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Everything posted by Wilhelm44

  1. A conflict that can never be solved through logical negotiation. Forget the history and who you think is right or wrong. Right now both parties claim same piece of land as their holiest of holies. Imagine this catch22 conflict happening within your own brain. Bring it to a complete peace within yourself, and you have done more than most today.
  2. I guess all I am saying is that collective consciousness creates it all. Therefore some conflict within me partly helps to create the conflict out there in the world. Seeing as the external world is a mirror of the internal world.
  3. Grateful for all the wisdom shared here on the forum. Was wondering if any of the moderators have youtube channels or other links where we can follow their insights more directly ?
  4. A lot of writing here and very few pics, come on people, your face is the face of God.
  5. @Forestluv Interesting, thank you. This reminds me of something I heard about Ramana Maharshi, that he only taught through silence, not words.
  6. Whether these allegations are true or not, I still find it amazing how people believe the first video they see from a detractor. It's kind of like cancel culture in the spiritual world. You will easily find videos made by unhappy students directed at just about every famous spiritual teacher alive.
  7. Wow, imagine how spontaneous such a society would be. I don't think anyone would be limited to playing the role of the plumber. Plus technology would probably be used in very benevolent ways. All in all a society that flows in very magical ways. That said, even our current society flows in magical ways for those who have the eyes to see.
  8. What specifically makes you say that he is not highly embodied ?
  9. @Preety_India I noticed you deleted your reply to my earlier question about whether you saw it happening with your own eyes ?
  10. I'm sorry to hear that. I learned a lot from him over the years. Does boggle the mind though, how such unique teachings could come through someone who then clearly hasn't mastered his lower chakras yet.
  11. I wouldn't believe everything I hear coming from someone who use to be in his inner circle. Who knows , she might have had an ego reaction , left the ashram, and now she's devoted to bringing him down. I generally don't trust people who focus their attention on tearing others down. Smells of some sort of ego revenge.
  12. The Breakthrough Experience by John F. Demartini