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Everything posted by Moon
Thank you!!! I guess adoption is also an option though
LOL The fact that you're basing intelligence off of IQ... OR there is a balancing act... e.g. developing yourself enough BEFORE having children, so that your kids will have a good foundation and upbringing to help them to see the beauty of life (without being ignorant to the issues), and making them realize they can drive society forward! For me, I don't know whether I will have kids but I have a DEEP craving for wanting children and being a mother (NOT because society/my parents tell me to) but more of a "biological" desire...It's as bad as the desire to be in an intimate relationship for me! I'm not saying that's a justified reason for having children on it's own (it would be selfish for me to fulfill this desire at my current age, without being financially, emotionally, consciously etc ready for this) But If I did eventually have children, it wouldn't be for either of the reasons you posted above as I'd prepare myself beforehand to make sure my kids have the most loving and conscious start to life, as existence doesn't have to be a "burden"
It's about equal opportunities and freedom, not necessarily about a gender fluid society e.g. the equal opportunity for a woman to leave the house without needing legally needing a male companion, the equal opportunity for a woman to drive a car etc A woman should have the equal opportunity to do as a man would in society like the opportunity of having the same career success if the same work was put in, but also if she wanted to, she should be able to be a stay-at-home mother! (and her relationship would reflect this- being with someone who is fine with that level of femininity/masculinity and splitting of family roles)
Both A meditation practice should help (and less social media etc use that are designed to reduce attention span)
"there's not a woman who isn't at least 4 crazy" hahaha oops
I like reading your posts regarding your personality, the first part sounds very similar to my younger sister she has always been a more logical than emotional, perhaps that's why she has seemed to get on well with my younger brother too (INTJ sis, INTP bro- assuming but could change) when I was younger I would get annoyed that my sister wouldn't open up more and talk to me about "interesting things"/drama in her life or boys but I also enjoyed her company apart from this, as I matured more emotionally I'm so glad to have her how she is, even though she's not always as warm and affectionate as I sometimes like her to be, there's never any drama between us and we have a lot of fun haha (also she does fancy Kpop guys who looks-wise are quite feminine, could be related idk) I would love to have girl mates like you, I either find a lot of people are into drama or some stage orange pop culture activities I don't care about much (trying more to appreciate people how they are though )
Open mindedness, non-dogmatic, emotionally stable&emotionally intelligent, ability to admit and apologize for mistakes etc
Looks fun, heck I would try it for fun (even approach girls) if someone dared me to Everyone has the ability to be confident and go out and do this shit within themselves (you just gotta work on unraveling the layers of anxiety, fear and whatever other emotional obstacles are in the way)
Better...(in your world) hahaha
Hitler is that you?
sage on the streets, animal in the sheets? LOL
Well I've noticed for myself that women who fit into INTP etc tend to seem more male-brained to me (by my analysis of different kinds of people on a regular) Wait, when does it ask for your gender? But yeah, I would say most women just want to vent out their feelings, so let them vent and keep reassuring them that how they are feeling is justified lol Ofc there are women who are outliers so with them the logical approach would work, I'd say a mixture of both is probably best (starting with letting them vent first and then eventually give a solution)
Focuses on sustainable, long term impact rather than short-term superficial help via some savior complex
yup hahaha @AtheisticNonduality the classic pic!
LOOOOOL Dawah man at it again...crying about women not being stage blue in an orange Britain
and microplastics best solution would probs be to grow some of your own food in a greenhouse? but expensive to set up and maintain as well as time-consuming
Maybe that's what they tried to do with the revelation of the Bible and Qur'an and things...but perhaps the "fairytales" came from the limited human mind? You also hear of how these religious books "discovered" certain science before scientists...dunno the truth to this but maybe it's related, who knows
What? Why is there so many stage orange successful businessmen then, and life purpose is kinda positive stage orange anyway? You're still contributing to society by simply having a business The market would only die long term if there was massive shifts of consciousness in society which isn't a quick process (e.g. to get to yellow/turquoise)
Not experienced this but I'd really love to! I LOVEEEE him touching my earlobes but only just looked it up and didn't realize there were so many other regions haha
Hey! (twitter friend LOL) lmao I do remember this guy, pretty sick story! Yeah I've heard similar stories of stage red progressing to stage blue through Christianity or Islam whilst at prison, interesting
That's the thought I had too- maybe with certain vids and things like the "copyright" issue with the Stage Turquoise vid maybe we need a backup of the vids on the Actualized site through another platform?
Ahh I feel for the guy Wait so which were the recent vids that got him banned? I just saw the IQ thing with Peterson
he cute tho
yeah you're right lol better to go off body language and the sound of her voice when she speaks to you than the actual words sometimes it's probably varies in different places and cultures (sounds more like a compliment in Canada or the US) but in the UK "cute" is normally the opposite of sexual attraction