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Everything posted by Gianna

  1. Life is about meeting needs. Seems superficial, but the deeper reason behind meeting needs is so that you can become amended, expanded, created. And then you create more— new needs, ideas, desires, creations, etc. The purpose of that cycle can then be called self-love, self-actualization, or self-realization (what can I do, be, become, etc.). But essentially, you can say Life is about an inquiry done through need-meeting, actualizing God, and exploring what’s more.
  2. If you watch more porn than have sex, the porn will seem better. But if you have more sex than watch porn, the sex will be better. Physicality & fantasy both have something to offer. But I’ve found that the more sex you’ve had, the more exotic your sexual experiences become, the deeper and more penetrating the experience gets, and it’s in actuality (not fantasy). Fantasy can only go so deep. But it does have ‘breadth’— fucking multiple girls, etc. But you could also do that in person. The question is, which experience leads to deeper and deeper levels of surrender (what it takes to orgasm), deeper levels of orgasm, and deeper levels of Union. Union with porn is low-consciousness. Especially where porn is at today. There’s not a lot of love in masturbation, that’s why it’s masturbation.
  3. @Razard86 Yeah, it can all be said to be mental. Everything is a thought. But the only thing that is not a thought is the one perceiving the thoughts which is feeling itself think, becoming those thoughts, feeling itself as those thoughts, etc. And yes we care more about logic of course because it is the mind distracting from Truth which comes from feeling what’s beyond logic— what’s happening right now. I think we are slowing coming back into alignment with the genders.
  4. @RMQualtrough Oh my gosh that freaking sucks. I know how you feel.:( ‘Dread’ It will be worth it. Try being in the now instead of in your head thinking about home. Hehe. Maybe open completely to the feeling of dread and feel/experience it entirely/existentially to work through the feeling.
  5. @NoSelfSelf Yeah sure whatever I don’t particularly care. Just saying why she went cold. To say it’s “playing games” depends on her level of awareness. I get the sense that this girl was just acting from her emotional state (hurt) and so she was acting ‘cold’.
  6. It was only the second date. You didn’t make her feel safe. Of course she is into you— she agreed to go on the date. And it’s not about “taking her somewhere nice”. It’s about, again, making her feel safe and not bringing in the “I kind of want to get laid” energy on the second date. Omg. She probably perceived you not taking her seriously which is why she acted cold, “take me seriously”. Possibly! But for sure guys try introducing sex way too early. It always fucks it up in the long run.
  7. This is why she was acting cold.
  8. It means being willing to feel. If you are not willing to feel the entirety of your being (including your emotions/vulnerability) then you are not going to be willing to feel the entirety of another’s being (you and other are existentially the same), and most girls need to be felt and joined (connection) to feel loved. This is deep down what they are looking for imo but I also think everyone is looking for this. Anyway, practically speaking this looks like being with (think Love, Union, Oneness) a girl in total and that includes her emotional dimension— which most guys are in resistance to. But people in general are in resistance to this, even girls. There’s the mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual dimension and we’re all in a bit of resistance to the emotional aspect being it “takes time” and “energy” and “change” and most importantly, responsibility. Nevertheless, to connect with a girl on an emotional level comes from a surrendered openness and willingness to feel. But being with a girl in her feelings is not a spiraling identification with it. This is where most guys go wrong after swinging the pendulum from being totally unwilling to feel to willing to feel. When this happens it is, paradoxically, another form of emotional closed-ness/unavailability because you are making it about you (one-sided; closed) which does not suggest Union or even availability for union. So just think about a good parent with their child. They are understanding of the child’s perspective, validating of it, they see, feel, and hear into the child making the child feel like the parent is with them (Union). It is not a matter of “right” or “wrong” it is a matter of Love/Union/Presence. The opposite of emotion availability looks like denial (“You’re sensitive”), rejection (“It’s not logical that you’re feeling that way”), or withdrawal (closed heart/unwillingness to feel). Hope this helps! Sorry there’s no simple way to answer this. It can be a whole book and there are books on it.
  9. Awe thanks girl
  10. Emotional availability. Also agree with @JonasVE12 , 100%.
  11. There’s no hesitation or moderation of behavior. But it’s also not reactivity.
  12. I love this thread and seeing everyone’s beautiful faces ? All of the beautiful incarnates of God. Here’s me:
  13. Precisely. Wow, what a beautiful journal.
  14. How does everyone feel after sex? Energized and focused? Or like they want to cuddle? Any ‘post nut clarity’ issues that people are dealing with that they want to share? I want to hear different experiences of how people feel before vs. after sex with someone.
  15. You don’t need caffeine, just hang upside down ? hehe.
  16. @something_else Okay fine. Hehe. I see what you’re saying.
  17. @Terell Kirby hehehe, okay great! Thanks
  18. Hehehehe. Hm, maybe! Or it’s like trying to meditate to find/be fed the food you actually want and therefore will get Because what I was essentially saying is you’re not getting what you think you want because you don’t really want it but you want something bigger (that you think you can’t have) and so you’re really wanting something else. So it’s not direct and God works directly and so that’s why it’s not working.
  19. Hm, I never thought about it like that! Interesting. It reminds me of this scene in the Disney movie Soul: “I heard this story about a fish. He swims up to an older fish and says: “I’m trying to find this thing they call the ocean.” “The ocean?” the older fish says, “that’s what you’re in right now.” “This”, says the young fish, “this is water. What I want is the ocean!” I interpret this as the endless seeking for a concept which is never actually in direct reality. So finding the ‘ocean’ (concept) is never actually achieved because all you’re ever experiencing is water. Hehe. Maybe it’s the same for “a perfect relationship” is what you’re saying? So sad!!! I like to believe in a symbiotic relationship but I guess that’s what committing to making one work is.
  20. Yes and they have that issue because they believe in the thought, “I can’t be picky because I can’t even get a single girl.” Guys (or girls) will fall into such lack perception that says, “I can’t be picky”, “I can’t get a single girl,” because they fundamentally believe, they can’t get whatever they want (hence lack perception). They’ll try to prove it to themselves by pointing to their experience but their experience only looks like that because they’ve fallen prey to their own illusion which is the illusion of ‘lack’ in infinity. And so they’ll only see (experience) their own illusion (lack). Which is why it’s a self-perpetuating cycle that starts with believing the thought, “I can’t” “shouldn’t” “not possible” (anything lack). What do you want? Well it doesn’t matter because you’re going to tell yourself you’re too picky to want that, you shouldn’t want that, and so you won’t get it/give it to yourself. Here’s an example: Let’s say you want a supermodel girlfriend that’s also into epistemology. God would say, “Okay. Here you go!” But your ego will distort you, “No. That’s too picky. There’s no super models that are into epistemology. That’s not a thing here on Planet Earth. Don’t let yourself want that because you won’t get it because it’s not possible and then you’ll be disappointed. That kind of girl doesn’t exist.” And so you spend 4 months doing pickup at a club getting rejected because they’re not the actual girl you really want. The God in you is trying to get you what you really want but you won’t let yourself have it because you don’t believe you can. So you’re in this rejection cycle that doesn’t have to do with the external reality but the rejection/fight in your internal reality between what you really want and what you think you can get. (Those two things are rejecting each other. And that manifests externally). You hold yourself back from Creation in your own Dream because you’ve fallen prey to your own illusion of lack (unworthiness, powerlessness, despair). Once we realize we are God, we will see that this entire conversation we’ve been having about what girls should or shouldn’t get or want, or what men should or shouldn’t do, or not do, and what we should all expect, and get, is ultimately a conversation about self-worth. Where is your self-worth? Because that’s what you’ll get. And what I am trying to say is that you should have the highest of self-worth and have/get whatever you want because ultimately you’re giving it to yourself. And if you aren’t giving it to yourself you’re either in resistance to your own desires (and thus have issues around self worth) or are having issues around receiving. We all need to work on our resistance around receiving if we’re having issues getting or believing in getting whatever we want. Because God(yourself) will give you(yourself) (and thus receive) whatever you want. There’s no judgement or discrimination there. You are giving and you are receiving. So if you’re having issues around giving (desiring big) = self worth issues If you’re having issues around receiving big= receiving issues. (Which is probably self worth issues as well) It all comes down to self worth. We have to look at our traumas, emotions (self concept/worth), and thought/belief programs to start rewiring our dream.
  21. I feel like guys have a hard time getting girls because they are going for the girls that aren’t actually good for them/in their best interest and God is like, “No. Better.”
  22. @Max_V Yeah this sounds like it’s coming from trauma around unfairness. But don’t worry. If you want a girl that will be 100% independent, do you know how easy that is to find? In our feminist world? Even if you wanted to find a girl to take 100% financial care of you, you could probably find that and that is perfectly fine to desire. The world benefits by you getting everything you truly want. We’re never limited. If a girl wants to find a man to take 100% care of her, she can easily find that. Might not be good for her in the long run, but she can have it. If a guy wants to be 100% taken care of by a woman, he can find that. Might not be good for him in the long run, but that experience is already his if he desires it. Do you know how many women are emasculating their men in this area? Post female oppression? If you truly desire something and have no resistance to it, you will give it to yourself (as God). Long story short, you can have whatever you want. Whether it’s good or bad, or, right or wrong, is entirely subjective and based on circumstance. (Also, although I said, “might not be good for them,” it’s not necessarily true on a higher level. Satiating your desires is always always good for you because that is how true growth occurs.)
  23. It’s not like @AliceK is out here asking for Balenciaga. She just wants to feel taken care of and that’s NATURAL for a woman to desire. It’s so beyond reasonable it’s insane and for guys to get anxious about it is just.. not even rational. Because women are smart thinkers and planners too. They’re not going to let you (or even want you) spend to the point it will hurt/hinder you. Not only because they (women) are naturally caretaking, but also because they won’t feel safe and secure with a guy being financially irresponsible. So the fear that guys have in not wanting to support a women with money is, imo, an irrational fear. Woman want to support you in supporting them. I should say most women! Of course there are the exceptions.