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About Wilhelm44

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  1. God works in mysterious ways, Trump's 2nd disasterous term might just be the tipping point that finally gets someone like Bernie into power.
  2. I hear you. ps, if i were to place bets, i dont see this administration surviving an entire 4 years.
  3. Yes you can, anyone can be temporarily deluded.
  4. It's never too late for empathy, but true, suffering is how most of us wake up. And whether it was Trump or someone else, it was inevitable that the current system would self destruct, in some way, at some stage, to allow something a tad bit more humane to emerge.
  5. @How to be wise, see my post today in the society section: "Don't worry, Trump supporters will be forced to come to their senses,"
  6. eventually, just like the flat earthers had to. It's kind of the same principle - when the status quo isn't particularly appealing or super satisfying, it's easy to be tempted when something seemingly maverick or radical comes along. Which is why even relatively intelligent people, like Russel Brand for example, have been hypnotized temporarily. But we are all fooled by some aspect of reality at one point or another. So what's needed right now, is not name calling or feeling superior in one's point of view, but rather the energy of actual compassion. (ps, if you think people can't change - my dad is 78, was a big Trump fan, but when he saw the Zelinsky ambush in the oval office, even he was like, whoa, this don't feel right.)
  7. @integral I definitely see the value in AI, but the one thing I feel it will never be able to do, is to have actual original divine insight. It can become infinitely intelligent within a closed system, but it can never receive downloads the way we do. Therefore the true spiritual teachers will still do well in the future. (spirituality is too subtle for AI)
  8. How would AI or the algorithm know what's the most conscious material ?
  9. Yeah, you'll need to learn the art of meeting people where they are at.
  10. Yeah mate, refugees deserve to be shot ?
  11. @Leo Gura Please can you restart the clips channel, its really useful for example to a parent with a baby, who dont have time for the longer videos right now. Much thanks.
  12. @desoBesides the sense of meaninglessness, which is a perfectly natural part of the process, what exactly makes you feel shitty ?
  13. So glad we done with all that talk about there's no one as conscious as me
  14. There's a big difference between Christianity and Christ consciousness. I dont know about this woman, but many nondual teachers have recently had more of a love/heart awakening, and have distanced themselves from the 'dryness' of pure nondual teachings.