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Everything posted by something_else

  1. Sounds like one of you’s been binging actualized MP3s again tut tut
  2. You'll run into problems with this mindset pretty quick. Always following the upsides and impulsive options might make you happy in the short term but you will incur long term consequences which make you miserable. You need to be careful, consider downsides, and take precautions. As an analogy, 'Greedy' machine learning algorithms are usually some of the worst because they just follow the most obvious and easily obtainable reward, which means they miss longer term opportunities for greater reward, and will often find themselves stuck in pitfalls and traps.
  3. Accidentally getting pregnant or getting someone pregnant is by far the #1 It has the potential to ruin your life 10x worse than an STD. This is oddly specific and I suspect not that common compared to STD/pregnancy risk. I suppose it's always good to be cautious, maybe this is a bigger risk than I realise since it isn't something I have to be concerned with as a guy
  4. Yes, because that's what I disagreed with. There are valid criticisms of Leo, your other examples are pretty valid criticism. The only reason I replied to you was to point out that you had misunderstood the point Leo made in that quote. You called it a 'Kanye' moment implying it was a racist/nazi quote and underlined sections that someone who misunderstood it would have interpreted as racism/controversial. It feels like you are trying to muddy the waters and misdirect around that point which I find it extremely tiring to argue against, and I can sense this is just going to devolve into a chaotic back and forth if we continue, so I'm not replying to you anymore. The above point is the only reason I got involved in this.
  5. It is not so simple I don't think. Many big tech companies give in to the demands of the Chinese government because they depend so much on China for manufacturing, and also China has such a big population that they cannot afford to not be able to sell products there. If they do not give into demands of the Chinese government, the gov there will make both of these things exceptionally difficult or impossible, costing the tech company billions or trillions. It is obviously a really shitty situation that is based on the worst aspects of capitalism, but the Chinese government has the balls of big tech companies in a vice. Either give in to demands or lose billions, if not trillions, of dollars.
  6. I actually enjoy not having this here. Upvote systems tend to encourage groupthink.
  7. You underlined the parts of the message that someone who didn't understand the point being made would interpret as racism or a controversial outburst. The message isn't nonsensical, it makes sense. It isn't even controversial. And wording something uniquely isn't a crime, it's just literary style. I agree with you that there are plenty of things to criticise Leo for, but the example you picked isn't one of them.
  8. I'm sorry mate but I think you might have misunderstood the message there. Leo worded it a bit weirdly so maybe that's fair enough. Pretty sure the point he was making was essentially that no one really thinks that they themselves are evil, Hitler thought gassing the Jewish people would make the world a better place. He thought he was helping the world, that he was a saviour. Hitler didn't think Hitler was evil, he thought he was acting in the greatest good. Or as Leo calls it, Love. But obviously from our perspective what Hitler did was one of the worst things the world has ever seen.
  9. It would be nice if people saw for themselves their arguing was silly and pointless but it doesn’t tend to happen. People (me included) get emotional, heated, and invested in arguments. And then unlocked threads will just go on and on and on. It might seem harmless but I don’t think this stuff is contained to a single thread. Conflicts between users that are allowed to build up in one thread will spill over into others and spoil the reputation of the entire forum by making it more chaotic and dramatic. I think it is better to nip this stuff in the bud if it’s possible and prevent tensions rising in the first place. Do you think the forum would be a better place if it had less strict rule set and people were allowed to say and do as they please more? I may have misunderstood but I think that’s what you are suggesting over all.
  10. Almost every thread I’ve ever seen locked was not contributing anything productive, it was mostly people back and forth arguing in a not especially productive way. If you have a counter example that would be interesting but I don’t really think there are many.
  11. Almost everyone is hypocritical, almost everyone employs double standards. Humans are imperfect creatures. We are far better at noticing these faults in others than ourselves, however.
  12. In theory, you are almost certainly fine. But why take the risk when the potential cost is many years in prison? It's pretty good to at least use Tails OS if you are vaguely technical cos it handles almost all the privacy/security for you and leaves no traces. Most countries treat psychs as top bracket drugs in the same category as coke and heroin so you are not treated lightly for possession or even just sharing with friends.
  13. That’s like trying to increase bio-diversity in Florida by introducing more pythons
  14. Fair enough. I think it is me that is getting triggered by it rather than you complaining haha. It's just something that I don't personally understand but I should realise that doesn't mean others don't get value from it, instead of getting kinda triggered.
  15. IIRC the forum is just a pre-configured forum plugin, does Leo actually have that much control over it, like the ability to write any code? If you don't care about the socialization aspects then just write journals in a private note taking software. You'll get a million times better features like the ability to link pages together properly, way better embedding and image support, much better formatting options, better edit support, much more reliable backups etc. Something like OneNote, Evernote or Notion would be a million times better for journaling if you don't care about people here seeing and commenting on what you write. That's what I struggle to understand about journaling on a forum. A) I think I would be driven crazy by the limited features of journaling here and B) I do not want people seeing private details of my life for the exact reasons that you're complaining about. I don't want people commenting on my private shit so I just keep it private in the first place.
  16. Why not just write in private journals at that point? I've never really understood why someone would make their journals so public in the first place unless they were willing to face other's opinions, feedback and criticisms on them. Journals on here are indexed by Google, which means anything you write there is scraped, stored and indexed in databases and easily accessible by anyone on the planet with the right search terms. If you can't handle some criticism on them, use a private note taking system. It'll be a million times better than the features the forum offers for writing anyway. I don't see vandalizes and trolls on journals, I see people basically doing what they do elsewhere on the forum which is disagree and argue with stuff people say. If you can't handle that on your journals then why not just write private journals instead? This isn't criticism, I genuinely want to understand the mindset of someone who wants to publicise so many private details of their life
  17. I don't think so. I think it's just that people tend to get more confident, know what they want, and care less about societal standards as they get older. Older men are often far more willing to approach women as well generally, even though they have much less testosterone.
  18. @Razard86 One thing that concerns me is that I can't ever remember seeing you admit any kind of fault or wrongdoing for anything. It makes me extremely wary of taking anything you say that seriously. I've also seen very little evidence that you have that much experience with anything you talk about. It mostly reads like you've read a lot of content about spirituality and self-help topics and now you regurgitate it here as an authority. I don't know if that's true, it's simply the impression I get from what you write. That can actually be harmful to others which is why I feel somewhat compelled to point it out rather than just use the ignore function.
  19. Use Tails OS on a USB, use an old laptop, always use PGP for communication of sensitive info, use private crypto like monero if you buy anything. Also always disable JavaSscript when browsing. This is the one thing Tails OS doesn't do by default on Tor browser that you need to do manually. Also follow the Dark Net Market Bible if you're ever buying psychs. It covers everything extensively. I don't really think this is considered sourcing, but correct me if I'm wrong.
  20. Older women are much more likely to approach you than younger women. There's that to consider.
  21. You should type with both hands instead of one hand on keyboard and one hand on dick my friend. Nofap tends to attract toxic guys who aren't as successful with girls as they'd like. I don't know if the connection is necessarily masturbation so much as what kind of guys tend to end up doing nofap in the first place.
  22. Dude, what are you smoking? The silliest thing I see guys in this sphere do is judge themselves based on how often women approach them. If women don't approach them they decide that they are worthless, rather than realising that the masculine/feminine dynamic is built upon the man doing the initiating.
  23. Only if you are very socially inept. If you are decently sociable you can get pretty decent results in a lot less time. All it really takes is for you to start being more sociable. Take advantage of university social opportunities while you are there, you won't ever get as great of an opportunity to meet lots of people ever again
  24. This is what bugs me in a person. Even if someone has valuable things to say, seeing humility in that person makes me trust them more because it shows they are aware of their own ability to make mistakes and are willing to rethink their position when they might be wrong. Which means they are much more likely to be giving me valuable, well thought through, well considered information. In order to pull off the “I don’t make mistakes and I’m rarely wrong” vibe you gotta have results to show for it. Leo can kinda get away with it a bit more for that reason. But if you’re a random dude on a forum it’s much harder
  25. I’ve only ignored one person. It doesn’t really do anything because you still see quotes of what they said from other people’s posts and it’s exceptionally easy to view individual posts from ignored users. You don’t see their post, but you see a little thing that says “You’ve chosen to ignore this users content” where their post would be and then a little button that says “View anyway”