Bob Seeker

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Everything posted by Bob Seeker

  1. @Nilsi what were the top 10 books you read?
  2. Thanks all.
  3. If your friends lead you into habits like drinking, doing drugs or breaking the law, move away from them pronto. If not, see how you authentically feel deep down while you are with them. This will make it clear whether they are good for you.
  4. Is it really a need or is it just something we think we need or that props our ego? I ask because the nature of reality is purposeless, and enlightened people often say they don't believe in purpose, yet are still happy. If you had no purpose, couldn't you just sort of get over that?
  5. Nice! Asleep or awake, either way you are perfect. You give Me life. You are Me.
  6. feel how unsatisfying the above answers are to you haha. You already know who you want to be. You want to be real and whole, and what you see from the psychedelic community just isn’t doing it for you. if you wake up and prefer a woman over no women, you can’t be truly whole. You have to not prefer anything. I just don’t see the same awareness and happiness in psychedelic community as people who are classically enlightened. I’m considering waiting until I’m enlightened to do psychedelics hard. I did like 7 shroom trips (never more than 2.5 grams or so), and it honestly made it more difficult to navigate life and was a pretty big distraction. I saw plainly I was God every time and it helped a bit but not life changing. I certainly want to slam psychedelics, but I don’t want to risk the unnecessary nihilism they bring, which is way inbalanced with my current maturity and leads to things like devoting your life to banging girls, cuz why not, right? It’s all an illusion anyway. This effect is Not conducive to happiness in Long run. I am already pretty nihilistic without them and my maturity is able to keep up so I have a more balanced life and am STD Free baby! And have real will to love women not to treat the like my play dolls like some people do. they can also be distracting from solving real life problems. If it comes down to it and I really need them, they are always there. No rush.
  7. I think more grounding and integration and holistic view of merging point btw life and spirit so they seem ever more the same thing makes you more able to avoid vices. You simply don’t end up wanting so much. You feel like eating broccoli and eating cake are the same thing, just another experience. Porn or no porn, also the same. So you can “just say no” no sweat off your back. I find psychedelics to be incredibly unbalanced way of doing spirituality. Also even meditation retreats can be. Because they take your consciousness abnormally high. How do you then be that way in day to day? How do you then be aware and in control as you walk by hot girls. You weren’t exposed to that in the ashram. This is part of integration. This is shedding ego, learning to be here in the midst of it and be aware. It’s hard to be truly addicted to porn. Think about it, if suddenly the internet broke forever and every sexual image in the world was burned by the Jihadis, would you miss porn? No, you’d probably rejoice and be fine just using your imagination or whatever. the issue is mostly just needing to get what you want instead of wanting what you get- that is, being okay with anything- which is true freedom. if your consciousness is one of preference, and porn is dangled in front of your face 24/7, that’s not a good mix. idk your experience, just telling you mine.
  8. You’ll largely forget about the whole thing anyway if you don’t take more psychedelics. Go talk to women, that will put you back into duality real quick
  9. This thread shows what is not right about Actualized teachings. all necessary developmental forces are found in the nature of reality itself, in your de circumstances and in your genetic code. All you need to do is let them do their thing. If you focus on being more of yourself, you can forget about development because it will come more quickly than ever and in the ideal ways without you obstructing it.
  10. What if you found a community or if you have older family members between you two who could do most of the raising? CWG series says parents were never meant to be the primary caregivers, the community elders were. Its only our current society that isolates couples into their own houses to raise their own kids. This period won't last forever. Its kind of like this idea of sleeping in the same bed as your wife. The ancient romans weren't doing that.
  11. Cool. I have a n idea around media polarizationI am writing a blog post on now. I may try and toss him a link
  12. Did u watch Leo’s vid on the 65 principles of the good life? also look at it would be a pain to recreate those lists here
  13. @StarStruck no such thing as karmic debt, only the results of our actions (which are wider than we know) and opportunity to get back into alignment with your highest expression of yourself. relax. The “failure” with women is a thought you never have to have again. instead, begin to give the love and dignified appreciation of her humanness to women which you would want if you were a woman. Then you will find you become more appreciated by women (obviously) and some of them may want to date you (naturally). don’t beat yourself up for where you are. Simply see that by abandoning fear, negativity, thoughts of failure (as if this were some competition), you have the opportunity to live as your authentic self and you will reap what you sew.
  14. Allignment with what? With your true nature, and the natural expression of that as your loving self. You have passion. For example, picture a beautiful nude woman (if ur straight male) or whatever attracts you, and instead of looking at them with lust and wanting to have sex with them just to satisfy yourself, picture the possibility of both of you ascending into a higher experience of sexual union where you both appreciate each other and feel each other’s radiant love, leaving you both off better. By doing this, you get a taste of what passion is like. And then seek to bring the world higher. How can you do that? What manifestation of your gifts might you find natural in seeking to do that, for the joy of seeing the world go higher. Feel that passion and engage in those activities passionately, with love and you will feel it.
  15. Karma is action you take to bring yourself back into full alignment. It is a choice, not some energy or something. Leo doesn’t necessarily understand the meaning of the word. You you don’t HAVE karma, you EMPLOY karma to your benefit. karma means action after all as far as success goes- choose passion from a place of love and giving, rather than self-aggrandizement, ego comforts (different from sensuality), or lust.
  16. There is an intro like 20 mins or so, U can scrub through to where the autobiography starts
  17. A man can be more easily satisfied with just banging a stranger than most women. A lot of men would bang any hot girl they see on the spot if they thought they could where as a woman may need to build emotional rapport with the man before even being attracted to him. That means a man will be more easily be tempted even if things are going well in his relationship. His needs are a bit different and he is more visual. I’ in most relationships it is the man who starts watching porn on the side before the woman would even care to. that being said, most men will be happiest in a deep monogamous relationship. BUT maybe it shouldn’t be expected to last forever, and maybe most men aren’t great at maintaining one even for relatively short period. it may last forever but the man must be very mature spiritually to not rely on anything external to meet his needs Think about it. A man is more likely even to enter a relationship just because of attraction to the woman. Under those circumstances he will certainly be tempted.
  18. I tend to engage in porn no-matter what, so I am wondering about the healthiest, most self-loving ways to do so. Usually I accidentally stumble on a sexy tabloid online and then the animal in me takes over and I'll go unconscious because I tell myself it is not healthy, but I want a better way. Let me know what you've got. Thanks
  19. I had remote sales job in Austin with same compensation, I lasted 5 months then quit with 13,000$ and moved to Spain, now making blog, and plan to continue to act on my highest thought of myself, which I started doing recently. It will pay off I have faith. once I get my blog running I’ll share it and you can see how I fare if you’d like.
  20. It seems like pursuing happiness doesn't really work that well. Happiness seems more like a bi-product of engaging in life fully, even at the expense of your hopes of happiness. How important is happiness? I don't really see where it fits in the picture of life. Is our culture brainwashed into thinking happiness trumps everything?
  21. It seems like if we wanted happiness we would have just stayed in heaven. It seems like life is like if you are vigorously banging a girl. I imagine you're not necessarily super happy but you are loving it. Like reality is literally having sex with itself to infinity and that is what life is in my estimation. But think about it, happiness is so difficult for a mere mortal. But then Rupert Spira says reality is made of Happiness. I guess I don't understand what happiness is then.
  22. The ñame Lucifer literally means Light. Lucifer may well be shaking your hand at the gates of Heaven when you pass.
  23. I’ve been feeling a lot like I have wasted tons of opportunity and time in my life. I was deluded and playing victim and ruining most of my opportunities to truly live. I can’t seem to stop reflecting on this. maybe the solution is to love the one who judges myself for having wasted time.
  24. And taking responsibility for your life rather than blaming
  25. I see it is a newer research chem and not that much known about long-term effects. I don’t have a source for LSD but I could get my hands on AL-LAD, so I plan to try that. Wondering if 1P is a good backup or too risky.