Bob Seeker

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Everything posted by Bob Seeker

  1. I’m23. I have done mushrooms like 5 times, 1-3 grams per. it’s easier to start if you take 0.5-1 grams on first couple goes. I find weed to be scarier than that. I have spent a lot of time over the past year and a half since graduating college just thinking about what I want to do with my life. I’m better at searching now but I don’t have clear answers yet. When you question things a lot and really don’t know what to do things seem more meaningless and it Can get depressing. instead of trying to get the perfect life purpose I’m going to start on a smaller project I’m a bit passionate about and take it from there. I also may enter the tech industry to get a decent income. My biggest limiting resource is money rn, so I’m gonna work on that. I honestly think personal development should not be treated as a philosophy. It is a bunch of tools to help you experience what you feel authentically called toward. I think the majority of us may benefit from a lot of searching to find what kind of life really fits us and personal development Can help us get there. i think that in itself is pretty exciting. That we get to discover and create something new, unique, with our lives. It takes bravery to go in an unknown direction, but that is good. so part of my goal now is to be more open when looking at paths to take
  2. Lol, I don’t mean not be kind or just, for the record.
  3. I know that visioning can help motivate us if the vision is inspiring, but I'm headed back into wage slavery that will last god knows how long and I feel like I'm gonna lose so much, and have little time to nurture my soul and do my passions. Anyone have experience creating a motivating vision in a similar situation? I mean I could envision a successful dating life, and that's exciting, but I almost feel like I will be cheating if I do that while I'm a wagie, instead of putting all chips into LP, which seems so elusive. If I don't date though, I will keep on going without any dating life, and I'm 23 and never had a relationship or anything positive in dating really. Seems depressing no-matter how I cut it. idk, maybe I'll just psych myself up for dating and let the chips fall where they may
  4. World needs a shift inward. Also, I think what might help this is universal income or something, cuz if ur a wage slave your soul might be dead so you need to compensate by buying/doing things. Atheistic materialism does this too. religion can leave people with spiritual yearnings feeling empty and thus do this too. Capitalistic marketing teaches people the “more” values as well. Some of those people running low consciousness companies marketing crap are probably half psychopathic, clinically speaking, some are ambitious and some just couldn’t stand wage slavery. maybe se should start testing all children for psychopathy and if they have above 25% we either treat them (new science might be getting better at this in the next decade) or don’t let them in business. The Inuit used to push their psychopaths off an ice sheet while they had their back turned, so it’s not so drastic in comparison. the marketers at the company are sort of just normal people, usually.
  5. @Thought Art @Fearey Thanks. I think part of my issue is isolation. I live around family that doesn't understand me, and have no friends locally, only a few long-distance friendships that I hardly call. This makes everything seem way more meaningless. I am going to try to move to a new city as soon as I possibly can, with the best job I can get, and then work on my dating life. I don't know if it's the smartest move but it's only one I have enough motivation for. I'll save as much money as reasonable to put toward life purpose while working, and see if any inspiration starts stirring in me, because I have no inspiration right now.
  6. It sounds also like you have no purpose. This might be your biggest issue. I've had trouble finding mine, but you may have more resources than I do to find one for yourself. i would guess it’s either lack of purpose, living an inauthentic life, or ignoring a desire to go deeper spiritually, maybe with psychedelics or more retreats and stuff.
  7. you probably need to build confidence with interactions and being a man. practice being more assertive. Get better with women. use psychedelics to look into the situation and see how it doesn't matter that much. Nothing is that big of a deal. These people have been couriers for 10 years but they are basically mules. I don't mean that in a derogatory sense. they are probably good people, but what is one more person stepping on them. Everyone has been stepping on them. At least you have a heart. The company gave you authority. It's yours to use.
  8. Same here. definitely no power to my visioning anymore. Do you do psychedelics? Do you feel like spirituality has made things feel more meaningless? Do you have fantasies of leaving your life behind to wander or to just live simply and give to others your time/presence/wisdom? Apart from coding, do you have anything you are passionate about? Do you see coding as an art form or just something cool to learn?
  9. Some of this could be a strength, such as the strength of excellence or the strength of significance, but to excess it may be neurotic.
  10. money to buy psychedelics doesn't sound too bad. Sitting in the office thinking "I'm not the man they think I am at home... I'm a rocket man. ROCKET MAAAAAAAN!"
  11. I did mine and it is sort of accurate but some definite inaccuracies. I think that's how astrology is in general. It's more accurate than other peoples' profiles, but never fully accurate. It is also a bit general, which helps its accuracy. I read both of your profiles and they were only slightly less accurate for describing me than mine was. I won't be making any life decisions based on astrology, personally. It's fun though. Jan 1998&time=2:00pm&city=Boston&country=United States&lang=&admin_division=Massachusetts&uname=Angelo DeRosa
  12. I have BA in psychology, 23 years old, no experience in psychology field, and need job. INTP personality. I have a beginning Life Purpose idea that I can work on in my free time, but my confidence in it is not 100% at this point. I thought about sales, but I might not have enough tolerance for that. I also thought of HR or recruiting. Any recommendations on what is good idea in my situation? Ask me questions if you need more information.
  13. @supremeyingyang i see. Yeah, I want to do that, sharpen my sword and then see where I can get with it. I’ll take it from there.
  14. Think about making that tiny improvement and getting it to stick, and then another tiny improvement. Focus on today and what you need to do to lift yourself that one inch. Make that commitment to yourself, that you are going to trust this, no matter what it brings. your task is not to make it to 60. Your task is to make those little improvements, and just keep your eye on that. Just do that simply because that is the duty you have given yourself.
  15. If I have somewhat feminine voice or mannerisms and a sort of childlike-ness, and also don’t have that much confidence, should I “be authentic” or use a deeper voice and act more confident than I feel, and use more masculine mannerisms? im more attracted to feminine women. would I have to keep up the act or just try to permanently become more masculine?
  16. Right. The idea of a marketing job nauseates me, but I will keep an open mind. It can be good practice.
  17. @Philipp I agree. I actually tried telling my 2 favorite professors about spiral dynamics and they both brushed it off as pseudoscience and didn’t even give it a chance. One was a developmental psychologist, and this theory is one of the best dev. Theories out there. Another dev. Psychologist was just like oh, that’s nice.
  18. I’ve begun taking an online course to get a certificate for Data Analytics. I’m also considering learning python when I am done, since the course teaches some R, not Python. Current course will take about 1.5-2 months to complete
  19. @Nahm You may be onto something. I’ve considered This and career counseling as the only things I know of that I would get my masters for.
  20. @Philipp yeah, psychology education didn’t really scratch my curiosity itch, especially since getting into this stuff here. You are right that the psych research field is not in the greatest place right now. I was never so interested in therapy. for me, the biggest deterrent with HR is that you don’t seem to develop gratifying skills (correct me if I’m wrong) I’ve never felt optimistic about the work place. I was on track to be a biochemist before this and could have gotten hooked up with a nice job doing research in a lab but something just seemed so dead about it. I think I’m one of those people who really needs life purpose, it’s just a hell of a journey to get there. Even to find it isn’t easy. Prob the only thing I’d get a masters for that I know of is guidance or career counseling, like Nahm says?, so I’ll keep that option in my back pocket.
  21. @supremeyingyang thanks for the info. Have you worked in a similar field?
  22. I like to think “looking back, what do I wish I had access to that would have made my life better?” and then give that to others
  23. @Federico del pueblo fa sho. Thx
  24. @Federico del pueblo If that’s true, I probably will stretch the masculine a bit. I mean, I can play the role for sure.
  25. I’m not sure, but maybe you could find some humor or lightness in listening to Louis CK. He makes light about “being a failure”, and maybe humor could help you. I don’t know, just something to look into don’t take what he says seriously, though, it’s just jokes. Most of his jokes are not based on evidence