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Everything posted by Moon

  1. "What you resist persists" Suppressing/resisting "shame" is actually feeding a lot of energy into it, whereas being at peace and letting it happen without resistance is feeding less energy into it. The more energy you feed into something, the more it will be part of your reality! Shame isn't a part of you, it's a separate thing that you can observe and detach yourself from (like detaching yourself from thoughts during meditation for example) If you observe it as something separate that you allow to run its course, eventually it will dissipate When you do the shame/fear visualizations, are you feeling the shame and then does it lead to more shame and a negative spiral? Or are you resisting the feelings? Or are you letting the feelings free?
  2. lol disgusting this forum could do with more women game
  3. really like the visuals and message in this vid
  4. @kireet practices that utilize it include visualizations, affirmations, dream/vision boards, subliminals and more Watch the secret on Netflix (take everything said with a grain of salt ofc) and/or read the book for it, there's a subreddit on LOA which may also be helpful to you Also, I've been following this girl on YouTube for a while and only yesterday learnt she has utilized LOA after watching these vids, she has hints of stage orange (scientific/rational) but still believes in the LOA in a more than rational way because of some synchronicities she experienced (mostly related to her YT success)
  5. Wow looool Honestly, same! I see it as an attraction thing, the more masculine guys seem to be those who will argue with you for wanting to split the date I know this is a hint of stage blue customs and the hospitality that comes with it, like this video below (I quite like it though) I would prefer if the guy paid for the first date...but if he didn't I'd be fine with splitting, NOT paying for him on the first date though! On the next dates or in a relationship I would be much more willing to pay for such things though @Monkey_in_suit Yeah defo speak up about your concerns, better late than never! Also be honest about why you felt you needed to pay all the time (to do with your dad etc), and hopefully she's open to compromise
  6. I agree, so so important!! The type of relationship I would want and I think work best are, the ones where basic necessities such as rent and food and essential costs are split. Any luxuries on top of that (eating out/activities/holidays), can be paid by either partner and it's cute to have alternating people pay for these, but they're not essential needs and there shouldn't be an expectation for only one of the partners to pay for this! If a guy wanted to pay for most of these extra (non-essential) things out of choice, I'd be fine with it as I'd be content knowing I'm paying for the basics and I'm not reliant on the guy for survival I think it's only fair for the guy to solely pay for essential things in the scenario mentioned below, even if the woman has a lot of money saved up. Being a mother of young kids is a big role in itself that the man should provide for (until all the kids have started school IMO) I think this is one of many scenarios of the traditional roles though, another could be the mum forms a close bond with the children through the time she gives them but the dad ends up feeling shitty from a lack of bond with his kids/wife and being overworked. There are other variations of this that would make healthy and happy marriages too for sure, between a hypermasculine and hyperfeminine women minus the toxic feminine/masculine traits perhaps.
  7. I wasn't ever actively into spirituality or on the path towards enlightenment as it was something I wanted to pursue in the future and I was more focused on gaining financial independence and other things but I was guided towards understanding the law of attraction spiritually by the universe (lol) and I'm already seeing amazing results from it! I had previously used LOA in its stage orange form but understanding it beyond is even more useful For me personally atm, letting my spirit/energy guide me is giving me far bigger results than letting my ego solely guide me (It doesn't mean sitting there and being lazy either dw ) Ofc as others have said focusing on basic self-help and life purpose should be your priority but see what works for you in achieving that!
  8. Using OneNote like shown in this video which I edit on my laptop and phone, as well as using physical sticky notes for daily priorities and the dream board idea recommended by Nahm which I use a big whiteboard for I write down a lot of stuff, sometimes quite unnecessary so I'm trying to cut down on that... and clearing up and organizing my commonplace book once a week also helps
  9. I've seen cases where people say "evil eye" caused something bad happen to them, but could it just be the negative feelings/energy of something bad happening made it happen? Or is evil eye a separate phenomenon in itself? I've heard examples of people saying law of attraction affected others around them, like curing their child's illness, in the same way that you could affect someone else's life using LOA, can someone else not do the same using "evil eye"?
  10. Not specifically but it can be linked Nice one!! Amazing! I've started using the dream board idea you've recommended I don't understand what you mean exactly but I'm not interested in this stuff as a belief system for myself anyway, was just curious Hmmm interesting I think I understand and have used the psychological theories it can work in but never thought about the LOA in a deeper sense
  11. try huel to start off- takes 2 mins to make 1 meal, contains almost all the vitamins&minerals you need and plenty of good calories if you have the right amount best way to start off if you're having diet issues like this, then gradually you can add fruit, veg and whatever else you need for the same balanced diet as huel gives (and better) but using more "real" food
  12. So true! Clever authors and literary techniques point to a bigger "Why" to be uncovered, they're good teachers of analysis, creativity skills, perspective, empathy and learning of different cultures/people/history you wouldn't normally be exposed to There are defo some stage yellow elements and skills to develop/use with reading fiction, endless patterns and models you can uncover/apply
  13. Love this comment! I used to read a lot more fiction as a teen, starting to open up to it again recently I also loved studying English literature as a child and especially deciphering poems Such an enriching pastime, nice to have a change from certain non-fiction reading where I'm focused on gaining and improving I find it a great way to relax before bed, away from the internet and technology and there's no need to make notes as with some personal development reading, so you can really enjoy getting lost in the book
  14. oooh, I feel like that stuff is probs confirmation bias again, not sure hmmm interesting
  15. Interesting, South Asia often calls it "Nazar" (which also means general eyesight though in hindi/urdu haha) Amazing! I've had realizations about my ideas of positive psychology being created by me I kinda resisted getting into spirituality for a while now, but had some signs from the universe, starting with a dream telling me to open up to it! I'm allowing my feelings/vibrations to guide me now so I'm v interested in LOA but I partially think isn't this confirmation bias too? Do I need big awakenings to really know it's true? Love it! Man I feel like I've transformed from knowing this self-help/intellectual version of gratitude to magic!! It's so beautiful
  16. @allislove well put!! oooh ok! So, I know this issue of "evil eye" isn't common in typical western culture But I know personally of South Asian women who believe it, and I've heard of bad stories often happening to their children "because of it" I think why the evil eye notion is popular between mothers and their children is because in the womb they were physically ONE, and even after birth, a baby/child and mother are energetically connected (more so the more dependent the child is on mother). This is why I think a mother's love for the child is closest to unconditional love without spirituality...perhaps why the LOA in terms of "evil eye" may effect their children as whatever good or bad they focus on affects their "self" which often expands to their child too? and perhaps new mothers are likely to focus on the bad due to postnatal depression too
  17. Interesting! The first time i did edibles years ago, I was in a bad loop and I felt guilty about being with a guy as well as doing drugs with him and I really believed that he drugged me to kill me!! (LOL) I just wanted it to stop and die already if that was to happen. It worked out good in the end as I had my first awakening when I surrendered and felt the LOVE
  18. The messed up ones you mean? Not every awkward guy is some Elliot Rodger type weirdo right?! as not everyone knows about pickup anyway I would hope those guys would just settle for less by meeting someone online or just watch porn
  19. I was going to mention this haha Growing up in blue culture/family, even now if I asked my parents for an arranged marriage they would find me someone (same if I was a guy) They're not too strict or dogmatic about this now though luckily In orange western society, more independence for children comes with the good and the bad! (e.g. the freedom to pick your partner but less help if you're struggling to find one) No one deserves this and I'm sorry if it's happened to you Pickup can be done with bad methods/intentions or conscious methods/intentions IMO Maybe a decent amount would turn away during stage green? idk but it's seems like a female version of MGTOW I think for some women it's just a phase of "men are trash", saw this become a literal trend on my twitter feed a few years ago haha some men are dicks, some men aren't you can defo find (and deserve) someone who isn't
  20. Yeah I agree, nicely put! Makes sense to me as blue especially could see it as devilish and immoral However, I also think the more common notion of submissive/dominant roles during sex seems to be popular in orange too(maybe blue?) and is glimpses of red as well (aggressiveness of the dominant man for e.g., not to the same extent as full on BDSM though)
  21. hahaha for sure, It's either this or racist lil boys with football DPs I also have seen countless popular activist accounts who have extreme mental health issues (e.g. depression/suicidal stuff) which may or may not be the cause or effect of the ferocious ideology spewing, which sucks lmao, yeah I posted a video recently relating to something similar regarding charities on the stage yellow thread I agree and I like your thinking I don't know if I'm tier 2, probs a mixture of orange/green/yellow rn I do think it's CRAZY how big the difference between a millionaire and billionaire is though, I definitely don't see any issues of there being millionaires or multi-millionaires...but the concept of billionaires is crazy (I didn't know this till recently lol) I wouldn't see any issue with there being billionaires if everyone else in the country/world had AT LEAST access to basic survival necessities such as food, clean water, shelter etc ofc as you mentioned, there's no simple solution to these things though But I agree with the taxing solution above with heavy penalties for those who don't abide could be tricky since being a "billionaire" grants you power as well as wealth, so I feel as long as we have unconscious leaders, these people will be able to get away with not paying taxes like they should be
  22. This!! cos yeah taxing is the answer but these pesky geezers are always getting away with not following the rules
  23. I thought it would be...? doesn't mean people who do it are purely stage red (they're probably only a small % red if living in western society) if it's consensual and somewhat safe, it's better than some of the other manifestations of red it could've been