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Everything posted by something_else

  1. Once you're in a committed relationship don't be a dick. Do nice things for your GF
  2. Yea sorry I sort of derailed the thread a little, apologies
  3. Yea I can see this being problematic. The high body count isn't an issue but I don't really wanna be running into her exes 7 days a week, nor would I want her running into mine. That's a recipe for disaster. So in a sense if her body count was high in whatever community I was a part of then that would be a problem. However this realistically is never gonna happen if you live in even a moderately sized city
  4. And most people who are married are not happy lmao It doesn't provide you lasting happiness but the absence of sexual variety can make you extremely unhappy Same as money. Can't make you happy. But not having it sure as hell makes you miserable
  5. If she sucked the D's of half the guys in her hometown she knows how to suck D good. And if you've fucked your own fair share of girls you know how to fuck a girl good too. At that point body count doesn't matter, once both partners have had sex a reasonable amount of times. The problems happen when you get dudes with a body count of like 0 or 1 and girls with a higher body count or vice versa. The imbalance can definitely create problems Other problems happen if you live in a small town and the girl is still in contact on a daily basis with all the dudes she fucked, or again vice versa for men. But if you live in a big place that's a non-issue Basically it's good for everyone to get some experience fucking. Don't die with a body count of like 1 or 2, male or female. I know that's the traditional, conservative, family values ideal but it's dumb and it makes you miserable
  6. They have dodgy chemicals on them. Teflon is the worst one, if you have a pet bird you can kill it by cooking with Teflon pans because of the fumes. Teflon also makes you sick if you put the temp too high. And it can flake off into your food too
  7. It worked, she's def still interested. Turns out she was annoyed that I teased her about wearing red or pink if she wanted to drive me crazy and that's what made her bail lmao. I made a joke about her only being allowed to wear highlighter orange or fluorescent yellow this time around and she asked me where I'm taking her. Cheers for telling me to message her again @Leo Gura, you just got me a date with a hot girl
  8. I did Computer Science at uni (UK, not US) and went to what would be considered a good university. We don't quite have the same elitism with uni here as you do in the US though However not a single thing I learnt in uni was actually useful when I got my first software engineering job. Like none of it. And I would have learnt the same things at what would be considered a crappy uni. I did lots of personal projects which taught me far more The thing I regret most about uni was not taking advantage of what a great social opportunity it is. Focus on building your social skills up if you feel they are subpar. Join societies, groups, clubs, whatever the US equivalent of those things are In a sense your friend is right, it would have been good to make connections with some of those high status people if you could but it's not the end of the world really. Especially with how expensive college is in the US
  9. Now there's a good tinder pic
  10. Oh it wasn't a rejection lol. If it was practical I'd have been there in a heartbeat. We ended up just flirting a bit back and forth over text when I said I couldn't come over
  11. Will do, thanks! Normally I'm chatting to at least 3 or 4 different girls at any given time but I didn't go to clubs this weekend cos I had unbearable toothache and the week before I was away on holiday. I spoke to a few girls while I was away and slept with one but obviously that all falls apart when you leave. So for that few days after I was back home she was really the only girl I was talking to and I'm sure the neediness showed up a lot because of that She was also hot and we shared a lot of interests which can make it even harder not to become needy. I noticed myself thinking a lot more about what I texted her than what I texted other girls which is probably a sign I was way too invested as well
  12. Uhgggg I know I fucked it up, it's really cringy. It's so difficult to say the right things in these moments when you're emotionally invested in the situation. Especially when the girl's hot Would you say it's worth messaging her again? It's incredibly needy but hey what's the worst that can happen
  13. I think it's past the point where if I send her a message it just comes across as needy. Our last conversation was: Her: "Hey, I won't be able to make it today, I've taken a turn for the worse, and I have a spaceflight presentation due at 5" [she was hungover and studies aeromech for context. She also sent this about 20 mins after we confirmed the date, she even initiated it that morning "Hey so what are we doing today, still coffee at 2?" which was kinda weird that she would confirm it, then bail so soon after] Me: "Sure, np, hope you feel better soon" Her: "Thank you" Me: "So you free any other days this week then? " Her: "I'm free Thursday again but I might be really hungover again too" Me: "I can take a hint Was nice getting to know ya, good luck with your presentation" Left on read Re-reading this now I might have bailed a bit soon, however she was definitely much colder for the last few days we were chatting (after she invited me over at 1am) and so I already had my suspicions she was no longer interested. I also figure that if she was still interested she wouldn't have left me on read. Then again she also confirmed the date that morning??? My texts here were pretty crappy and boring as well because I was just frustrated that I'd spent like 2 weeks chatting with this girl and it was all going really well and then suddenly it all falls apart I suppose I have nothing to lose by messaging her and trying to set up another date, but it would come across as incredibly needy
  14. It helps not to have to worry about money at all if you want to go deep into spirituality. Having lots of money means you can arrange your lifestyle however you want and have ample free time. The more money you have, the more freedom you have. Unless you get so obsessed with making more money that you lose sight of the overall goal However if that were the case with Leo he would be making clickbaity videos instead of long format lectures And I'm pretty sure Leo stays in Vegas because of the clubs there lol
  15. Uhg, I know. I regret it. In my head I was thinking "well we have a date in a few days, I'm busy just now, it won't be a huge deal, we will just meet up then" but that was dumb in hindsight. To add some context we had been chatting on snap for about a week and a half, we couldn't go on a date sooner cos I was away in another country. It was definitely more relationship kinda talk than hookup kinda talk so I figured if I didn't go hookup with her that night we would just go for coffee on the day we were planning. Guess that's not how girls think Yea, I know. I was busy, she doesn't live that close. It wasn't practical. I figured it would not be a huge deal, but I regret it now. Oh well, valuable lesson learnt
  16. This is actually really good to know and I didn't really think of it like that. My approach has always been to take it as far as possible in the club physically and then try to close and you're right, once you take it that far you have to scale it way back down to handle the logistics of getting home before you ramp things back up again and something about that kills attraction for girls Girls seem to have this thing where if you peak the sexual tension too early and don't close they lose all attraction for you. Why is that? It might actually be one of the most frustrating things to experience as a dude. I just lost a date with one of the hottest girls I've ever talked to because she invited me over at like 1am after her night out, she was super into it, flirty texts, tons of tension, but I couldn't go, the next morning the vibe between us was killed stone dead and she flaked on our originally planned date a few days later
  17. If you're scared just go out at night to different venues instead of approaching girls on the street, it's socially acceptable to talk to new people when they're out a night Especially clubs where you have anonymity because you're in a crowd of hundreds of people who are all mixing together and talking to each other I don't really like the idea of 'daygame' where you mass approach girls on the street either tbh. It just seems inherently predatory and creepy. And it is socially unacceptable unless you have reasonably good social skills. If you are gonna do it then start with just having small talk with girls during the day. Cashiers are a good starting point You can tell in the first 10 seconds she's extremely uncomfortable. She also indirectly tells him to fuck off twice "I didn't mean you could sit there" "Can I sit there? [5 second pause] Uhm.... I don't know". If you can't see that then hate to break it to you but you'e the one with zero social skills It isn't in girls best interest to directly tell creepy guys to fuck off because creepy guys will do unpredictable things if girls annoy them. Imagine being approached by a 6ft7 jacked dude who speaks slowly, says weird things to you, creepily smiles at you and gets uncomfortably close. I suspect you would not be so keen to directly tell him to fuck off or annoy him, especially if you were alone or in a quiet place. You would be more likely to politely hint that he leaves or find a way to exit the situation Someone also said the girl is 18. It's hardly surprising that she's a bit awkward and unsure of how to process the situation. Giver her a break, come on.
  18. Apart from you know, filming them too. And uploading the footage without consent. And hunting them on his bike. And doing it badly. And being forceful. You add all that together and you can see why he got in trouble If you go to a club and talk to women without being ridiculously over the top or creepy or forceful you are never going to have this problem This is just fear porn, it makes you feel good to watch this because it allows you to point at society for having problems instead of accepting that you have any control over this matter
  19. Insta maybe, not snapchat. Snapchat literally exists to chat, more so than it being a social media app. You don't understand, everyone my age talks over snapchat here, not text. The closest thing to text is WhatsApp but I'd only use that if the girl didn't have snap for some reason. Most of the American girls I've met online or while travelling all talk over snap a bunch as well so I'm pretty sure this is not just a UK thing I don't use Instagram, but I can see what you mean about just becoming a follower there Regardless, if a girl is attracted to you she'll talk to you over whatever means you give her, but asking for a phone number in this age range where I live would be received as socially uncalibrated unless there was a good reason not to use a chat app
  20. Scotland, and I'm 22. If a girl was my age or younger I would only ask for phone number if we shared zero other social media. Snap is my preferred one because you can flirt way easier If you're a millennial then you guys all use phone numbers + texting and that's fine, if you're a lowly Gen Z you adapt the pickup advice for phone numbers to socials because no one our age uses fucking texting unless they're talking to their parents lol
  21. Kids sort of go through these stages when they grow up, it just so happens our society is good at accelerating people through the lower stages since we've transcended them Like look how cruel kids can be with bullying, tribalism etc. that's all pretty much pure red and purple School itself is the epitome of blue, too There are remnants of these older stages in our society that give most people a baseline of beige,purple,red,blue that allows them to build a reasonable foundation for orange/green by the time they're in their mid/late teens So yea you can kind of get by without explicitly looking into the parts of yourself associated with these earlier stages since your society has already given you a solid-ish base in them. It could also have fucked up your sense of red if you were badly bullied for example, and that requires work to fix
  22. Where I live in my age range 95% of communication happens on Snapchat, FB messenger and Insta. Maybe WhatsApp if you don't share one of the previous social apps If I asked a girl in my age range for a phone number instead of socials (usually snap) she'd look at me like a bit of a weirdo
  23. Yea you sure sound happy
  24. @Jed Haldir Maybe wait til work nights out if your company does that. That'll give you an opportunity to interact in a little bit more of a relaxed environment But honestly sounds like you're very invested in this one girl at work and that could go south pretty quick
  25. Social circle isn't really a numbers game so you're already thinking of it the wrong way What do you mean by social circle anyway? If your social circle has 3 girls in it then applying a success rate metric to that is kind of silly. Maybe you can build a decent relationship with one of them but honestly applying all the statistical numbers game stuff is just toxic in that situation If you mean going out with friends in your social circle and meeting new girls while you're out then that's basically cold approach