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Everything posted by Moon

  1. Hey guys Currently studying mechanical engineering and was thinking of graduating then maybe working for a company for a year or so until I can start my own business (plus also considering youtube on the side to share some random insights? idk) However, I also have an interest in politics, so was thinking when I'm like 30 (would also be more informed by then) I could switch to getting into politics consciously or something similar related to social engineering Ideally I want to have experience of both having my own business and politics...or would you recommend focusing on one? A separate issue would be me also thinking about having kids when I'm 30 (I may change my mind and decide not to though)
  2. Wow...yeah, very surprising about no outrage Since he's red, blue and above would all be against this and I'm guessing most of his audience are orange (Also, the guy looks like Chris Brown? the devil returns in different forms )
  3. lol exactly the femininity in the form of safe spaces, anger management and therapy is SnOWFlaKeRy when war is what caused PTSD and the similar toxic (pure) masculinity causing the high rates of suicide of men in today's society "no homo but I'm scared of femininity and the balance it brings"
  4. Yeah so I have realized over the last year or so, I'm quite passionate about politics (and wanting to help the most underprivileged especially) as well as being good at "conflict resolution" (e.g. with my family) I didn't realize till recently that I have quite a bit of stage yellow traits, which could help me deal with issues from root cause and bring something slightly different in some ways Well honestly I don't really care about luxuries or excess wealth, but I see how money is power and power is needed to get even good causes going, and also obvs I would like some money to survive satisfactorily But if it was no object then I would do a social enterprise or something, not sure After thinking about it last night though, I may forget about the business idea and work for engineering firms (semi-interested in) for few years to save up some money before trying to get into politics (whilst doing a lot of reading, research and perhaps youtube or blog on the side from now) Yeah good ideas, I was thinking if a business opportunity comes up during the path I'll take it, but for now I'll just go with the passion on the side without expecting money from it (whilst saving up money from eng career) Thanks!! I think I'll defo get it within the next year
  5. The critters are a sign that you should spend less time getting distracted on this forum (defo applies to some incl me sometimes) lmaoo ffs
  6. not many people are gonna have the emotional control to pick and choose when these aggressive elements come out, even the people in the hiring process- they don't even know hot to control their own emotions Also, the same way as a therapist will end up with emotional/psychological issues by being bombarded with trauma all the time (becoming the people they deal with most), cops will become abusive if they weren't already that bad (like the criminals they frequently deal with) unless they receive regular help That's why more conscious people (yellow probs) need to be in charge of this stuff
  7. So ENFJ has been a consistent answer for my personality type over the last few years, although as a teen I was an INFP (before my self actualization journey ridding me of childhood trauma issues etc) Anyway, I am apparently 60% extraverted, 40% introverted according to MBTI, which I was happy with...until my current burnout (never felt like this before) Recently, I decided to help my mum with some English practice regularly everyday and the same with my little brother with schoolwork, on top of that I have started socializing more with my family in general and playing sports with my siblings...before this, I would have spent a lot of time in my room though- and often feeling lonely (but not so much in the NEEDING people way? maybe? idk) So, at first I was so happy to be helping my family out and spending so much time with them, I felt amazing! But today, after a week or so, it hit me and I feel like shit and burnt out, and I told my mum I couldn't help her because my brain isn't working properly and I couldn't stand to listen to her speak today- very strange I would still say more than half of my waking hours were spent on my own though Has anyone felt like this before? Even if you're not an introvert? Is it something that is probably down to me being more introverted than I believed or is it that I made a sudden change in my lifestyle? It has also made me question this personality thing and whether i should really be thinking about going into those ENFJ type careers in case this happens to me in the future (I never appreciated the idea of MTBI till recently when I became interested in a career like mediation or politics etc- which also happened to be what ENFJs may be good at, even though I'm studying engineering rn- a separate issue lol) Edit: I've not been on the forum for a short while but recently given MTBI more of a chance and see the forum is full of this shit too hahaha
  8. lol Also, generally women think more and take less action (whereas men think less and take more action) The more mindful and better I've become with thinking less, the stronger my mind has become imo anyway
  9. You have a nice clear speaking voice but yeah you'd sound even better with a bit more enthusiasm Try to get your hand gestures in frame so it adds more expression Roger Love and Vanessa Van Edwards are good sources of help with communication skills
  10. Do you write down ideas quickly when you're supposed to meditating sometimes?
  11. Or try consistently doing it for 30mins for a period of time...then 45mins etc perhaps, might make doing hourly sessions more sustainable once you've steadily made your way up
  12. Have you delved into emotional mastery of yourself? Do you have emotional issues ATM or are you balanced? If you can manage your own emotions better you should be able to balance the empathy Vs absorbing too much from those around you perhaps Defo sounds like something that will burn you out and tire you if you're "too" empathetic that you will yourself deeply feel all the trauma and issues the people you're trying to help face. Even people who are not as empathetic require regular help themselves because of listening to the traumas of people day in day out. But, I'm sure there's ways to prepare for this by setting the foundation of increased emotional strength within you (whilst still being able to understand others deeply). Additionally, empathy is good, but having emotional mastery means you will be able to help others deal with their issues too. I used to be veryyy emotional (and somewhat) empathetic as a young teen, but emotional mastery has made me self-aware of how to deal with my own and others' emotions as well as becoming more empathetic than I was before.
  13. He's being authentic though... and recently I've seen more empathy and compassion from him LMAO, could be true for most of his followers? idk? I think I was the polar opposite of autistic (overly emotional) when I first started watching him and I'm more emotionally balanced now Eckhart Tolle's teaching style puts me off... but I probably need to give him more of a chance, I do like Rupert Spira though Outer personalities are kinda superficial and distracting from the main purpose of people's teachings (but ofc we are programmed to be influenced by them)
  14. @Godhead good point @LfcCharlie4 oooh ok I'll let him know, thanks
  15. I've gotten my 14 year old brother into meditation, after he decided himself to quit his gaming addiction (1000s of hours of gaming time) and I've given him advice on how to cope with craving to go back to gaming and set up a good study routine with him, I'm so happy about this and hopefully he keeps it up I've also tried to get my mum and boyfriend into meditation and they've both see the value in it, but don't think either are currently keeping up with it, my mum is interested in reading some of the books I've read too whilst my boyfriend has also started his own journey into self-development reading I think it is really possible to get people that you care about into this stuff if they are open minded and willing to grow themselves
  16. I agree completely, the guy has whole videos about pleasing women and so on, and it's obvious his ideas aren't from some stage blue or orange sexism But also rate the thoughtful response Leo
  17. Amazing Yes, occasionally even alcohol is a great tool and although I don't go out drinking much now I really love my memories and experiences of when I did go out more often For me, not getting wasted but drinking a moderate amount turns me into the most social person in the room- where I want to converse with strangers about anything- fun small talk and banter to even deeper (sometimes philosophical) conversations with strangers [more so in house party or street settings] LMAO Not to mention my confidence levels go through the roof- where I believe I'm an actual "model" -I love it and so does my boyfriend hahaha (he wants me to be this confident all the time), I'd love to harness this energy when I'm sober but still working on it
  18. love it Also made me realize to be more appreciative of people as they are and whilst self growth is good for yourself and partners, true love is accepting reality as it is (obvs whilst not accepting abusive relationships)
  19. Three idiots funny, sometimes emotional and a good conscious meaning with it (links to life purpose for e.g.)