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Everything posted by Wilhelm44

  1. From the perspective of Awareness he agrees with everything you said there. I think it's a bit silly to imply that Rupert is somehow missing something, as many have said here.
  2. Bit long but really worthwhile to listen till the end.
  3. So if one wakes up to this one point of view, is that beyond experience itself ?
  4. So from my point of view only my experience is valid. And from your point of view only your experience is valid ?
  5. @Inliytened1 @Girzo Yes, in the Absolute sense, but why can't there be bubbles in the relative sense ? My imagination of 8 billion people is not the same as your imagination of 8 billion people.
  6. @Leo Gura If there are no relative bubbles, why don't you have access to what I'm experiencing right now ?
  7. ie no separation between God and infinite creation
  8. I guess what I'm saying is, does God already know in advance exactly how everything will happen or play out so to speak ? Does God have a plan ?
  9. Are you saying things are predestined in a way ? Or random ?
  10. @WokeBloke @Mason Riggle Thank you
  11. @axiom "Everything is causing everything... yes. Unlike Leo, I think even God's imaginings are deterministic in nature." If everything is causing everything, doesn't the word 'deterministic' kind of collapse on itself ?
  12. @Mason Riggle "the totality of which is the cause of 'what will occur'." Please can you expand a little bit on this ? Is it like saying everything is causing everything ?
  13. It sounds like from the perspective of Awareness he actually agrees with Solipsism, but I hear you.
  14. @Jodistrict Great thread, thank you !
  15. In what sense is he not fully awake ? Can you clarify this statement ?
  16. Use your imagination, it's like a muscle, the more you practice, the more powerful it becomes.
  17. Notice everything that you assume to be true in your experience of life. This is a kind of game you are playing with yourself.