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Everything posted by Wilhelm44

  1. Notice everything that you assume to be true in your experience of life. This is a kind of game you are playing with yourself.
  2. How about pinpointing exactly what it is that you enjoy so much when solving problems. The precise frequencies of the experience. Give those frequencies names. It could be a sense of aliveness, fascination etc. Then, with a some daily practice and imagination, you can actually recreate those states for yourself at will. You already have access to the frequencies you enjoy, without needing to find them in problems, unless you really want to.
  3. What I'm pointing to is that the deeper your self love becomes, the less unnecessary problems you will face. It doesn't mean there won't be challenges. True bliss is not dependent on circumstance. If you love working on a problem, and the problem gets solved, what happens to your sense of fun then ?
  4. Bliss is more fun
  5. Neither. Focus on your true authentic alignment first, see where that takes you . . .
  6. To be seen, to be heard, to be acknowledged, to be accepted and loved unconditionally. Every single aspect of ourselves wants this. Until that happens we have problems.
  7. I'm sure it will be worth it
  8. Nope, do you recommend it ?
  9. @softlyblossoming What fascinates you most about your direct experience ? Contemplate that. Fascination becomes more and more subtle. It draws you in naturally. No end to wonder and awe really.
  10. @Scholar With the misinterpreting part I was referring to Leo's work
  11. Imagination is a powerful tool to help exhaust desire.
  12. People "should" discover nuance for themselves. And there's always the risk that the truth will be misinterpreted, no matter how hard you try to make your message foolproof.
  13. Noticing what we're identified with gives us insight into our suffering. Noticing what we're not identified with gives us hints as to where we can expand in love.
  14. "Where is everything arising from ?"
  15. It's more a case of Consciousness remembering that it's not limited to the finite mind. Awareness having more and more glimpses of the unreality of thought.
  16. You not one. If you were, you would not even care to ask this question.
  17. @Thestarguitarist14 What choice do you have ? Fight against the injustices in the world. Or do the challenging internal work of healing the pain caused by racism, until you evolve so much in consciousness that you go beyond race as the identification of who you are. The latter option will be a more effective way to change things in the world.
  18. This is silly, in that clip it looks like all the times Joe mentioned occasions where someone else used the N word. He don't come across as racist to me. I'm pretty sure someone like Dave Chapelle would have noticed if he was. Seems like there's a big movement to get Joe cancelled now.
  19. @cle103 Meditate on getting clarity about what the deeper cause of the "down" might be ?
  20. @Bob Seeker What would your dream life look like ? Begin moving your thinking, feeling and action towards that. And uncover any beliefs which say that it's not possible. Living your purpose and passion is the best thing you can do for the planet. Don't use the suffering of others as an excuse not to be happy and fulfilled yourself.
  21. "after my last trip I hit a very enjoyable upswing in life. I started to get my dating life back on the rails, worked on new art and even looked into getting a nice apartment. " Why not refocus here ? @cle103