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Everything posted by something_else

  1. It's not very emotionally stimulating for girls because it removes a lot of the mystery and excitement. You've made it painfully obvious what you want, instead of creating any tension, build-up or excitement. It also looks very desperate. It's not far off going up to a girl and saying "I want to have sex with you, will you please have sex with me" However, it's definitely possible. You just have to be playful, use innuendos, be more implicit and teasing about it. Show some personality. Build up chemistry with the girl at the same time as making sexual hints/jokes Some girls will also appreciate you being really direct, but on average, they won't. So it's better to just be more subtle about it.
  2. It's self destructive in the sense that it has the potential to damage the brand of quite heavily
  3. The comments on the gun pic surprised me in particular. Most of them are encouraging and not at all concerned or confused, which seems strange to me Idk tbh. I'm curious to see how this plays out. Gives me a weird feeling in my gut though, that's for sure
  4. If you don't think there is something off and weird about these posts you're basically gaslighting yourself. It's very strange, very out of character, and very self-destructive. Framing this as a positive thing is really silly. It clearly isn't
  5. Do your research, basically. Sometimes Google and Reddit won’t recommend the trendiest clubs though, especially if you’re younger. A lot of the recommendations on these sites are coming from late twenties early thirties people who aren’t going to recommend the best clubs for a student or 18-23 year old. At least in my experience. My two best nights at clubs with the most hot girls were at clubs that I didn’t see recommended on Reddit at all. And the club I see recommended most often on my cities’ subreddit has been a sausage fest multiple times I’ve been there. I suppose that figures Maybe try looking at instagram for some recommendations And make friends with people in the queue. Generally the best clubs won’t let you in solo if you just show up on a random night. A lot of places are skeptical about letting solo guys (or girls for that matter) inside Also, go to clubs where you buy tickets in advance. In my city you can find events in clubs on the site (Resident Adviser) and if you show up with a ticket you’ll usually get in To get an idea of dress code, look at the clubs instagram/Facebook feed and see what kind of clothes people are wearing in their photo reels from past nights
  6. Depends. Anywhere between 2 to 10 drinks depending on where I am and what I'm doing. If it's on the higher side of that scale it's because I've been out from like 5pm til 4am It's not great for your body but hey, it's a lot of fun. Not to be a bad influence or anything, lol. I wanna get all the crazy partying out of my system while I'm young and my body can handle it
  7. It's just basic inference. You can tell from the way he is talking about her. He has no regard for her as a human being with her own standards, desires and emotions. "fat ugly indian girl"
  8. Alcohol is prob your best bet really. It turns me from total introvert to total extrovert I've heard Phenibut is also supposed to be good for it, but I've done very little research into that so please take that with a grain of salt and do your own research. In particular I've heard the comedown is super rough MDMA is another one, but you can't take that more than like once a month without fucking up your brain chemistry so maybe stay away from that except from special occasions.
  9. Honestly you sound like a bit of a dickhead in the way that you write this and she probably felt that same energy from you Focus on being an enjoyable person to be around first, sounds like that’s what you gotta do You’ll get rejected by all sorts of girls as a guy, you gotta build up the balls to take rejection like a man and keep going
  10. In relation to making money, I can’t really give you any advice. You could possibly try getting into something low effort high reward like programming But if you have like $20 spare a week you can go to a club ever weekend, have a great night and speak to tons of new people. If it’s girls you want look for girls who have their own place, they don’t even need to know you still live w your parents Otherwise just look for an after party of some kind and you’ll meet tons of people that way
  11. Again you aren't an impartial judge. Your perception of it will be a lot worse than reality because you're insecure about it
  12. I suspect that's your best option
  13. You aren't really looking for sluts. You're looking for liberal girls who aren't super nailed down by their families' values. You get rebellious people everywhere, in all cultures.
  14. We have one of the most diverse sets of accents of any country in the world, they're not all terrible Hell, girls with the slightly posh London accent drive me fucking crazy, in a good way. Some of them are really hot If you move to the US you gotta deal with all of their absolutely shitty politics, and you might randomly get shot. I'd go with Canada or the UK if you can. I'm sure Canada has quite a good immigration policy if you have a decent job, my boss moved there a few years back and recommended it. The UK, well, honestly idek where our immigration stands after Brexit
  15. Honestly this sounds like a nightmare and you should aim to leave. However while you are there, I've got to imagine there are more liberal girls in India somewhere. While you're there it might be worth trying to find out where it is they are and what they get up to.
  16. Girls in Western countries will give you fucking horrific rejections as well, trust me on that. Again, especially if you're doing random approaches on the street. I noticed you totally ignored the actual point of my last post which was that you should go out at night to whatever venues the more liberal girls in India go to at night. You never gave a good reason for why you can't do this.
  17. If a jacked dude can think he's as skinny as a twig, it's also possible you perceive your stomach as much less flat than it really is False perception of your own body is super duper common, almost everyone has it for at least one or two features they feel insecure about so it's worth considering
  18. Are you sure your stomach is actually big? I've met at least 4 or 5 girls who were absolutely convinced they had way more fat than they really did. Especially in stomach/thighs. I've also met jacked guys who thought they were skinny because they'd spent so much time looking in the mirror wondering if they were too skinny. Your mind warps your perception of your body soooo badly when you spend a lot of time obsessing over a single feature.
  19. @Someone here Honestly, I'd recommend you go talk to girls at night instead of during the day. I mean, ideally you do both, but at night you get way more flexibility to just say whatever you feel like and it lets you build up a good sense of what girls respond well to. The problem with day game is until you get over the mental block, you're always gonna feel like you're doing something creepy or weird ad you can't feel comfortable. If I remember correctly you live in India which might make that a bit harder, but there's gotta be places you can go out at night with girls in India somewhere, surely.
  20. Every guy wants this. There is no magical opener that does this for you Being successful with girls isn't about saying the magical words that make her want to fuck you. It's about your overall vibe and how you authentically come across as a person
  21. So I have an opportunity to buy some DMT vape cartridges. But honestly, I don't vape and have no idea what I'm supposed to do with them. I'd like to set one up to take out to clubs with me occasionally as I've seen it recommended, but I don't really know logistically how that works so I'd appreciate some advice. Here are my main questions: The cartridges started in measurements of 1ml. How long would 1ml last, is that a reasonable amount? Sounds small to me but I really have no idea. How do I know which vape to buy that the cartridges will fit? I assume it's not universal, and the source is obv pretty sketchy How often would you generally use the vape on a night out and what are the effects? How long will the effects last? Are there any health concerns? It isn't something I wanna do regularly, more like a few times a year when I go to techno/trance nights etc. Thanks in advance
  22. Cheers, this is really helpful! I might try extracting the next time, but honestly for my first time I'd rather just buy to get a sense of whether it's worth the effort of creating them myself. I honestly don't know. They had options for 1ml, 2ml and I think 5ml too. I'd prob go for 2ml based on what you've said. Thanks again!
  23. If it's a big meal I'd say split it most of the time But your first date should prob be like coffee or ice cream or something a lot more casual, which is cheap af. In most cases if it's super cheap I'll just pay to keep things going smoothly and avoid awkward discussion. Her reaction to this can actually give you good insight into her personality. Most girls I've done this with offer to pay, many insisted on it But it will vary per culture