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Everything posted by Annatar1693

  1. Just thought about a scenario this morning which some here might find interesting. Basically how would a yellow country/society fight a war with a blue country/society if the blue society started a war with the yellow society? Would a yellow society be willing to commit genocide on the blue society to win the war especially if the blue society was genocidal? But that may not be possible as genocide would mean violating the standards and morals of the yellow society, it may not be willing to sink that low. In fact the yellow society may be unwilling to even inflict death on even one member of the blue society. If not how would the yellow society win the war if it wasn't willing to use overwhelming force and violence to win? Maybe use some ultra advanced technology that would disarm the armies of the blue society and win the war in a peaceful non violent way? Just a thought, would be interesting to hear people's opinions on this!
  2. So would a war between a green nation and blue nation result in the utter extermination of all the people living in the green nation?
  3. Hi everyone, something really weird has been happening to me recently. I used to watch/consume a lot of politics/news. I also used to be on my computer and my phone right up until I went to bed. These things used to consume my life and I must say they made me very stressed/anxious. Needless to say I wasn't getting much done or achieving much with my life. Then a few weeks ago I decided to switch off all electronic devices/blue light two hours before bed and decided to quit consuming any news/politics, zero. I also decided to start working towards some goals and designed a 6,7 hour a day to-do-list to go through every day in order to start moving forwards towards my goals. Ever since that happened my anxiety and stress went right down, i've been much happier and more fulfilled and i've been moving forwards to achieving my goals. I've found purpose and direction. However during that period I've noticed my sleep going down from 8 hours a night to 6 hours a night. Although I'm not exhausted when I wake up I always feel depleted in energy, never fully rested and ive been getting less and less productive and am getting less and less done. This never happened when I consumed all the politics and news. When I consumed all the politics and news and was being exposed to blue light right up until bedtime although I was pissed off with my life, unhappy and stressed I was still able to get enough sleep every night. Logically the exact opposite should have happened, I should have been getting less sleep. Now the exact opposite is happening, although Im happier and more content I'm getting less sleep and feeling more tired, why is this happening? Also the exact same thing happened 6 months ago. I did all the things im doing now, the only difference is I also gave up caffeine and wheat (im still not consuming wheat) and as soon as I gave up those things in addition to not watching news/politics and switching off blue light about an hour before bed and going through a to-do-list and working towards my goals I started getting only 6 hours of sleep per night and was too tired to be productive/creative during the day. What the hell is going on? These changes and increases in my happiness and fulfilment, decreases in stress should make me get better sleep, not less resulting in me being less functional during the day. It's driving me crazy and destroying my productivity and I dont know what to do.
  4. Hi, things have got better in last couple days, 2 nights in a row I've had 8 hours sleep but last night I woke up after 3 hours a little sweaty. Think it might be that my room is too hot. Been following a youtuber called Eric Berg recently. Do you guys know about him? He gives all sorts of brilliant advice mainly regarding nutrition but also other things like how to get a good night's sleep. Check him out his stuff is really good. Also this video is really informative and gives really good advice on how to a get a good night's sleep.