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Everything posted by Wilhelm44

  1. If consciousness imagines everything, but everything is also made out of consciousness, does this mean everything is real ?
  2. When a man and a woman respectively embrace the beast within as something divine, it elevates their lovemaking to something truly sacred. And the wandering eye begins to dissolve for both parties.
  3. Thank you, all of this reminds me of a quote I once saw: There is no conflict between duality and nonduality.
  4. @Eternal Unity Please can you explain the Arrow Paradox briefly ?
  5. I hear you about the partying thing, Kundalini rising ! But not wanting to help people could also be egotistical, don't you think ?
  6. @Leo Gura If nothing really matters, and there's no one really to teach, why do you still teach ?
  7. @modmyth Not sure I understand your question, how would what even work logistically/hypothetically ?
  8. @Raptorsin7 Yeah I agree, and I guess the more of God we realize the less we'll care to manifest those millions anyway
  9. Thank you for all the replies ! Much appreciation. So much to contemplate
  10. @WaveInTheOcean Thank you, Wow, you given me a lot to contemplate
  11. @Raptorsin7 It sounds like it's about not attaching any overblown sense of importance to your preferred reality, ie believing it's as possible as fetching a glass of milk from the fridge. And already now being completely comfortable with the potential consequences of that reality. Plus the intention needs to come from the heart, not the mind. ps when I shift into my 10 million dollar reality, I will send you one million dollars as a small token of my appreciation.
  12. Watched "The Two Popes" the other day, quite interesting, kind of like stage blue and stage greenish having a conversation.
  13. @Raptorsin7 I'm going to go through some youtube videos on the topic, and will post one here later today.