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Everything posted by something_else

  1. Dude, if you’re at university now is the fucking time I’d sacrifice three of my toes to be back at uni At least in my country there is no better time of life to get laid easily than uni
  2. It certainly happens I can think of two times in particular where I threw Hail Mary requests at girls that worked out. Both of them were outside clubs after I’d had a really shitty night and was basically just thinking “fuck it, what’s the worst that can happen” I pretty much said “let’s go fuck” but worded less directly, in kind of a teasing way. But it was still very clear what I meant, and very direct In one case I went and talked to a girl, just like two or three fairly standard questions like “how was your night” and then out of nowhere I threw in “Wanna come help me fulfil a fantasy” and she just laughed and started following me But that was pure dumb luck, and anyone selling you a course based around this kind of system is preying on your fantasy to be able to fuck a girl with minimal effort. It’s the pickup equivalent of marketing a get rich quick scheme What has been more realistic in my experience is some pretty innocent (but obviously engaging) conversation at the start but conveying lots of sexuality through body language and eye contact. If she responds well to that and she’s flirting back start ramping it up from there and seeing how sexual she is comfortable being This is kind of my goto strategy in clubs which is pretty sexual but not really EXPLICIT per se
  3. I agree with most of what you said, it’s certainly framed in a healthier way than the guy who I quoted previously What is an absolute over-dramatisation is the “the feminists control the media and they are coming to get us” mindset
  4. This is exactly what I was thinking reading this Look dude, I’m pretty sure you want sex. You said yourself you wanted it super bad when you were younger If those desires go unsatisfied it’s not healthy for you as a man, don’t repress your sexuality
  5. This gave me a great laugh, especially the entire left side of the graph
  6. You are probably far more extroverted than average and that’s why you think there’s no such thing as state For introverted people it takes time for us to ramp up into extroversion and get out of our heads That isn’t a belief. What you’re doing by saying there’s no such thing as state is basically equivalent to saying “just be extroverted dude” State is just another word for mood, and if you don’t believe that your mood affects how well you socialise, especially for introverts, then you are totally deluded
  7. When you have an off day, just give yourself the most basic of tasks and let yourself feel good about completing them If it comes to Friday night and I feel tired and feel like shit, I set my limit as low as going out and just talking to like three girls, sometimes even one if my mind is being an absolute dick with resistance Ironically I’ve often ended up being more charismatic and gotten better results on those nights, because after my goal is complete I know I’m free to just dick around, have fun and be authentic and that ends up being way more attractive
  8. It doesn't matter how you got there. Your belief is currently "I'm too healthy to attract girls" which is absolutely a belief that sooths your ego from rejection. Ironically, this is an unhealthy mindset Of course you can. Empathy, care, and kindness are deeper traits. They are valuable later in a relationship. You need other traits that initially attract girls, like a girl's appearance attracts you. Those traits are basically anything that sparks an emotional response in girls. I gave you a good list in my last post. The thing is that it isn't really always that toxic to do those things. Sometimes it absolutely is, but sometimes it's necessary. The times I've ghosted a girl have been because I haven't felt like talking to her anymore cos the vibe just wasn't there, or she went cold on me first, or something else happened that made me lose interest. Girls do the same Being willing to walk away is an attractive trait. Doing it intentionally to manipulate is fairly toxic, but sometimes it is authentic and the non-toxic option.
  9. Oh I missed this, sorry ? The order of your images was weird, might be a mobile thing. Ignore my last post, none of that applies lmao You actually didn’t do so bad here, that was quite funny to read, if she has a sense of humour she prob took it well, she knows she’s pretty Just try and set up a casual date now, ask if she wants to go for coffee or drinks. If she’s interested she’ll agree, if not move on
  10. You’re not setting a great frame. You’re complimenting her and fawning over her, placing yourself below her She even told you, she knows she’s pretty. She doesn’t need to hear that from you in the first few messages Try and be funny or cheeky, then try and set up an in-person date. That’s what you try do with texting for the most part UNLESS she seems super into texting and you guys have good chemistry over text. Since you’re on the younger side like me, it’s really common now for girls to want to text back and forward quite a bit if there’s good chemistry. But you always wanna be moving towards an in-person date
  11. You could memorise an entire dictionary with mnemonic techniques like a memory palace or method of loci I’m sure there was a dude who didn’t speak French but won a French scrabble tournament by literally just memorising all the legal French Scrabble words
  12. Here’s the same dude tearing apart tai chi and wing chun masters. On their own these are not effective martial arts. Bruce Lee also famously talked about how limited he thought Wing Chun was
  13. I would say that almost every fight I’ve ever witnessed in real life and many I’ve seen online end up in a scramble on the ground And unless someone grabs you and won’t let go, your aim should always be to run from the fight anyway The basic takedowns that BJJ provides should almost always suffice in that situation If you want the absolute best chance of winning a real fight against another well trained opponent then you gotta train MMA, but frankly I don’t want to get brain damage lol It isn’t perfect but I think if you had to pick just one martial art system to learn that would give you the best all round experience in self-defence it really has to be BJJ It’s also just really fun. I don’t see any other martial art that I think would really stimulate the intellectual part of my brain as much
  14. It’s alright for some surface level comparisons, like sensors and intuitive are probably not gonna get on that well together But when you start saying/thinking things like “your 4th cognitive function makes you incompatible with everyone who has a certain cognitive function in their 2nd slot”, you’ve entered astrology and ideology land
  15. I'm surprised there aren't any recommendations for BJJ (Brazillian Jiu-Jitsu) here. It's got one of the best communities of all martial arts and progressing in it is super rewarding. There are girls at my BJJ gym who absolutely fuck me up, so it's something that girls can be super effective at, even against bigger dudes It's really intellectual as well, and the injury chance is lower than striking martial arts. If you wanna learn martial arts purely to defend yourself then you go with MMA, but if it's slightly more about self-improvement I'd recommend BJJ. Holy crap though do not do shitty martial arts like Tai Chi or Wing Chun if you actually wanna be able to defend yourself. These are not good for that at all. Tai Chi especially is not even designed for fighting, it's more of a spiritual thing, almost like dancing.
  16. This is a short story that might hopefully make some of you feel better about getting shitty results on online dating apps A couple months back, I ended up meeting and going home with a girl at a club. The next morning, we both ended up talking about Tinder. Turns out we'd actually matched online several months prior, but she had totally blanked my first message. She couldn't even remember matching with me, so she clearly wasn't really that interested online. Yet she seems super into me in real life, and we've met up another 3 or 4 times since then. Just because you can't attract girls on Tinder doesn't mean that girls don't find you attractive in real life. Girls who aren't into you at all online can be super into you in real life. Don't let shitty results online fuck up your self-esteem and convince you that you aren't attractive to girls, it's just false And don't listen to statistics about online dating that people extrapolate into the real world either. This is a good example of why that is a silly thing to do because the dynamics are totally different.
  17. I think this^ is something you have convinced yourself of to sooth your ego "I don't have as much success as I'd like with girls, it must be because I'm too stable, healthy, actualized, caring, honest, humble and non-dramatic" – that's kind of what I read when I read your post And you can absolutely be those things and still be attractive. But you also need a few other things too, otherwise you're just going to bore girls. You need a bit of edge. You need to take risks. You need to be confident. Be OK with stepping out of your comfort zone. You have to be fearless. You have to be masculine. You have to be fun. If you sprinkle some of these exciting traits in with being stable, healthy, actualized, caring, honest, humble and non-dramatic, you become extremely attractive, even more than the guys who don't have all of those things and are just straight toxic There is a lot of overlap between being only stable, healthy, honest, humble and non-dramatic and being a weak man. Many weak men exhibit these traits to hedge their bets with others and take a comfortable path in life. I'm not saying this is you at all, I know for sure that isn't true in your case. But the problem is that to a girl, if all you exhibit are these 'nice' traits, that is the impression it gives off, even if you are not actually a weak guy.
  18. I mean I’m sure they can be sometimes, but in my experience they’ve been pretty flaky If you’re at a busy enough club/bar there’s no reason to go for numbers when there will almost certainly be opportunities for a pull IMO If a girl is super hot and you hit it off but logistics don’t work for a pull then may as well take her number, what’s the worst that can happen
  19. It’s a good idea to move around the club with a girl anyway, idk about the kissing in front of friends thing though One of the best indicators of interest I’ve found is that she’ll follow you around the club if you try to take her somewhere else With a girl in a club I usually end up doing a combo of dancing, talking in the smoking area or quieter parts and walking about and exploring the place with her if it’s big enough You can prob kiss her anywhere if she’s not super shy
  20. Jesus fucking christ lol
  21. Assuming this is JP, he's a huge supporter of Big 5. And also obsessed with Jung, like you say. Which yea, honestly doesn't bode so well for cognitive functions, lol
  22. You're not wrong, I could probably grow from daygame. But it sounds like you're super hung up about nightgame because my experience of it is not really like that at all. I find it super fun. It might just not be for you and that's fine, but it doesn't sound like you've had the right experience of nightgame yet. There's a reason lots of people enjoy going to clubs in the first place The girls who go out partying are normal girls, the guys who go out partying are normal guys. They aren't any different from any other people. If you go to any major club it's practically overflowing with attractive girls and they're all within a 30 second walk of each other. It's hard to find a place more concentrated with girls anywhere else You can go out at night in large cities to their major clubs without getting absolutely out of your mind drunk and you're going to be mostly safe, if you don't go around picking fights or being aggressive You have to be really dumb, drunk, aggressive or unlucky to be in serious danger during nightgame. If someone tries to mug you then you just give them your shit, and walk away unharmed. But that's not gonna be a common occurrence in most cities, especially if you stay in the busier parts. I've barely even had a verbal altercation with anyone in a year of going out every weekend The risk in day game is to your reputation, which is a reasonably high risk in anything less than a giant city. At least for me. I do not want to be the guy who either gets known for (or gets in trouble for) going out hunting for pussy on the high st at 11am on a Saturday. It's just super cringey and 90% of the population are going to side against you for doing it Yes ideally you should be a man and not give a fuck, but frankly this does not seem like a worthwhile risk for me. I'd rather just occasionally approach girls during my regular day that I find attractive This is part of the fun I do enjoy the drama of being in a club. It's rare you ever find yourself in such chaotic environments at any other time and it's amazing after you learn to be at ease and relax in that environment It doesn't need to be that perfect. I live 25 minute drive away from the city I go out every Friday in and that works out alright for me. You do need a good amount of disposable income, I'll agree on that. I end up spending a fair amount, but to me it's worth it. And I often go solo, and have no troubles with that either. Other than a few places that don't let you in solo, but that's easy enough to work around
  23. I don't think anyone said it was trans-rational. It's more that social skills and relationships are a basic part of life that you need to have down and sorted out before you can move onto more advanced things in a healthy way. A well-rounded person knows how to let loose, not give a fuck, party, socialise and enjoy themselves now and then. Being the philosophy-obsessed, anti-party, stick-up-ass dude is not what you should aim to be in life. But it's a very common way that many under-socialised people try to justify their poor social skills: "I wouldn't partake in all that dumb, trashy partying, I'm too busy contemplating the important things in life like philosophy" Source: I used to do this and now I realise how dumb it is
  24. I never said it was true, I said I think it's creepy which is just an opinion. Though probably one that I suspect many people would share I mean ya kinda do. If a girl asks what you're out doing and you say you're approaching girls on the street to get laid, it isn't gonna go down well It's more honest than hardcore daygame. You could prob even get away with literally saying "I'm just out to get laid tonight" in nightgame if you said it with the right energy and owned it. But generally speaking I just say "I'm out partying" which is pretty much what I'm doing. My primary aim is to go out and enjoy myself, getting laid is just a bonus To me that seems far more authentic And I would agree with you. If you met the girl authentically while you were living your life. That's about as wholesome and romantic as it gets The issue I take is purely with leaving your house during the day to go looking for sex, and then spam approaching girls on the street Again, I'm not saying that these things should be illegal or that you shouldn't do them. Simply that I personally find them cringey and that you have a much greater chance of getting into trouble if you do it badly, which I would like to avoid
  25. Lmao, she literally sent you a text telling you how great you were, whatever you did worked so stop overthinking it What you should do next time you see her is actually let yourself get horny looking at her. Look into her eyes and let yourself feel raw physical attraction while you look at her. She will feel this energy if it's genuine and it will turn her on as well