Bob Seeker

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Everything posted by Bob Seeker

  1. @aurum so ultimately you would say that psychedelics would not throw you off your game if you are taking truly productive actions?
  2. True, but they may ruin your fun when you have to face the fact that your current ambitions are hollow. If I lose interest in Personal development I may go further than I can handle into spiritual territory and then get scared from the reality of losing the, be it, hollow, ambitions and then backlash and then feel like I wasted time after default to normal. It could waste time and opportunity. This is my concern. In other words, trying to grow too fast.
  3. Don’t base how attractive you feel on how you look.
  4. 2 words: Johnny Sins ive never complained once about balding ( since the initial shock). I love it. Makes me feel like a man. I only really had hair when I was a boy. in my eyes, others are behind the curve. I also have a big birthmark on my head. I completely forget about it.
  5. @Thought Art good idea. But it goes beyond morals and into mentality. I felt like I was brainwashed a bit by their stuff and it caused me problems. I recommend Leo’s videos before consuming RSD so you can see the difference.
  6. Just ditch tinder. Stupid unless you are very good looking. You’re not trying to get laid. You are trying to get laid from having game. No magic pills. avoid the RSD mentality. Their game is good but their advice is riddled with Low consciousness shit. Do it the way Leo recommends. His advice will help you avoid issues. prioritize doing it authentically. Don’t try to be like anyone else but your chill ass self if you can find it
  7. I don’t care to hit on girls with bfs, but they may be lying and there could be time to turn the set around. what do you do?
  8. I’m a pretty low energy guy, and this may work quite well for daygame, but how would you swing this at night? Is it any different?
  9. Do you guys recommend before oral sex? once I got a blowjob and the girl thought it would be stupid to put a condom on before it. online people say to put one on before any sexual contact though.
  10. Just always look to improve yourself and become more loving for your own sake. Criticism from others can just inform your improvement efforts. There’s nothing wrong with anything, you are perfect. but why not increase the love and the things you find valuable
  11. What is your reason? what kind of girls would you perform oral sex on?
  12. Okay but how do you do this practically? if you did this you’d never make it into a club because you would be approaching everyone outside. does it matter if girls see you approaching many other girls?
  13. What’s best practices here, let’s say, if you have a gf: Pubes: clean shaven or very short? ass: clean shaven? chest: clean shaven, short like 3 guard or let it fly? pits: 3 guard? happy trail: yes? No? How long? back: clean shaven? Match chest? arms & legs: leave it alone?
  14. @Yarco Fa sho. The only bone I will pick is I couldn’t picture myself with no pit hair. Just seems a little feminine to me. I don’t get pit stains really, not very sweaty. What do you mean by this?
  15. Okay, yes, I will not argue. I simply want to avoid saying anything untrue and don't want to be a pretender.
  16. If so, how did it go? I have been pretending to be religious with my family for 8 years. I have moved out now and I think it is unwise to keep lying. My dad and brothers think that if you are a non-believer you are in all likelihood going to hell. This is like the worst thing imaginable in their eyes of course. It is definitely not something I am excited about. and then visiting them will be very awkward.
  17. @CuriousityIsKey I guess you can only know now. That’s what being conscious now is good for, I guess.
  18. I want one filtering out fluoride, chlorine and all heavy metals. I bought an EpicWater pitcher but the filter replacements seem to be back ordered on Amazon, don't know how to get another. must be counter top. Thanks!
  19. I have had similar thoughts, even with less dire circumstances. This shows that this type of thinking can happen to anyone in any circumstances. @Nahm‘s recommendation of starting a dream board is a much better option. Check out his website or posts. You can move from ego to heart and you will experience a better life. here is another resource as well: please consider moving toward being a conscious creator, rather than taking the reactionary path of homeless asceticism. This path will only be a continuation of unconscious creation.
  20. “Enlightened” people have little resistance so they grow fast. Reality is designed to grow you fast. The thing is that you also have totally free will to hold onto yourself, be stubborn or ignorant. reality will work on you until you are willing to let go more. this is why things don’t work out well for most people. If everything worked they would not be pushed to change. Things not working forces them to change, but it is slow. you’ll want to introspect and become aware of how you are hanging yourself up. In summary, and in an attempt not to confuse you, if you were to live largely by principles demonstrated by enlightened people, like thinking positively and not negatively, being willing to face your shadow consciously, not judging yourself, etc. you will grow faster. There are tools or practices that can help you shift in that regard, assuming your thoughts are not as positive as they could be.
  21. No, this is because everyone in society told you sex was shameful or not for young people or that porn is a perversion. it is internalized shame. Think about it, the west has been run by Christians like from the start. They are full of shame. i had plenty of the same thing. I would get mad at myself every time for like 10+ years, the whole time it was just BS internalized negative messages from society. definaty worth introspecting and seeing there is nothing to be afraid of with porn. no fap is also stupid for the average person. It mostly breeds more shame. the only thing to be mindful of in my book is what your heart is telling you. If you are being an incel loner and wasting your potential, and expect your heart to just watch as you jerk yourself into contentment, you’ve got another thing coming.