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Everything posted by Wilhelm44

  1. What is the full name of the substance you used. Nothing specific coming up on google based on what you mentioned ?
  2. If you become a confident public speaker, you can basically sell any bullshit to people's painpoints. Hitler, Trump, Tate etc.
  3. Sin is just an ancient word for our programming.
  4. Im guessing its a scientific term for what's out there in space, for which science has no current explanation.
  5. Saying alound and meditating on Divine Names of God in Hebrew and Armaic.
  6. I think Russell Targ was part of the remote viewing team that discovered the location of the tomb of Osiris.
  7. Leo is one of a kind truly. Also check out the work of Dr JJ Hurtak from the Academy for Future Science. He wrote a magnificent book called The Keys of Enoch.
  8. Yeah, only the highest heavens will do, after graduating from space ship earth?
  9. Overlap of heavenly and earthly realms for those with the eyes to see. And we are living in a time where the veils are being lifted.
  10. Without trauma and conditioning, do you still have a point of view ?
  11. Yeah, its like the people of Iran and China went beyond fear of government control.
  12. It sure dont look like he is. And his supporters are clearly in denial of his mental state. Bias is everywhere.
  13. Forgiveness is always self forgiveness, and it tends to happen through Grace.
  14. Depression is the inner child's unmet needs. Be the parent to yourself that you truly wanted, and the inner child will feel safe and stop acting out in various ways to get your attention.
  15. We are the aliens. The variety of intelligences with which to connect is infinite. The question is will you connect with the most high
  16. Cant wait for the video, but what makes you so sure you the only human who has experienced this ?
  17. In our current state of development, collaboration only really happens when there is a huge crisis, ie when it serves survival purposes.
  18. @Magnanimous A good place to start is to wish positive outcomes on those around you. ie practice positivity in a detached way first. This will spill over into your own life.
  19. @emvipi Look into the devotional rituals done in Hindu tradition, they have been shown to be quite effective in the type of prayer you mentioned.
  20. Seeing the funny side in challenging times is a super power?
  21. Looks like he's wearing black in that video