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Everything posted by something_else

  1. This was very inspiring to read, and somewhat similar to me right now. I'm quitting my cushy programming job to travel for 6+ months at the end of this year. I also notice that my favourite part of my job is getting to build and design UI because it's far more visual.
  2. If you’re in a busy bar no one is going to notice or care if you don’t buy anything. One of the keys to going out solo is going to the absolute busiest place you can get into. But you could also just order sparkling water or soft drinks or something if you’re worried about it, they’ll probably assume you are driving.
  3. It sounds simple, but the line has to be drawn somewhere. It’s really really bad if we have people confidently projecting their ideas on how cancer can be cured with salt mixtures and sugar pills. People die from this advice being handed out. It’s a tough job to decide where to draw the line but it does have to be drawn somewhere. If you want to find sources of alternative medicine you will always be able to do that, but it makes sense ethically (and from a PR perspective for a site like YT) not to heavily promote health advice that is not rigorously confirmed to work.
  4. When I was younger my hair would get horribly greasy so I would shampoo it every day religiously to solve the problem, and then I realised that was actually what was causing the problem in the first place. Now I wash it once per week or twice if I’m doing physical activity and my scalp and hair are much healthier. I don’t know if this will apply to you, but I remember it being quite a big problem for me so thought I’d share. It took about 2 weeks of time with less regular washes for my hair to adjust and stop overproducing oil.
  5. I think people react to caffeine differently. I can drink a cup of coffee before bed and it can even make me sleepier. You aren’t gonna get hooked if you drink coffee occasionally. One cup a day is pretty easy habit to get into and also to kick. Though another issue with caffeine is that it’s hard to gauge dosage unless you buy caffeine pills. A cup of coffee can be anywhere from 20mg to 500mg of caffeine. Even most of the big coffee chains vary wildly in the amount of caffeine in their coffee.
  6. You tried to insult my appearance in a discussion before. Frankly it's so bizarre that your mind even goes in this direction when you portray yourself as a psychologically hardened masculine man. It's bullying, it's a sign of a deep seated insecurity, and it's exceptionally immature. My guess is you couldn't come up with any decent responses but you also feel that you can't back down, so you need to come up with something and the best your mind can do is to ignore everything relevant and respond with insults and jabs. If you wanna know what I look like so badly, my face is on the 'show your face' thread, you can go and find it there yourself since you seem to care so much.
  7. @StarStruck 's response has a name, it's called the chad-hominem fallacy people have been making fun of it for ages
  8. There's a reason the UFC and almost every martial art fighting championship in existence have strict weight classes. If you are bigger than someone else, you have an enormous advantage that takes a lot of skill to overcome. So while I agree with you that skill compensates for a lot, your viewpoint that skill always beats size lacks nuance I think. It is not so simple. In BJJ there was a common idea people held that one belt level worth of skill is equivalent to about 20lbs (10kg) of bulk. And weight difference is actually LESS noticeable in martial arts with lots of rules like boxing and BJJ because someone who weighs a lot more is not able to take full advantage of that weight and strength. In a real fight with no rules, bulk is a stupidly big advantage.
  9. This is a safety thing. It is nothing to do with man hating. You avoid large groups of men on the street too because they pose a potential threat to your safety. Why do you think that it is OK for you to say hateful stuff like this about women, but you find it unacceptable for women to say hateful stuff about men? This is very wishful thinking. The issue is not nearly this simple and there are many things that contribute far more to male loneliness than women online with extreme views.
  10. I'm an avid solo hiker, so I'd say that you absolutely should do it! I see you're a woman so I suppose it's slightly different in terms of the safety of being alone in the middle of nowhere, but I've ran into many solo female hikers when I've been out so I don't think you should be too worried about the risks of someone causing you any trouble, especially if you stick to busier routes. If you are starting out, you should stick to easy and busy routes anyway. If you do this you will be perfectly safe. Also, make sure you pack the right equipment. Check the weather forecast and bring extra layers if it will be cold, and a rain jacket if it's going to rain. If you live somewhere where there is potential for snow and ice, you need specialist equipment to hike in those conditions so you should avoid those routes until you have some more experience.
  11. I get the point you are trying to make, but rape and a few woman being pro-male-loneliness are not really comparable. The easiest way I can think of to show how they are not comparable is this: If you got rid of all rapists in the world, then rape would no longer happen or would be significantly reduced. If you got rid of the women online who are pro-male-loneliness, then the majority of men who were lonely before would still be lonely. Rapists are the root cause of rape, however a few women saying men deserve to be lonely are not the root cause of male loneliness. Do you see how these are completely different issues with completely different causes? They are not comparable.
  12. Dr K is a great example of someone who cuts through the BS of internet culture and gets to the root issues of things, I really like him. And your post was very well written
  13. If you witness this this pro-male-loneliness type of behaviour in real life then do something about it, like you should if you witness a woman being assaulted on a train. On the other hand if you witness it on the internet you should ignore it, because in the majority of cases it is designed to fuel your outrage in order garner attention and make money. Of course it counts as man hate, I just don't think there are very many women in the real world who are actually pro-male-loneliness. And because of that, I don't think they are a significant part of the cause of the male loneliness epidemic. Starting a crusade against these women saying bad things online might feel like you are doing something worthwhile, but it ultimately won't do anything to solve male loneliness because these women are likely unrelated to the root cause.
  14. No, the legal issue isn't just scamming men. The issue is how he recruited, treated, transported and manipulated the girls involved for his webcam business. All of that was illegal, and comes under human trafficking.
  15. When you said "Femdom is not healthy. It is trauma reliving" you took a judgemental and black and white point of view on a nuanced and complex issue; human sexuality. That's all I care about here. If you have any comment to make on that, go for it.
  16. Basically this. I was politely objecting to your overconfident black and white thinking on the topic.
  17. Being gay is a sexual preference, and so is femdom. They are very comparable. I am not arguing that trauma is unrelated to sexual preference, I am pointing out that the phrase 'Femdom is not healthy. It is trauma reliving.' is a very narrow and judgemental view of human sexuality.
  18. Your teeth evolved when the average age of a primate was like 30-40. It seems reasonable that they would not really be designed to last much longer than that without specific care, even if you don't eat much sugar or acidic foods.
  19. This is along the same lines as saying that being gay is trauma reliving. Some people have sexual preferences that aren't trauma based.
  20. It's likely not bots. The internet has a tendency to give the vocal minority a significant advantage over the silent majority. People saying dumb outrageous things very loudly will get more attention than people ignoring dumb shit or saying sensible things. This gives people the impression that dumb ideas are far more widespread than they really are in reality. In this case that is the idea in discussion is that most women are pro-male-loneliness. Most women are not pro-male-loneliness, they just don't understand male-specific issues that well, in the same way that you won't understand female-specific issues like being sexual harassed or assaulted. Rather than responding to toxicity with toxicity, you should ignore stuff that's blatantly dumb and outrageous instead of fuelling the internet fire. Just focus on being a good person yourself. If you want to fix a problem, focus on fixing the problem instead of directing all your attention towards naysayers and critics.
  21. I agree. But to donate $25m he'd actually have to have paid a significant amount of tax because otherwise the government sees him donate this money and starts to ask where it came from and if he paid tax on it.
  22. This phrase suggests to me that your feelings might be coming from time spent on the internet and not from exposure to women (and men) in the real world. What you read about male and female dynamics online does not really map that well onto reality. Especially if you visit corners of the internet that are very redpill/blackpill. You get a trojan horse; a few grains of truth about dating on the outside, loaded with toxic and false ideas on the inside. As a man you'll get hate from most women if you are creepy, lack social skills, or make women feel unsafe, which is not really most men. At best it's an increasing minority that gets exaggerated online because that's where all of the people who lack social skills go.
  23. I think a good chunk of the perceived intensity actually comes from the nausea and body load on those seeds. They're probably safe but no one is going to know for sure because they are quite a niche psychedelic.
  24. Kurzgesagt released an interesting video today that discusses the nature of infinity and eternity. It discusses scientific theories which show how we could just be dreaming up the universe. It seems like the kind of video that would appeal to the people here so I thought I'd share it! It's somewhat limited I suppose, but it shows you how you how scientific logic can end up touching on some of the same conclusions people draw from spirituality.