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Everything posted by something_else

  1. Generally you should avoid stuff you buy crossing international borders. If you can order it domestically, you always should.
  2. See my earlier post. Short answer: An average male would need to ejaculate 4.6 million times to deplete the amount of testosterone he produces in a single day.
  3. @Danioover9000 To be clear I think there are emotional reasons for nofap being good and beneficial for an individual, for some it’s the right choice. I only chimed in here because the argument of losing energy/nutrients/testosterone through masturbation is silly and quite easily debunked with a little bit of science and biology.
  4. I’m pointing out you said this again because I think it identifies a heavy amount of bias and unjustified over-confidence in your thinking. With that in mind, would you like to provide some links this time?
  5. @Someone here From some rudimentary research, the average man produces 7mg of testosterone a day. An average ejaculation contains 30ng/100ml of testosterone. An average ejaculation is 5ml. That means there is around 1.5 NANOgrams of testosterone in each ejaculation. You would need to ejaculate 4.6 million times just to use up all the testosterone you produce in a SINGLE DAY.
  6. I don't think it's redpill that commodifies people. People commodify each other regardless of whether redpill exists or not. It is very difficult to pick out exactly what your point/criticism is here, I'm sorry.
  7. What does this even mean? This is literally, completely, meaningless. Even your main point is not even really that clear. Dating shouldn't be a marketplace, is that what you are suggesting?
  8. This is such a good way to humble yourself. Your mind is really good at deluding you about how good you are at something when you don't have any great examples of what's possible surrounding you. For example if you had asked me if I was a good software engineer when I graduated uni, I'd have said yes. Now that I work as one around some with 10+ years of experience, I know that I'm still just starting my journey.
  9. I just remember it being a bit weird. Like I could see what they were going for, but it just didn't work for me.
  10. Yea I've done that and it works quite well, depends on the girl a bit though. Some girls might find that weird if you don't judge it right or say it with the right energy. Another thing I've done is say "Come on, lets go find a quiet spot somewhere around here and make out." If she follows you, then you know she's fine with it.
  11. As long as you have some income, you will be fine. Don't feel guilty. You shouldn't feel guilty about accepting help from family. But yes, obviously work towards your independence too. I see you post a lot of stuff in the dating section too. Moving into my own place has helped me with dating and girls an insane amount. It is such a big step. I'm almost a different person than the little boy I felt like when I moved out of my parents house. It's been such a big step in my development. It was scary but god was it worth it.
  12. Probably because it would be a monumental time sink with almost zero actual benefits. Maybe he could use the Dr title to impress some girls in Vegas clubs
  13. Losing nutrients from ejaculation? What did I just read? Do you have links for that, lol. There are like 10 calories in the average ejaculation and a tiny quantity of various different nutrients. Your body will not have breakdown if you lose too much semen/sperm through ejaculation. Your body has evolved over billions of years to maximise how much sex it has. It would be stupidly counter-productive if having lots of sex resulted in your body having serious shortages of nutrients and vitamins. Such genes would not propagate well at all.
  14. Moving into my own place a year and a half ago has been the single biggest decision that drove personal growth for me in my life thus far. I was also quite reliant on family and close to them. It helped a lot. However, I was financially stable. I don't know how good of an idea it is to go into debt just to move out. I would maybe focus on building up some finances and getting a job first...
  15. That was not what I suggested. I suggested progressively cutting down on how often you do it, I didn't say cut it out cold turkey for 2 weeks. If it's easy to go 2 days without doing it, then start with that. Stick to that for 2 months and if you stick to it then change it to once every 3 days, until you hit a frequency that you're happy with. I am not a no-faper, I don't think cutting it out all together is necessarily a good thing. Maybe for some guys. If masturbating once every few days interferes with your life then you have a condition of some kind, or you are creating a self-fulfiling prophecy by unnecessarily guilting yourself every time you do it. That's not a normal experience of masturbation for guys. I'm a guy. I notice there are some guys who get negatively affected by masturbation more and then assume that it's normal and all guys are negatively affected. But it isn't normal to experience negative effects from masturbation as a guy unless you're doing it excessively
  16. It is healthy, just not in excess. 2 weeks with only masturbating every other day, or 2 weeks without doing it at all? I think limiting yourself to masturbation every other day is a very good starting point and you should continue to aim for that.
  17. Maybe you don’t need to stop completely. It is a healthy thing to do as long as it doesn’t interfere with your life. if you feel like it is controlling you, then exercise some control over it instead. For example start small. Only let yourself masturbate every other day. An easy way to implement this is to only masturbate on days of the month that are even e.g 2nd, 4th, 6th and so on Then you can adjust it to every third day with a similar technique, and then so on. Until you reach a desired frequency where you feel you’ve demonstrated enough control over it.
  18. Im straight, but I can definitely deeply appreciate really good looking dudes when I see them. It’s pretty rare, though. And it’s not sexual. It’s more an appreciation of beauty. I find that you can see very attractive women pretty frequently if you go to the right places, but it’s a lot rarer to see guys who are exceptionally good looking, which might explain the pickiness.
  19. I don’t think my open eye visuals are as strong as others, I get like mild open eye visuals. But my closed eye visuals are pretty intense and frankly it’s the closed eye visuals where all the mind-bending shit happens. Most of the time I go into like 4 or 5 really long trances when I trip where all the most interesting stuff happens. The open eye visuals are just icing on the cake
  20. It does help to have friends, but it isn't a requirement. If you start going out at weekends a lot you will kill two birds with one stone. You'll make friends and you'll start talking to girls. Usually most big cities will have at least one (if not multiple) "going out" or "party" groups on which are a great starting point.
  21. My profile picture is something I generated years ago using Deep Dream and infinite zoom. I had to scale down the length and quality a lot for uploading it here, but here's the original video in higher quality. Make sure you set the quality to max before watching. It works by telling a network to overemphasise certain features. But you can select which layer of the network it uses at each stage. So I set it to progressively move to deeper and deeper (more abstract) levels as the video progresses. So it starts out with basic lines and shapes, then basic features like eyes, and by the end it is hallucinating animals. It's a good demonstration of the internals of a convolutions in a neural network (the fundamental model that most AI art models are based upon)
  22. @Heart of Space You would also have to consider how environmental factors affect brain growth and size. Maybe the size of your brain is affected by the quality and quantity of nutrition you receive when you are a young child and your brain is still growing, and if certain races are less privileged on average, the quality and quantity of nutrition they received as a child would likely be worse/lower. So even if there were differences in brain size on average between races, you still don't know that's down to a race's genetics. It would be very hasty to come to any strong conclusions based on that study, let alone one with the implications of yours. And the fact you hadn't even read that study before strongly taking the position you have slightly concerns me as well, because it means your position is based pretty much entirely on bias. If that is the best you can come up with, you should at most conclude that "maybe the structural brain differences between races are worth investigating more"
  23. Yea, men do this a lot and it's a big problem. I don't think that's what Leo was doing here though. He was replying to a comment which suggested that being a women was an easy life, by listing all of the ways in which women generally have it harder in life than men. He wasn't trying to put women down I don't think It was a bit harshly worded in some places I suppose but I don't think he meant it as a put down
  24. Out of curiosity, what is the setup that these companies typically offer?
  25. He can’t expand because he knows his arguments are based on nothing but bias. He’s resorting to deflection and distraction to avoid expanding on his main points with anything concrete You have given us nothing to consider. Your argument is essentially “I believe this, isn’t it just so obvious” You are the lazy one who is unwilling to substantiate your claims with anything, not everyone else for dismissing your arguments until you actually give something remotely concrete The burden of proof is squarely on you, no one has to take anything you say seriously until that requirement is fulfilled