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Everything posted by something_else

  1. So definitely a yes for festivals then? I've never actually been to one, but I'm planning on it at some point soon.
  2. This was my gut instinct too. It seems weird that they would misadvertise when they would likely get bad reviews for it, lol I'm gonna stick with one tab then. Is a 250ug trip a good idea for my third trip? First two were on 100ug or so.
  3. The problem is that the people who provide value often use the same grifty marketing tactics as the grifters, so it’s hard to distinguish between valuable info and useless crap online sometimes
  4. Definitely planning on trying out MDMA, I’ve heard it’s good for partying Though, also heard that it can seriously fuck up your brain chemistry if you take it too frequently Right now I’m just experimenting with what I’ve got, which is LSD. Can’t hurt to try sensibly
  5. I only took a very small dose, probably 10µg, felt just like I'd had a few coffees really. Now that I feel confident in it, I'm going to try taking a little more and see what happens, I'll let you know lol Yea, this sounds about right. It isn't something I want to make a habit of, just something I wanna experience a few times.
  6. Is that just a form of pure mescaline that you can buy like any other chemical? Would def try if possible. The actual mescaline trip was noticeably different than an acid trip, it felt more electric for lack of a better term. I'd like to explore that more without the hassle This is exactly the tek I followed too, as far as cactus goes I'd recommend it. It's probably the most efficient/effective/bearable way to take the cactus, but it still takes more than half a day.
  7. When I took it, I did exactly this, though I also boiled it down for 6 hours into a tea. So it was about 300ml of cactus tea that tasted like 300ml of tea that had been sitting out in the desert for 300 years. I can still make myself gag thinking about the taste of that juice to this day, and I don't think I could drink it again with a gun to my head. God knows what the unboiled-down cactus smoothie tastes like. Yup. It was awful. It really involves so much effort and pain for so little gain. Practically the only upside is that you can often source a cactus more easily than other substances. But now that I've got a comparison point: tabs of acid, I don't see why you'd ever go to the effort of taking cactus. 1 hour of chopping and blending, 6-8 hrs of boiling and stirring, 1 hour of straining, 30 mins to force the remaining liquid down your throat, 2 hours of nausea, then maybe 4 hours of a medium level trip. Versus popping a bit of paper in your mouth for 20 minutes.
  8. @SQAAD I think you could do with being less serious, more playful and less focused on how everyone must be prioritise conscious otherwise they're superficial narcissists. You're just playing the ego game here too. It's the same game unpopular nerdy guys play in school where they don't get any girls so they talk about how sex is low priority and pretend they're above all the partying, fun and sex that the cool kids are having. It isn't healthy. If you were as conscious as you claim to be you would not demonise and egotise all of this stuff as much as you are doing. That is really quite a low consciousness thing to do.
  9. The thing is... you can get girls even if you don't have crazy resources. There are plenty of girls to go around. It's not like you need to be a top 1% millionaire to get girls, not even close.
  10. I've found the clingiest girls come from online dating. In real life I've met plenty of well adjusted girls who aren't that clingy.
  11. @SQAAD Don't take this the wrong way but I do get slightly bitter/incel vibes from you in the way you talk about dating. Of course dating isn't fair. Nothing is fair. At least as a guy you can control your sexual value a lot more than a girl can
  12. Yea because it makes them insecure as fuck because they don’t have any status to speak of
  13. A good way to develop masculine edge is by doing things that are scary to you, trying new things, and by pushing boundaries Which you’re already doing by the sounds of it You actually don’t need that ‘dark energy’ to attract girls, being fun and playful is good, as long as you still lead the interaction
  14. Make up your mind, my man. From a human's POV, reality is very mechanical and predictable. The mysticism of reality is deeper and more subtle than an intelligent God manipulating evolution, which is what it seems like you are suggesting is the case here. The mysticism/God in reality is more about why you are even aware asking these questions right now. But within that awareness and POV, there are logic and rules that must be followed and life is a byproduct of these rules.
  15. What is so ridiculous/repugnant/abhorrent/disturbing about women being attracted to status? Why is it worse to be attracted to someone's status than their looks? If anything, being attracted to status is less abhorrent and repugnant than being attracted to someone purely based on how they look.
  16. Just look at how humans have selectively bred apex predator wolves into chihuahuas, pugs and sausage dogs over only 30,000 years. If you can go from wolf to sausage dog in 30,000 years you can go from giraffe with short neck to giraffe with long neck in 50 million years. You are underestimating just how much time a billion years is. A turtle doesn't just spontaneously generate a shell. It happens very gradually. Maybe you had a population of something that looked like a lizard, then the members of the population with the hardest skin survive more. Once you have a population with hard skin, eventually one of them has a mutation that very slightly infuses the bone and the hardened skin, giving it even greater defense. And then over time the members with greater degrees of this bone/skin infusion survive longer, and eventually you have a shell. The reason I think these things seem unrealistic to you is that it's so difficult to process these timescales. It's also difficult to process just how much life there is on earth at any given time, all of which is evolving and mutating. In a relative sense, from your POV, the universe is very very mechanical and operates pretty much like clockwork. From an absolute perspective reality is mystical and intelligently designed. It is possible for both of these things to be true at the same time. God could conceive of a reality that is mechanical like clockwork
  17. I'm not planning on taking enough to create anxiety, just a little to create a perspective shift. I'm going out tonight, I reckon I'm gonna take a really small dose of a 10th of a 80-100µg tab just to see what it's like, wish me luck Sounds like it could definitely be fun, might experiment with higher dosages in the future
  18. I think unfortunately with this kind of thing, you're absolutely a niche customer, and thus you're always gonna be paying niche product prices
  19. It's more something I'm curious to try a few times rather than something I want to depend on. I'm thinking it could be fun if the dosage was right
  20. My main goal is to become less socially anxious. And also just to have fun and have crazy experiences, both sexual and not. I want stories to tell. I've never really been out partying before I started, but now I realise how much fun it can be.
  21. And also usually a lot of oil/salt/sugar too. When I made my own pizza dough I was putting in two tablespoons of olive oil and a tablespoon of sugar and salt, I imagine the average pizza from a takeaway or whereever will be much worse.
  22. I'm saying that pizza dough made with tons of sugar and unhealthy oil, highly processed tomato sauce filled with sugar and oils, and low quality cheese are unhealthy, because that is what most pizza contains. I'm also saying that eating your entire daily calorie allowance in one meal is unhealthy, which again, covers most pizza.
  23. Or you could just eat the nutritious stuff on its own and skip the pizza part of the meal. Look, I eat my fair share of pizza. It’s a tasty as fuck. But don’t try to delude yourself that consuming huge amounts of stodgy, sugary, greasy carbs is good for you, no matter what you add on top At best it’s ‘not that harmful’ but at worst it will make you very overweight, give you heart problems, or any other variety of problems that come from eating absurdly calorie dense fatty/carby/greasy/dairy/salty foods