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Everything posted by Wilhelm44

  1. What would yellow or above sound like in terms of party music ?
  2. Visualization is not a necessity. Simply focus on what you are feeling or your sense of inner knowing.
  3. @blankisomeone Check out the work of Dr J.J. Hurtak, he works a lot with sacred names of the Divine. https://keysofenoch.eu/ Or get yourself a copy of the book: A course in miracles.
  4. Look at all the reasons the mind gives you for not being worthy of things. I bet you that every single one of those reasons have been made up by society. So question the mind's reasoning: When it says you're not worthy of this or that because so and so, simply ask: Who does this reasoning belong to ? Does my heart authentically believe this to be true, or is it simply a make belief idea my mind adopted from society. In the end it all comes back to self love, loving oneself as you are right now. And the mind will also have lots of reasons why you can't love yourself fully right now. Once again, all those reasons have been invented by society, based on the false belief that "I am incomplete".
  5. What do you believe needs to change in your life for you to feel worthy of your own love ?
  6. I don't know what that therapy is called, but Family Constellations might be something you'll enjoy then too. Also powerful.
  7. Failure is such a great teacher of Surrender.
  8. Thank you.
  9. My two cents: Happiness reveal itself the more I see through the make belief reasons why supposedly I am not allowed to be happy right now as I am.
  10. Imagine a completely different past, one where you have always been infinitely fulfilled,
  11. Zero evidence I'm guessing you believe UFO's are a hoax, we are the pinnacle of creation, and we're all alone in the universe ? If violence and struggle breeds intelligence, Afghanistan should be a desirable place to live in. The fallacy is thinking that a peaceful and enlightened civilization will be boring and not creative.
  12. A truly terrible childhood can be difficult to recover from.
  13. Yes, the more the unreality of the ego is seen through, the more we live from a different place all together.
  14. Ego is just survival program without any independent intelligence. What do you mean by dysfunctional ?
  15. Yes, it's inevitable. If there are advanced civilizations in other galaxies, which there undoubtedly are, they would have had to reach a certain level of peace in order to advance. Think of those advanced civilizations as being like earth's future selves.
  16. Who says you can't have solitude, a business, and a partner ?
  17. What do you mean by: "But not ego is now dysfunctional" ?
  18. If it's a healthy relationship, what is the voice screaming about ?
  19. It's just part of being born on this planet, the veil of forgetting. "I forgive myself for having forgotten who I am."