely on my looks as a bit of a crutch which might mean the advice I give of "just have fun and enjoy yourself with friends and things will happen" might not work for others. But what I will say is that the two demographics of dudes who tend to hookup most in clubs are guys who are good looking and guys who are having the most fun. But that's not all there is to it. Because it's rare that the good looking guys who stand in the corner doing nothing hook up. And it's also rare that the weird clowns who are spazzing around on the dancefloor hook up either, even though they may be having lots of fun. Not that there's anything wrong with doing these things, it's just not super attractive to women. And it's almost never the meerkats who are scanning the dance floor and mechanically jumping from woman to woman. Every time I've been in a club with a group of women they all spot these guys immediately and laugh at them. Again it's not that there's anything wrong with doing this per se, but if a woman sees you doing it, your chance of them being remotely interested in you approaches near zero.
  10. I mean that’s just not true. A lot of women do care about looks quite a bit.
  11. Watch his recent videos on Trump. Tbf I’m not American so this is the first real exposure I’ve had to him. But he seemed very well spoken, clear, and passionate
  12. Kamala was just so fucking boring. So was Biden tbh. Hilary wasn’t boring per se but she, like you say, had vibe problems for sure. Obama was the only democrat candidate in like the past 15 years who inspired any kind of emotion when you listened to him talk. I never understood why Bernie never got to run for the democrats. He’d have had such a good chance against Trump
  13. This should actually motivate you. It means that looks aren't the thing determining factor in whether you get rejected or not. It's often more about your vibe. I'm pretty good looking, to the point where I'll get approached first in clubs a fair bit. Yet still probably 80%+ of the time, if I approach first it's a harsh rejection.