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Everything posted by Moon

  1. Fine. You convinced me with the O's
  2. Ultimately, only she can help herself, you can be supportive through the hard times but it'd be very hard to try fix things yourself. She says therapy isn't for her, but there will definitely be therapists that her right for her, she just hasn't found the right one yet! I'd say encourage her about this There are definitely many resources, techniques and things online to help, but she's been through so much, starting with a therapist seems the best way to start! You're doing great! Keep it up and be encouraging and supporting when you can. Also, check in on yourself regularly too as the negative energy and mindset may perhaps be rubbing off on you and affecting your life Hope everything works out in the end! ?
  3. @datamonster this!! ? Ideally find a 40h/week job that doesn't tire you out too much physically and mentally so you can work on your life purpose on the side Then you'll eventually be able to quit that job, do your life purpose full time with some time for other interests too
  4. Someone enlightened can be suicidally depressed? @allislove exactly!!
  5. Is this related to point number 1? What do you mean by weak sense of reality... sorry if this sounds dense ?
  6. Thread locked due to some low quality conspiracy theory discussion.
  7. hahaha funny only if you're living in a stage red/blue society could it be a big problem, where you're an easy target for violence but in western society, is being a SJW or dogmatically politically correct so serious? who cares lmao
  8. You just described how to use the Law of Attraction to help yourself (even if you don't "believe" in it). So if you have an abundance mentality, you will naturally attract someone (actually, MANY women)! You attract what you believe is your current reality, not what you need. The more you need something, the more you push it away because you keep projecting out the reality where you don't have women. Affirmations could be one option: "I attract women effortlessly", "Women love interacting with me" and so on. If this stuff sounds too abstract to you, let me know.
  9. Nice one!! Interesting points...but even if you're not completely free of influence it doesn't mean it's predestined or a lack of free will, as surely you chose prior steps that influenced you in this way Yeah I don't fully understand this, but there may be a deeper truth...that we did dream up our existence before we were born (still to experience it for myself though)
  10. Very true, as was the internet and now an average 3 year old can use it Definitely possible
  11. @peachboy thanks! Nice, I'll have a read Right, I see...helpful examples! So if I removed the limit of me having bad eyesight, I could manifest 20/20 vision for example?
  12. Do you mean protagonist? Can you elaborate? Acceptable limitations so that you're still a reasonable character in the game?
  13. The more you focus on something with negativity, the less likely it is you will get it It's not hard for you to approach women. You have no fear. You are getting laid. Your girlfriend is coming. Having a way to release these ego traps like journalling can help, also visualization as mentioned above by Roy Pickup doesn't have to be hard. Getting girls doesn't have to be tough. Make it fun! Visualize yourself having fun whilst your picking up and visualize amazing scenarios happening and the best outcomes and FEEL this positive energy whilst visualizing. Keep doing this. Your reality will change!
  14. Interesting But if you're very highly conscious, why would it be a nightmare? Isn't the dream part of God's love? I've read that Neville Goddard predicted his death, which happened by a brain aneurysm but he had wrote he was "eager to depart" and such things soon before he did Funnily enough, recently it's been harder for me to distinguish certain things that have happened in life and my dreams (good or bad?)
  15. Definitely, nice points detachment and non-neediness with it (as with the ego) is key, it doesn't mean you have to throw away your smartphone though In my case, I have previously been wayy to addicted to my smartphone/social media/internet etc, with some time off and growth in consciousness, I can still use these things without so much attachment
  17. @AArbenz cooll!! I never do art like this but saw a beautiful sunset yesterday and had an intuitive nudge to do this
  18. Love this! Of course there are boundaries, but if she's not doing anything considered cheating (by your relationship terms), being negative and insecure is causing YOU the most harm Focus on gratitude and the good in such situations, such as the blessing she is to your life rather than making yourself feeling shit, you deserve happiness
  19. Neediness for what...Sex? A relationship? Friendships?