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Everything posted by Wilhelm44

  1. What might the world be like 5 years from now ? What might it be like 20 years from now ? Are we evolving towards greater harmony or more madness ?
  2. Looks like the high consciousness resources section is closed, so I'm posting this here. It's a good talk about facing that one trigger that feels like absolute death, which a lot of us are being forced to do right now. And thus having the ability to keep your heart open no matter what. Which is the only way to have a joyful life on this planet.
  3. Whats really happening seems to have become even stranger than the alex jones show.
  4. I'm still curious, to get your imagination to come directly to life, would you need a chip in the brain, or is there a safer way to do the whole brain interface thing ?
  5. @Sadon See if you can give this meditation a go. It may just release some old energies, and open up the possibility for some miracles surrounding this case. It starts at 29:10
  6. I know people here on the forum are not really into prayers as such, but I'm sending you some anyway. May all go better than expected. ps eventually you'll discover there's no need for the shame etc, we've all done stuff that's frowned upon by society.
  7. Thank God, you are in Canada, and not in America. It could have been so much worse.
  8. will probably make it impossible to get married and remain loyal to one person. This is not a moral or nofap inspired statement. Simply noticing that there might be a certain kind of sadness in not moving on to another season of one's life, where one becomes a bit more mature and grows deeply with another person. I imagine that reaching the age of 75, still with a lingering lust for younger woman, would be quite an intense form of suffering.
  9. @integral Do you think the above mentioned would be possible, without getting an actual chip in the brain ?
  10. "I want my imagination to come directly to life." Yeah, that does seem like a cool end game for AI application. (It counters the argument that AI will make us less creative).
  11. Coming off weed is a great opportunity to look at what has been suppressed. And to see through the unreality of those intrusive thoughts. Exercise also helps alot. ps having that smoke again, was not a failure, because it cemented the realization that it's not really doing it for you anymore. You doing well bro. @SQAAD
  12. Of course it's still a minority, but there's definitely a strong upward trend in it's growth, which shows no signs of stopping. There's even some pretty good conscious dating sites these days. https://www.conscioussingles.com/
  13. That pool is probably bigger than it ever was in history, and it's growing.
  14. Why not just set the intention of meeting someone else who is also high consciousness ?
  15. @LastThursday Interesting, so not that i want you to lose your job, but what exactly would AI need to be able to do, to oneday completely take over coding jobs ?
  16. Marriage is a proper bootcamp for growth. I don't think they necessarily fail because of the novelty issue. Once the honeymoon phase is over, there will be periods of hell, when one gets to see the absolute worst of each other. It's important to remember that this a natural part of the process. But at that point it is very tempting to just want to get the hell out of there. There is no where to hide in a marriage. If both parties are not completely willing to take full responsibility for their own bs, there won't be peace. When the peace isn't there, the playfulness goes, and so does the intimacy. And that's when the need for variety becomes more of a thing. The more we heal, and the more present we become, the more we get to see the other person with new eyes, as they reveal subtle aspects of themselves that weren't seen before. It would be interesting to know who initiated the divorce in Ralston's case, and what the actual reasons were. My guess is that his ex wife might still be telling herself that she got married to some kind of narcissist, but the truth is, she just married herself.
  17. @LastThursday I am curious, what makes you so certain that AI wont be able to do your coding job ?
  18. Yes, and this mainly stems from having a very strong soul connection. As well as gradually healing wounds which stood in the way of new levels of intimacy.
  19. Yeah, of course not right away. ps there will always be a need for therapists that have soul.
  20. @koops I think you missed the rest of the conversation thread above.
  21. There certainly is a lot that can go wrong. The only true counter to fear, is the realization that you are the Consciousness from which even AI is emerging.
  22. Maybe AI will eventually lead to so much abundance that there won't be any need for exploitation anymore. What would AI gain by exploiting us ?