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Everything posted by something_else

  1. This kind of fits my description. My lack of social skills definitely hinders me. I've never been diagnosed with anything but I probably have some kind of social anxiety and mild aspergers or something maybe Honestly though, I've made tons of progress in the past 6 months since moving out of my parents house, I'm just pushing my limits every weekend in terms of going out partying and just meeting lots of people. I've joined sports classes (jiu jitsu), I go to a chess club. Not to meet girls (you probably couldn't find worse hobbies to meet girls lol) but just to make sure I'm doing something social almost every night of the week If you're not seriously autistic or have serious mental illness then you can learn social skills. It isn't easy and it's definitely scary but it's possible
  2. I’ve had social anxiety ever since school I’m not totally incapable socially, but I almost never feel at ease in social situations and in many of them I get downright overwhelmed I was wondering if anyone had experience/advice with therapy for treating, I would say, moderate social anxiety? I reached out to what appears to be the main therapy group in my city to see what they say, but it’s gonna be around £100 (~$130) a session so it’s certainly not cheap I’m doing my own stuff to try and be more sociable as well, going out, hobbies etc. but even then there’s always an undertone of anxiety and uneasiness that I want to eliminate and I figured maybe therapy could help Thanks for any advice!
  3. Biggest thing was loss of smell. I still can't smell properly after 6 months. It's very slowly improving, but still only maybe 50-60% of what it was before
  4. This is the linchpin of your entire argument, and it’s pure speculation There have been gay people since humanity began. Stop giving a fuck about it, who cares if it’s normalised. Anything that moves it towards being considered more acceptable will reduce the suicide rate and suffering of that community in the long run. Anything that does the opposite (more or less what you are suggesting as far as I can tell) will keep it where it is or increase it. If you reduce the acceptability of it in order to decrease the number of homosexual people overall, you will just increase the suffering of the smaller group of homosexual people because they feel like there’s more of a problem with them
  5. Literally anything can be funny if you pull it off right. It's not really about the words, more the delivery
  6. How is what you're doing any different? This is a silly point to make when you're also unwilling to compromise even slightly on your position... lol
  7. I have no idea Like I said, I chimed in here because I disagreed with the IMO kinda silly and basic "Russia putin evil" statement OP was making. I'm no expert on international politics. I just disagreed with that style of thinking because no intelligent group acts out of 'evil', they do what they do for good and just reasons from their own perspective. And I used the admittedly pretty basic knowledge I have on the situation (+ some common sense) to argue that point
  8. Then why invade? They don't really gain anything at all by invading, do they? If Russia didn't feel threatened they would not have invaded They aren't retarded, they know that this will bring massive consequences to their country. So presumably they have calculated that those consequences are less severe to them than what happens if they don't invade I'm not pro Russian, I think it's a terrible country for a variety of reasons. But I can also understand why they did this. It's not because they're just pure evil like OP was suggesting. I was mainly just trying to add some nuance to that perspective of "russia putin big bad bully"
  9. Because it means countries like America can set up massive military forces right on their border and blow them up with missiles in < 5 minutes If you were an American citizen would you want Russia to position 100 nukes all along the Mexican border? I imagine not
  10. More an act of self-preservation than bullying They're not invading Ukraine to assert dominance so much as prevent countries like America from asserting dominance over them America are far bigger bullies than Russia I'm not saying Russia is right, just that it makes sense why they invaded. They're backed into a corner
  11. The Russian government is not retarded. They wouldn't just invade a country if there wasn't a good reason for it The reason is that if Ukraine joins NATO that is astronomically bad for Russia
  12. Dude really? That sounds like a really crappy college. Most of them are filled with attractive girls who are all pretty sexually open. Are you sure you’re not just telling yourself these things to make yourself feel better? Careful with that
  13. Ya. Personally I see legs as purely functional attributes of a woman but each to their own My ex actually did this. She said she’d never date a short guy, height was one of her top priorities. Then we broke up and the next guy she dated was like 5’6 lol
  14. No they aren’t. Asking super general theoretical questions won’t help you at all. Actually it will damage your progress because it will put you in your head. The whole point here is to get the fuck out of your head and talk to new people, have new experiences Get some experience then ask practical questions based on what happens to you
  15. It's usually dudes who have a thing for legs that go for tall girls I'm tall and personally I'd always go for the shorter girls. The dynamic of the height difference is super appealing. I've also had a fair few encounters with taller girls but it always felt super clunky physically, probably cos I'm quite lanky and not physically that strong. When you're both tall + skinny there are too many long limbs flapping about and odd angles and positions are required to make things work
  16. That's still not the same dynamic as a guy attracting a girl. I would not give you advice about attracting other women, because I have never experienced that dynamic That was my point I don't think it's that all attraction advice that all girls give is outright bad and should be ignored per se. It's more that the advice guys receive from a lot of girls can be super hit or miss, and taking it can be risky. Like there was a guy here recently who's sister was telling him to take flowers for a girl on his first date. No guy would ever tell you to do that. The reason it's hit or miss is the reason I gave above: you haven't ever experienced the dynamic of being a guy trying to attract a girl So of course you can give advice, and it may even be good advice a lot of the time, but the advice of someone who's experienced that dynamic, experienced rejection from tons of girls, attracted tons of girls is going to be more reliable and less likely to lead you astray You can listen to their advice but men will lie to you and lead you astray with advice as well, as I'm sure you're well aware A lot of men will tell you that in order to attract a guy you should just be as direct with him as possible, tell him exactly what you want and sleep with him quickly, no game playing. But that advice serves the man more than it serves you. That is what a man thinks he wants but then if you actually do this you may end up just being used for sex, or treated like dirt It's always going to be better to take advice from people who have been in your exact situation, with your exact problem, and solved it
  17. It’s probably them just making up an easy excuse because they don’t want to let you in for some other reason Don’t be the dude who argues with bouncers, though. If I get rejected I just laugh out loud, wish them a good night and walk away
  18. Dancing, talking, drinking, queuing at the bar for drinks I end up spending most of my time dancing in a club, I’d say Last night I met a couple gay guys on the dance floor who were playing a game where they target someone and keep tapping their shoulder over and over trying not to let them catch you. I ended up being their target, then I caught them, and then they then got me to join in with the game. It was the most fucking fun I’ve had a club in ages, it was hilarious We’d wait til a girl was behind a guy and then tap the guys shoulder and almost every time they assume it was the girl and chaos ensues, or vice versa Point is when you have hundreds of people (many of them drunk) looking for a good night in chaotic, high energy environments like a club dumb, fun stuff like this just happens. As long as you don’t just sit at the side in your phone stuff is always gonna be happening, you’re never not going to have anything to do. The time passes super quick
  19. @Etherial Cat When you're a dude and you do what girls tell you to do and it doesn't work... and then you do what guys tell you and it does work... what other conclusions can a guy come to? When it comes to 'men attracting women' you can only ever give theoretical advice to men about it because you've never actually experienced having to attract a women as a man. Not once in your entire life. Never. Zero times. Compare that to someone like Leo or some of the other experienced guys here who have done it thousands of times. Whose advice would you take? The equivalent is almost like men giving a woman makeup or dress style advice. We can tell you whether we like the end product but not really anything practical about how to achieve it, because it's not something we have any experience with at all. Yet somehow you girls think you're qualified to give guys attraction advice despite never having had to do any of it yourself Honestly, I'd say that's more arrogant
  20. Welcome to the frustration of being rejected. Get used to it, it ain’t going away You gotta learn to not give a fuck. It’s easier said than done but it’s important to learn, for everything, not just getting laid
  21. Have you ever been rejected for a job? It’s basically like that Of course you’ll find something else, but it might take a bit of work
  22. I don't think it's overpopulation that's the problem... More exploitation of the planet and greed. The predicted peak population of the world right now is around 10 bil and coincidentally the estimated carrying capacity of Earth is also like 9-10 bil Obviously these are estimates But also, think about it: there isn't really anything about a larger population that's inherently problematic. We have an excess of food, water and space, it just so happens that these are not really distributed very fairly/evenly
  23. I think this is the most annoying thing that girls do by a country mile. I've had this a couple times and it pisses me off so fucking much. Like I can keep my cool about most things, ghosting/flaking on the day or night before, sure. Even if they say they've changed their mind or they've now got other plans, frustrating but oh well, can handle it. But I seriously have to fight of pure rage when girls play the "oh I forgot" card In my past I would have been needy and tried to set up another date but now if a girl does this it's game over. I'm not dealing with that shit I'm not saying that's what you should do btw, this is my own very biased rage talking lol --- Rant over --- But yea, you should def be texting the day before the date to make sure she's coming. IMO you should be texting back and forth before the date a bit too, then you can kinda gauge whether you're on the same page. I disagree that texting a bit before the date is bad. Especially for us younger generations this is kind of expected It's possible she wanted more on that night. It's hard to tell though, maybe you have a better sense than me. Uni girls are often pretty ready to fuck on a first meeting. Her saying "it got weird" later on is possibly her referring to tension she was feeling about whether you were gonna fuck that night or not while you were walking her to the train That would be my interpretation, however it's hard to gauge with just a description Still, you did well by kissing her. As long as you're doing things that scare you on dates you're making progress and you should be happy, regardless of whether you get the girl
  24. Emojis are a mixed bag. Sometimes they can make you seem super needy Direct, clear and logical texting is boring. That was my overall point. You want to text with ambiguity, mystery and playfulness. It's so easy for texting to become boring. Most of the girls I've met online and lost, I've lost because the texts become boring and way too logical and interview like
  25. I recently started using a service called StitchFix, they send you 5 items of clothing each month and you choose which to keep/buy. Technically their service is free, but if you return everything they charge you £10. And obviously you pay for the clothes I've always really struggled to find clothes that fit because I'm tall and lanky. But I put my details into their site and they sent me some killer clothes that fit better than anything I've ever bought myself. I've kept 7/10 of the items they've sent me so far They weren't clothes that I'd see in a shop and buy myself, but the moment I put them on they fit perfectly and the style suited me way more than I expected They claim to have a real human stylist pick out clothes for you, I didn't believe them at first but I'm not really sure how else they could get such great results. Would seriously recommend