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Everything posted by something_else

  1. It’s also a crime. Several crimes, actually. And very irresponsible.
  2. The method I used was to cut the cactus up like a cucumber into slices, then blend all the slices into a paste. Then you boil it for like 6hrs to make a tea. It tastes awful but it does the trick You should Google for how to make San Pedro tea for the full process. you’ll need a cactus about the size of your forearm for a decent trip
  3. Honestly you might be better off owning it and just shaving your head Its not like baldness is unattractive if you pull it off Balding and not owning it is probably worse Anyway, ask Leo, he’s probably more of an authority on it hahaha
  4. I imagine that one of the bigger risks is that you often don't know what else you are taking alongside the intended drug. If you do a lot of comprehensive testing (for wanted compound, and to make sure none of the more common harmful similar compounds are present) that would help a lot. I can't really see how pure LSD or Psilocybin for example would hurt the body, but no one really knows and the body is a complex thing so you can't really take anyone's word for it. I mean, we thought smoking was safe and even healthy for hundreds of years.
  5. I think that green flags aren’t really a universal thing. At least not like red flags. Green flags will be quite unique to you so it’s hard for others to point them out It’s most important to focus on absence of red flags rather than presence of green flags, IMO. A well rounded person might not have any specific ‘green flags’ but they’re already beyond a lot of others just by having so few negative red-flag traits
  6. Cos it’s the time of year when everyone is going to uni And I responded to your (OPs) other thread before I saw this. But the jist is that cold approach during the day at uni is silly. Start going out and going to uni parties. Build up a social life at uni.
  7. Are you just doing this on the street around uni? Mate you’re going about uni life all wrong. Start going out at night and going to parties. That’s how you meet girls while you’re at uni Or maybe strike up chat with girls you happen to be around for your classes Doing spammy cold approach around uni is a bad idea because you’ll build up a reputation
  8. Red flags are usually pretty obvious. You don’t even need to list them. If you are a secure-ish person with a reasonable amount of relationship experience you will pick them out easily enough The problem tends to be that people are willing to accept or ignore red flags out of their own neediness, insecurities, or behaviour patterns. Or they’ll find excuses for the partners behaviour, rather than getting themselves out of that relationship. If you find yourself in a long-term relationship with lots of red flags it isn’t really their fault because most of the time you can leave whenever, but you choose to stay I know this because I have done it before. It’s very easy to ignore red flags and stay in a relationship out of comfort and because it provides you security
  9. Tried Leo’s technique from the squirting video recently and that shit works wonders just for pleasure, not even necessarily making a girl squirt Wouldn’t call it delicate or sweet although there’s an element of sweetness and intimacy in the build-up You wanna start with a soft and sweet dynamic with cuddles, kisses and massages. And then build up into a rougher dynamic with lots of polarity. Combining these together with progressive build-up is the key You’re aiming to lead your girl on a journey into her sexuality, let her know it’s OK for her to let out all her dirty thoughts and fantasies around you, let her know that you won’t judge, that you find her deepest dirtiest fantasies hot, and that you want to see that side of her come out for you
  10. You believe this because you don’t talk to people If you don’t have a social circle, you need to be the one who makes the first move. I know it’s difficult, but you need to do it. Get some hobbies. Fill up your weeknights with hobbies and go out and have fun at weekends. If you can’t do it solo, find Meetup groups for people who wanna party but don’t have anyone to go with
  11. The problem you are going to have is that the chance that the first girl you end up with is going to be a suitable partner for the rest of your life is extremely low Because the only way you can really find out if you’re suitable for spending your life together is to try. What if it fails? Now by your own standards both you and the girl are screwed And a lot of girls (in the west at least) will be very iffy about a guy who has zero or little experience as well If I was still with my first GF I’d be beyond miserable right now, but I’m still glad I had that experience, it taught me a lot about what I wanted and didn’t want. Same goes for the various relationships I’ve had since then
  12. Minecraft servers, League of Legends, a ton of programming, not enough real world socialising lol
  13. Expectations and standards are pretty synonymous. I don’t think this mechanic plays out in reality as much as you think it does. Most of the time people explore their sexuality when they are younger and then find someone who ticks most of their boxes and who they enjoy being around to settle down with I don’t think it’s especially common for guys or girls to pine over past relationships when they’re in a new one that they are truly happy with The idea of women always wishing they could’ve locked down some super attractive guy they had a fling with once is I think mostly an idea developed by guys who feel they themselves aren’t worthy or can’t compete with her past lovers Thats the only reason I can think of for a guy to be super picky about a girl being a virgin. A truly self-assured guy wouldn’t care If you are a high value guy none of this matters because you know deep down you are worthy and can satisfy your girl even if she’s had a fair few relationships and flings before you
  14. I grew up in a pretty well off family as an only child and I feel like I have a lot of laziness baked into me as a result, which seriously hinders me However I knew plenty of people who were also in similar situation that I went to school with that took advantage of their privileged situation to get an exceptional start in life I don’t think I would wish to have had a worse or less privileged upbringing, I think I would have wished that I had not been an only child, and had parents who enforced stricter rules on me instead of being overly relaxed and giving me too much without effort on my part
  15. He’s literally just straight orange? Is it really that hard? He’s like epitome of orange He’s like if you took a literal orange, blended it up with orange paint, then threw it into molten lava levels of orange
  16. Mate I lost my last two years of uni to covid and my first two to a shitty relationship, my biggest regret is not getting more involved in uni social stuff while I could. Get yourself into a flat with some flat mates or join your uni accommodation. It forces you to meet people who do fun shit Ask the people you do know where they’re going out and ask if you can come along, I know it’s scary but you’ll be surprised how likely they are to say yes
  17. Mate if you are in college just start going out to parties, making friends. You have it so easy with just a tiny little bit of effort. Don't go about spam approaching girls during the day, just try to make friends who you can do fun shit with, have a little confidence, talk to some girls, and you'll get laid easy.
  18. Not anyone's problem but the guys if he feels he can't compete on any of these traits. Most women, like most guys, will have a few traits that they prefer in a guy and some they are willing to sacrifice. Exploration helps you work out what those are. Women having high standards is only a problem for guys who offer little value to women to begin with. The flip side of the coin is relationships which collapse because one or both parties had little experience and constantly wonder what could have been if they had seen more of what life has to offer. Over-committing too soon is often just a waste of a life. In your fantasy land, maybe all guys care about this. In my experience most don't give a flying fuck. I want a girl who knows what she's doing. What are you even talking about here? Have you ever been in a relationship with a woman?
  19. I'm sure it's possible but I think most women would be repelled by it if they knew what you were doing, no matter the energy. Any time I've seen guys doing cold approach videos in public, even the guys with great energy, they have never been honest about why they are out. It's always a lie
  20. Correlation isn’t causation. It could be that trauma, trust issues and baggage cause promiscuous behaviour and not the other way around Low pair bonding ability could be because those with lots of experience are going to develop higher standards. It’s not necessarily a bad thing, except for people who don’t bring much value to the table Most stats to do with divorce are silly because so many marriages are doomed to fail from the start anyway. Most divorces are probably a good decision overall
  21. Touch grass my man
  22. It's not about whether it works or not, I know it works and that it's possible. It's about whether it's a sleazy/scummy/creepy/cringy practice or not. You have to lie about what you're doing, because if a girl did know that you were going about your town approaching a bunch of other girls during the daytime she wouldn't want to touch you with a 10ft pole
  23. If you want to do it in a way that is less scummy then it has to be more natural. Like not leaving your house specifically to look for girls during the day. If you see girls you are attracted to while you are going about your daily business then you approach them. That's sheer confidence and very very authentic. It's the predatory aspect of leaving your house specifically to approach tons of girls that will rub many people up the wrong way and for good reason.