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Everything posted by Gianna

  1. Absolutely! I think this is what Leo is referring to by going up the scale (god realization) instead of down (detachment/nondual awareness). This is why I do not want to leave any part of myself behind in this journey. If my emotional wounds are not healed, I need to heal them and bring them with me to awakening, and then I can– like you say– fully access the capabilities of my spiritual-energetic body. Although, I have heard that people who do not do inner child work yet proceed in their nondual and no self realizations– through a fragmented part of themselves– start to have 'weird experiences'. Like seeing aliens and such haha. What is your opinion on this? I heard it in a video by Matt Kahn and then Leo may have talked about this in the God Realization video, I'm not sure. Very interesting!!! This is a very wise perspective.
  2. I believe I did! When I was in school my studies in Communication led me to serious self-examination/self-awareness. Once I had a bit of self-awareness my negative patterns just started to fix themselves. But did I get everything in my shadow? I have no idea. That's why I take on Teal's work because who knows! How can we be aware of something we're not aware of?
  3. How so? Well, I was at the point in my spiritual journey where I felt total and complete self-love. I believe it was this that allowed me to realize no self and oneness. I had a peak into Truth in these moments and it would come and go throughout my days. And like you said in one of your videos, once you have one of these experiences you start to get really serious about this work. That is exactly what happened to me. I started to get very serious about this work so I branched out towards studying other teachings (before, I had ONLY followed Leo). Then, I got introduced to Teal and it put me back into victimhood, blaming, judgment. It made me believe that I had more work to do on my emotional body and that I wasn't fully integrated so I needed emotional healing. And so I say it "fucked me up" because now I am just so absorbed in my past, thoughts, experiences, that I have lost touch with Truth. I can find Truth when I want but my focus is on reintegration instead of just Being/Truth. It's hard for me to know, is this what I need? Emotional integration? Or, is it because I was fully integrated in the first place that I was even able to reach self-love and thus, my nondual and no self realizations. When Teal talks about 'False Self' I think, hm. Was my self-love a false self? She talks about fragmentation which makes me feel only one aspect of myself realized Truth but I have other aspects of myself that haven't. She also talks a lot about shadow work so I think I have a lot more shadow work to do. I really don't want to discount how far I came in realizing self-love, no self, nonduality. But I also feel that regression is sometimes necessary for fuller or 'integrated' progression. I should also put that my mom has a false self. She thinks she has self-love but she's still at a very low vibration. So this is what is scaring me into believing that I too, am like my mom. And deceived myself into self-love. But my self-love was so empowering. The moments I felt it, it was like I didn't need anything else in the world ever because I could give it to myself. I also was inspired to give it to others and help them get it themselves.
  4. I haven't read much on karma but I just read this quote from a book by Bryon Katie: “The usual awakening that happens through intensive meditation practice is much more jagged: a lightning-flash of insight that gives you immense encouragement and clears up your life to some extent, and afterward a great deal of slogging as that insight settles in and transforms you.” “Then later, there may be another insight or insights, and more clarity, and more slogging through your karmic debris.” Where and how have you guys witnessed karma playing out in your spiritual growth?
  5. Haha not necessarily. More is more work. But I am always up for the growth
  6. What is the difference between Leo's latest video on God-Realization and his previous video, "Guided Exercise for Realizing You Are God "? Would the latter video be going down the scale, whereas his most recent video is going up the scale?
  7. I think this is key! Thank you.
  8. Oh yes! I have heard this from other spiritual teachers like Matt Kahn. He mentioned something similar to you; about how if you don't bring your inner child with you in your transcendence weird things will surface.
  9. Okay! I love hearing your and everyone's perspective. I thought Leo's work was heavy on concept, but she is just a giant waterfall of concept just pouring out everywhere. I'm not overwhelmed with the way I am feeling physically, emotionally, or mentally. But her concepts are disorienting. It makes me wonder, is this much concept spiritual? I had less of a monkey mind before listening to her haha. But I love and appreciate her wisdom! I guess it just seems unproductive to me right now? Idk! I wanted to get everyone's opinion which is great so many people are responding I think you're right about the importance of the concepts she covers. Maybe I should just be aware of them, instead of taking all of them on.
  10. @Yarco Hm. Okay. This is really insightful. Thank you!
  11. Thanks! I don't really need anything in particular, I just like to see what different channels are about. Their approach. It seems like Teal is heavy on re-integration. Integrating splits in consciousness, finding needs, healing emotional body, etc. What is your experience with her channel?
  12. Okay this helps. Maybe I'm trying too hard to feel something and that is why I can't feel anything. I didn't mean for the distinction of "newbie" and "enlightened" judgemental; I just know that Teal references the spiritual community as people who are hurting/suffering. So I labeled someone who feels suffering and pain as a 'newbie' but that was probably a wrong assumption. Anyway, I don't feel that revisiting these subjects or feelings are childish, I appreciate doing it! Taking care of myself is something I love to do and I do it by listening to her and taking on these practices even if I think it doesn't apply to me. Because really, if it's subconscious then how would you know which exercises you need? I try all of them on for size. But how do we know if that is what we need? In other words, at what point do we know we are healed? This is why I used the term 'enlightened' when I guess I should've used the word 'healed'.
  13. Finding the balance is exactly what I need! I'll definitely be checking this book out. Thank you!
  14. I get everything she says. I've studied psychology, philosophy, and spirituality for a while. I'm just wondering if her work is necessary for me. It seems like it's creating more problems for me right now. In other words, I wasn't suffering and after listening to her I feel like I must be suffering haha like in a way I can't realize because it's "subconscious". I get repressed feelings and emotions, but I also just feel like I am creating problems. I guess it's because I listen to all videos even if it's not relevant to me and then I like self-diagnose. I don't feel like I have any suffering in my life.
  15. @Tim Ho And you telling me that encourages me to search for more. That there is more to search for
  16. Okay, this is what I thought. Thank you for clarifying. I look forward to deepening my experience.
  17. Understanding. Clarity. I have direct experience. But how am I to know if there is something more when it sounds like the same thing as I had already experienced? Again, I'm looking for clarity. Leo just gave it to me by telling me it's the same thing. But it's also something deeper. So, now I know I need to go deeper. Whereas, before I was unsure. Haha. That's the intention of questions.
  18. Can someone help me to understand the way there are no boundaries in reality? I have recently reached being perception. I can see how everything is on one field (consciousness) and in this sense, boundaryless. But because I still see shapes and colors, how do these boundaries of the shapes and colors relate to boundary-less reality?
  19. Ah, okay! This is perfect. Thanks for answering all of my questions in these different posts hehe
  20. And the one thing they will become is just consciousness, right? Or in the taste bud sense, sensation?
  21. @Leo Gura Yay! Yes that is what I meant. When you say 'the whole universe' is that just everything you are imagining at the moment you are imagining it?
  22. I feel like the moments when you realize you are God you do not want to play a video game. You want to see your consciousness reflect back to you instead of distracting yourself from it. In other words, you'd rather look at a tree than look at a screen. But this does not mean it is not fun, pleasant, enjoyable. It's like a new playground. You just want to run around, explore, and have fun with other people. Learn from them. Whatever ways you want to enjoy yourself. If you were able to draft your dreams at night, what kind of dream would you create? One where you are playing a video game or one that you are IN the video game?