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Everything posted by something_else

  1. I think if your business relies entirely (or even just substantially) on affiliate marketing it is very unstable. Stable businesses are ones that add lots of concrete value to the world in and of themseleves, like with a great product or exceptional advice/content. Affiliate marketing should be like something at the back of your mind that is nowhere near the core of your business. Like having amazon affiliate links in the description of your YT video for products you talk about or recommend. If you make some money through them great, but it isn't core to your business. Chances are if affiliate marketing is core to your business no one is going to take you seriously.
  2. If you’re doing all the work to make a valuable brand/product then why not focus on monetising that instead of bothering with kinda grifty stuff like affiliate marketing? The secret sauce here is in making an innovative and valuable product/brand, not the affiliate marketing
  3. Ehh, this is the kind of stuff that irks me. It's back to front. You should become an affiliate when you already have an established brand providing value to people rather than trying to establish your brand just to be an affiliate. The problem is going to be that no one is ever really going to take you that seriously if you are based entirely around affiliate marketing. Your word is never trustworthy because you're only in it to get paid. That's a pretty decent setup actually, nice.
  4. 'Following' and 'Learning to integrate values' are almost as far away from red as you can get, so that's kind of the wrong attitude to begin with. Your best bet to integrate red healthily is probably just to do stage red heavy stuff like sports or martial arts.
  5. Affiliate marking is like grifting 101, almost no one without an established platform makes any money from it, it's not a skill based thing really Fair enough for the copywriting though. Out of curiosity how do you make the money for copywriting, is it like freelancing or something he encourages?
  6. In what ways did you and others there make money?
  7. Fair enough, well played Although, most of those do talk about their pretty heavy limitations. The biggest one is that this is so difficult to measure because it could easily just be that happiness causes people to get married rather than marriage causing happiness. Or as one of those studies put it: And it is also really difficult to measure happiness in the first place which is another issue. Especially over a long period of time.
  8. This is a really sus thing to say. There are lots of problems with this sentence. Happiness is very very hard to measure. Happy people are more likely to get married, doesn't mean getting married makes you happy. 'Study after study' makes it sound like this is a sure thing, when it absolutely is not. Link even five clear cut studies making this point. If it's such a widespread and easily proved notion then that should be easy.
  9. @Danioover9000 I mean, it isn't that hard to get them in most first world countries to be honest. Just ask around any nightclub and you'll get 5 numbers in a night. You can find sourcing info super easily elsewhere online as well. The lack of direct sourcing here is pretty much just a legal formality, it isn't going to stop anyone who really wants to get their hands on them. The default response when someone asks about sourcing psychedelics on a form like this should really just be "if you aren't willing to even spend 15 minutes on Google doing your own research, you aren't ready for psychedelics anyway"
  10. I mean you can definitely go for older women for more casual things as long as they're down for the same. I think a relationship with someone a lot older than you might be harder to find and is also not really advisable. Most older women are going to want guys older than them for something long term. But never say never. Go out and try to find what you want, what's the worst that can happen?
  11. I've done it but I don't really view it as pickup. I keep all my 'approaching' to places where it's pretty much socially acceptable like clubs. It doesn't even feel like doing an approach there, it just feels like meeting lots of new people. My personal opinion is that hardcore daygame is a bit scummy/cringy, but I argued that point on another thread to death already.
  12. Yea, for example a busy train on a Friday night when everyone is going on a night out is a different story. Everyone is in a more sociable mood so you can get away with far more. Yes but there are consequences to going too much against the grain as well. Ideally you want a balance of going against the grain and going with the grain. Cool people get this balance of individuality and collectivity spot on which is what you kinda want to do.
  13. Sometimes the intellectually smartest people are a nightmare to deal with. In my course at uni the smartest people in the class were often almost impossible to work with or would ask really irritating and pedantic questions throughout lectures constantly. Or they'd often try to outsmart or catch out lecturers etc. Not all the really smart people, but it was a noticeable pattern. You can have smart people with really low EQ that are way worse than less intellectual people who have a high EQ. Really whenever you are interacting with people, a high EQ person will convey their perspective to you well, even if their perspective is not that intellectual
  14. "I love you so much I need the government to force us to stay together forever <3" – Marriage
  15. Well it seems that the Canadian government doesn't care, which is fantastic. I hope they don't start shutting them down. I wish it was like this in the rest of the world lol. Sounds quite similar to the Netherlands actually.
  16. No, because they are acting in their best interest to protect themselves. From their perspective you are likely a threat if you’re trying to engage them in places people don’t normally mix socially. like @Roy said, you are fighting collective ego and culture which is a silly fight to take It comes across as being super socially uncalibrated and that’s on you, not them. Obviously if you just try and talk to someone normally in a busy train and they pepper spray you that’s an overreaction, but if they tell you to fuck off or get lost I’d say that’s honestly a perfectly acceptable reaction.
  17. You sound like you have bigger fish to fry than getting girls. You’re irrationally angry at this The dude is doing what he thinks is right. Chances are you are coming across as threatening rather than him being the one in the wrong in this scenario
  18. @Scholar You should definitely try to avoid some red flags in relationships if you don’t want serious problems. Dating a narcissist is an awful idea. Dating someone who doesn’t respect you is an awful idea. You are putting yourself through far more torture than you need to by choosing to stay with such people, let alone trying to heal them Yes a relationship should be beneficial for both parties but in order for that to be the case both parties need to meet some basic requirements
  19. Paranoia should be the default when you are doing something that has the potential to see you sent to prison. I do live in a country with archaic drug laws (UK) and even though we typically don't prosecute for personal use quantities either, I am not risking my whole life because I didn't take an extra hour or two's worth of precaution. It sounds like you live in a country where it is perhaps reasonably safe but that is still only a minority of countries in the world. In most countries you are putting yourself at enormous risk by ordering psychedelics off the clearnet, if the sites even exist to begin with. In most countries I would bet if you find a site that does this it will be a scam anyway. So you have to be careful endorsing this kind of approach on forums online because you will influence people for whom doing the same as you is likely far far riskier. I agree with you entirely, but most of the world don't live in a country like Canada that is so relaxed. Lots of reasons. It's hard to differentiate between a site that sells illegal items and a site that just talks about them, so they'd get a lot of false positives by trying to hard block a site like that which would definitely cause lots of people to stop using the browser. Rules also vary in different countries which makes it hard to enforce. Most restrictions like this are enforced at ISP level. For example many ISPs in my country are required by law to block pirating sites. It doesn't really work, but they give it their best shot. Google will almost certainly profile you to the point of knowing that you are into psychedelics and I'm almost certain there are cases of them turning data like that over to authorities. For example I have read they run files uploaded to GDrive through a hashing algorithm that checks them against a database of hashes for illegal files and if you match something like child porn then you are reported to your local authorities. I believe Microsoft also started doing this with all the files on your PC at one point. And Apple talked about doing it with photos in your iPhone. Obviously this is a great thing for something like child porn, but it implies that they could do something similar with something like drug use which is far less cut and dry. Yes, that's probably not likely, but this is the kind of thing where you want to take a better safe than sorry approach.
  20. I'd say the US is one of the worst first world countries to be born into now for the average person. You have a lot of shit going against you in terms of debt and risk to life compared to almost any other first world country. It's also probably quite a high risk high reward country in the sense that if you are rich it's probably one of the best first world countries to be in. Having said that I don't live there so that's just based off general impression and stories
  21. Have you ever had people try to talk to you on crowded public transport before? Did you enjoy it? No, you probably thought they were a bit weird and wanted them to leave you alone. It's embarrassing and annoying most of the time, even if you don't have social anxiety. I keep all my 'approaching' to places where it's socially acceptable to go up and talk to new people and I've almost never had a hostile reaction in my life. Except my 2nd time ever in a club where I was just actually being weird and creepy. If you can 'not give a fuck' your way through this then more power to you but be careful you don't end up blaming people for reacting badly, because you are doing something that is inherently quite against the norm, potentially threatening and likely to stir up some often well-deserved negative reactions from people.
  22. Oh my fucking god, please no. The paper trail doing something like this leaves is just... like... mind-boggling. Maybe you'll get away with this in the short term for a few small transactions, but the amount of incrimination you potentially bring upon yourself is crazy. If any of the vendors do get caught, the authorities now have your address, credit card info, proof of what you purchased etc. etc. Plus your ISP will see your activity, if you use Windows it has been known to spy on you for illegal activity. Chrome or whatever browser you use likely tracks you visiting these sites and sends it god knows where, and your browser history can end up littered with illegal sites which if you do get caught could be a fucking nightmare for you because now you can't deny making the purchase. Your bank will also see where the money goes, and if the account is then associated with illegal activity then that's another party who now knows what you're up to. Plus these sites will not have an escrow system I expect, nor any reputation at stake, meaning the chance of exit scams or other fuckery is also through the roof. There's no reason these sites couldn't be honeypots either. There is soooo much that could go wrong and soooo many parties that would become aware of what you are doing that running this risk is just such a bad idea. Please, please, never purchase anything off the clearnet. Even if it will 'probably' be fine, it is just soooo not worth the risk. There is plenty, you just need to go looking a bit harder. It's not especially easy to find but that's kind of how it has to be by its nature.
  23. That's why I said it's toxic. But it can be done in non-toxic ways if you keep to girls who are also not looking for something super serious. Then it's really just experimentation and both sexes should do it, at least a bit. The really problematic cheating is when you are actually in a serious relationship. No one looks at that and says it's acceptable for either sex.
  24. I honestly think the rate of cheating in serious relationships is probably pretty equal for male and female. But yea, there is an idea of playing the field for guys, especially younger ones, which is possibly quite toxic. Though it tends to be more about keeping relationships very casual and not getting too committed rather than outright cheating on explicitly serious relationships.
  25. This is not the right attitude to have