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Everything posted by Moon

  1. @General 2 So I've not been studying Neville in particular for a while, but there could be other variables involved like how naturally intuitive someone is etc. Yeah we have been manifesting our whole life without knowing it or needing to feel it as if it's real, but that meant manifesting the good and the bad for most people. We manifested whatever we thought possible within the limits of our beliefs at the time. I think feeling as if it's real/you already have it just helps us consciously manifest exactly what we want. I'm not sure about this. From what I've read from him, he says this is important. Was it just a temporary shitty mood? did you try feel "as if" you already had it otherwise?
  2. So her husband is providing for her I'm guessing- in the physiological needs? The strongest thing she could do for herself is learn English and find a job to pay her own food and shelter so she can leave her husband, despite whatever traumas are there.
  3. Many interpret it as Law of Attraction, I was aware of the infinite realities nuance but didn't realize it as separate to LOA. I think regardless, the results achieved by his methods occur via the Law of Attraction. I see your post is from March, so your interpretations may have slightly changed but I'll reply anyway. I found this book "coincidentally () soon after I had a big realization that FEELING is incredibly important and magical. Before this I dismissed it as something that just shouldn't be suppressed and not of much other "value". It made me realize that the feminine aspect I was trying so hard to override with logic was beautiful in itself- in the form of feeling and intuition, as I got more into spirituality. I agree Yes over mere thoughts with no feeling, like how an experience can be more traumatic/memorable the more emotion it stirs up because it transfers more easily to your subconscious from your conscious mind. I wouldn't say I have reached an "advanced state" in spirituality but I have good emotional mastery through meditation and positive psychology (a form of LOA I didn't realize at the time). To answer your second question, yes, but simply it's just practicing more mindfulness to be able to control your thoughts and feelings without them controlling you so much. Also, practicing grattitude daily helps shift perspective from the negative to positive more easily. Yes, during meditation your subconscious is more receptive to impression too. Prayer can be similar to a state of meditation. But using a technique such as affirmations/visualizations/scripting before or after meditation or sleep can be beneficial to have the ideas you want easily transferred to your subconscious. You are the creator of your reality. You are God. Yeah I'd say it's a form of LOA. "Act as if" and speak in the present tense as if anything you want is already happening/is already you current reality. If linking to energy and vibrations, you are aligning your thoughts with the same frequency as the reality you are trying to create. Thus, you ARE creating. It is already done. Similar to what I've said above, "it is yours now". Believing it will come in the future isn't sufficient, as it will always be in the future. Believe the reality you are wishing for already IS, in the present and it will be!
  4. ???????? Ben Shapiro's onlyfans account leak though
  5. @Jake Johnson I'm sorry you experienced that man and you didn't deserve to get beat up btw- was she your age? Not all girls are the same of course and some wouldn't have reacted that way, but what you did makes girls feel objectified and most would feel those emotions you described so it's good that you're aware of it now. She could still be hostile towards you so it may be better to send her a message online or if you guys happen to speak again in person, bring it up if she's not angry. Idk, use your judgement
  6. Fuck, so true!! This is definitely the sort of thing I'd consider in the future, sounds hella intense though. @IAmReallyImportant Amazing growth!! So happy for you LOVE the ideas in this thread ?
  7. This. Makes a lot of sense to me because in my early teens I used to have a big desire for romantic love but not sex. I would fantasize about romantic relationships but never about sex (weird but yeah). I have personally felt all of these independently (I believe) from each other at some point.
  8. Yeah, apologize about how you made her feel, say you've learnt your lesson and you wouldn't do that kinda stuff to anyone in the future. (If that's what you genuinely think?)
  9. I started questioning more (specifically to do with religion at around 14) and as I got more into science and understanding evolution, I just had too many questions and ideas that were incompatible with Islam. I fully "left" religion at around 16 (in my head anyway). I also would watch atheist YouTubers and Jaclyn Glenn was my favourite, as well as being intrigued by how Muslim YouTubers like Dawah Man and Ali Dawah would spread their message and listening to their persuasion and arguments used. Luckily, I didn't leave blue religion with hostility towards the ideas or people, perhaps because the religious side of my upbringing wasn't too dogmatic and forceful (in comparison to others' I'd see anyway). I kept onto a few blue cultural values a bit longer after I quit blue religion though. I aIso enjoyed studying philosophy and ethics at school, which made me label myself agnostic over atheist. (I may have labelled myself atheist for a few months max, can't remember tbh). I was agnostic till around 21.
  10. Yess!! I call the non-looks part of style "outer personality" and it is indeed surface level. It's why women can fall in love with sociopaths who have a charming outer personality but end up being abusive ? You're right, style is for initial attraction and substance keeps the relationship going. IMO that's why people should look deeper into the substance early on in meeting people before they get too attached to the style.
  11. Fine. You convinced me with the O's
  12. Ultimately, only she can help herself, you can be supportive through the hard times but it'd be very hard to try fix things yourself. She says therapy isn't for her, but there will definitely be therapists that her right for her, she just hasn't found the right one yet! I'd say encourage her about this There are definitely many resources, techniques and things online to help, but she's been through so much, starting with a therapist seems the best way to start! You're doing great! Keep it up and be encouraging and supporting when you can. Also, check in on yourself regularly too as the negative energy and mindset may perhaps be rubbing off on you and affecting your life Hope everything works out in the end! ?
  13. @datamonster this!! ? Ideally find a 40h/week job that doesn't tire you out too much physically and mentally so you can work on your life purpose on the side Then you'll eventually be able to quit that job, do your life purpose full time with some time for other interests too
  14. Someone enlightened can be suicidally depressed? @allislove exactly!!
  15. Is this related to point number 1? What do you mean by weak sense of reality... sorry if this sounds dense ?
  16. Thread locked due to some low quality conspiracy theory discussion.
  17. hahaha funny only if you're living in a stage red/blue society could it be a big problem, where you're an easy target for violence but in western society, is being a SJW or dogmatically politically correct so serious? who cares lmao
  18. You just described how to use the Law of Attraction to help yourself (even if you don't "believe" in it). So if you have an abundance mentality, you will naturally attract someone (actually, MANY women)! You attract what you believe is your current reality, not what you need. The more you need something, the more you push it away because you keep projecting out the reality where you don't have women. Affirmations could be one option: "I attract women effortlessly", "Women love interacting with me" and so on. If this stuff sounds too abstract to you, let me know.