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Everything posted by something_else

  1. A really good trick to warm up and get into state is to chat to guys as well. Especially some of the lonelier guys sitting at the side. You help them feel a bit better and get yourself into a sociable mood. You might even make a friend. Or approach groups of guys and just chat shit. Most of the time they'll be really nice. Assuming you have some basic social skills which it sounds like you do. It's much easier to organically meet girls if you are sociable with everybody, rather than focusing on just chatting to girls.
  2. Another aspect is that richer people can afford to take bigger risks. If you have 100k in the bank you can afford to throw 5k into an investment that has a 75% chance of losing you the entire 5k, but a 25% chance of making you 50k. If you have 5-10k in the bank, that kind of risk is essentially out of the question. Obviously it's not as simple as this in reality but the principle is roughly accurate.
  3. It’s outside the norm of society and it’s a fairly selfish behaviour. You’re basically saying that you’re willing to annoy and creep out hundreds of women just to get some sex. I know this is not how the guy sees it but it’s how a lot of women see PUA style guys It’s mainly a daygame issue, I’ve never had an interaction go that badly out at night because trying to hookup or flirt on a night out is a social norm Ideally you should probably just not give a fuck, but quantitative spammy daygame like that is just going to get less and less socially acceptable as time goes on
  4. I find anyone who identifies strongly as INFJ gets on my nerves I think that many of them don't really exhibit that many INFJ traits, but it makes them feel nice to identify with what MBTI enthusiasts often perceived as the most mysterious and even 'best' type In terms of cognitive functions none of them really annoy me When I think about types of people who annoy me most, it's the people with the following traits all in one package: strong desire to fit in, adopt every trend in order to fit in, willing to bully others harshly for not fitting in. This combo of personality traits create the most infuriating type of person to me. It's probably like unhealthy ESTP or ESFP As an example there was this dude who came up to me and started filming my shoes when I was on a night out, and shouting about how ridiculous they were. They were literally just the most basic pair of grey Adidas flat shoes you could imagine. I remember asking him why he gave so much of a fuck about someone's shoes and he just essentially ignored me and doubled down on filming my feet and yelling how bad my shoes were. So infuriating But I've experienced a few people like this in my life with that exact combo of traits, and they always stick in my mind as some of the most annoying to talk to
  5. I don't mind the culture. I don't think it's that bad. What I hate is the dress style. Streetwear style is the exact opposite of how I like to dress but it's crazy popular where I live. To the point where I actually almost feel almost like an outsider at certain events if I don't dress in that style.
  6. Mate I get what you're doing, but this is the most ironic thing I've read all week
  7. If he’s tall, at least average looking and has a group of friends that enjoy going out, he will be able to meet girls just by going out to busy places with his friends
  8. Man what the fuck. You think such a service would even come close to a real relationship? It would actually destroy your self esteem by convincing you that the only way you can get any scrap of love is by paying The dating market isn’t as fucked up as you think. You think it’s fucked up because you don’t leave your house and get all your ideas about the dating market from online If you actually pay attention you see guys of all kinds of appearance with girls. If you go to a club you can see pretty average or even unattractive guys who can attract girls
  9. This is a huge understatement. Any kind of intentional testing like this is a huge red flag that indicates massive insecurity and total lack of trust. It's also just very deceitful and disrespectful.
  10. Dude chill the mother fuck out I hope you can see nothing positive is coming from anything here
  11. The problem is that for women, being cat-called on the street by dudes poses a much more tangible threat to her well-being Some women shouting bizarre shit out of her car at you is not really a huge threat to your well-being
  12. You’re giving far too much importance to an ultimately meaningless interaction with a silly stranger
  13. Everyone gets far less socialisation by default in the modern world. Socialisation isn't really forced upon you anymore, you need to search for it actively. Which differs from every other time in human history. Guys are hit especially bad because the barrier to entry for socialisation for them is higher. Both because they won't be included in groups as effortlessly as women will, and because we tend to have less natural social intuition than women too. Basically it's quite easy to be let behind socially as a guy, and it's hard to catch up.
  14. I got destroyed by the YT algorithm when I was like 13-14. Around 8-9 years ago now. Just totally indoctrinated into anti-SJW shit It’s exceptionally dangerous, and I expect it’s probably responsible for a not insignificant amount of right wingers in younger groups today. Modern search functions are ironically becoming worse and worse on all platforms as recommender systems become better and better. It’s not designed to help you find the content you are looking for anymore, it’s designed to feed you content that drags you into rabbit holes and stops you from leaving. YouTube search used to be good
  15. Like almost all things worth doing in the world, there are some risks involved. Not everyone should take psychedelics. But because even say 5% if people will have an awful response to psychedelics doesn’t mean the remaining 95% can’t get great benefits. Those 5% is where the horror stories come from. They also get exaggerated because of the negative stigma surrounding psychedelics. A lot of people are allergic to nuts and will die if they eat one but we don’t ban nuts because of that. We just use caution and education. Ironically these substances being illegal and the lack of education around them as a result makes them more dangerous than they need be
  16. I wondered why it was so frustrating to discuss things with you and I’ve worked out why. You string together lots of words but make almost no coherent points.
  17. I mean, ironically, judging these people in such a way is not especially 'conscious' either You're essentially judging people for judging people
  18. I actually don’t think there is that much theory involved in networking and socialising. I notice whenever people look for advice on how to be more sociable they want books and theory, but I’m more and more becoming convinced that these are mostly distractions. If you wanna get good at networking you start making small talk at places filled with people who you would like to network with. The hardest step here is actually finding those places and working up the courage to talk to people there consistently. Beyond that there probably isn’t much theory that can help you Becoming good at socialising of all forms is, I think, more or less about being in the right places, and removing blockages like anxiety and shyness. Actually learning what to do comes as a result of this, not books/videos/theories Especially if you already have decent baseline social skills
  19. From your perspective it is worse because you are a man. What are some concrete examples of things that feminists commonly do to abuse men? I'm trying to understand your perspective instead of being dragged into a messy debate, which is where this is going. I really am just curious what you think the role of women in a perfect society is. I think it will help me understand where you are coming from better. This is very much a subjective issue, not a factual one.
  20. I didn't say they were a good thing, I said they were not inherent to feminism. And anyway, I'd rather grow up with separated parents (I actually did) rather than parents who hate each others' guts and argue around me 24/7. In what contexts? My mother is a successful and independent woman in a male-dominated field who has frequently been on the receiving end of sexism, chauvinism, and just general dickheadedness from many of the men she works with because of her independent and driven nature. Your sense of what happens in the world is possibly based too much on what you read online. I am trying to understand what role you think women should play in the world. So I will ask you that. In your perfect world, what role should women play?
  21. Most marriages have always been cesspools of toxicity, rising divorce rates are simply because divorce is more socially acceptable now. It's not because marriages are more toxic nowadays or because women are more independent. Strongly independent women face far more backlash from society in day-to-day life than traditional women do. Healthy feminism is largely about giving women the choice to live their lives however they choose, instead of being forced into submission. Some women will choose to be independent, just as some men may choose to live more submissive lives. Forcing everyone into traditional gender roles is not a good thing.
  22. I wouldn't describe myself as a male feminist. I simply see how feminism fits into the world and why it's necessary. Men have dominated and abused women since the dawn of time, and they still do. Feminism's place is to be a counterbalance to that. Yea, some men will suffer because of feminist ideas, naturally. But it's not really comparable to the scale of suffering many women experience at the hands of men, which feminism exists to fight against. What happened to you is bad, and I'm sorry you had to deal with that. But most men won't have a story about how feminism has wronged them. Almost every woman will have one (if not multiple) stories about being abused physically or sexually by men. This was the point I was making. It's about the scale of the problems faced by each side.
  23. It's not my fault you get annoyed at my posts. I just explained my view on the topic, my post wasn't really directed specifically at you. They were general points about my opinion on feminism which differ from yours. Then you responded with a weirdly hostile retort making it personal and dramatic. Now you're trying to construct some narrative where I am evil.
  24. I haven’t really made that exact point in this thread yet. No need to be so hostile. Guarantee I could find five threads where you repeat yourself multiple times in the past week too, it’s not a big deal
  25. I said this in another thread but the world has much bigger problems than extremist feminism. If you look at the experience many women have with men, you can see that there is a far bigger problem with even masculinity than there is with feminism I can’t think of any particular problem the existence of feminism has caused me as a guy, nor most of the girls/women that I know, but almost all of them have had a very concrete problem with men at some point in their lives Feminism has to exist to deal with that shit Yea some of the extreme feminism stuff is really dumb but it’s hardly world ending