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Everything posted by Wilhelm44

  1. @Axiomatic Dude, from personal experience I can say that trying to get others to look at themselves is a futile exercise. I found what works in relationships, is just to really become aware of myself, what triggers me is simply showing me I have some past hurts to heal, and thus I can love myself more in the process. Somehow the relationship then begins to take care of itself.
  2. @Axiomatic You're not getting it. What I'm saying is that you're battle is not with woman out there. The real battle is always an internal one.
  3. You do realize that a relationship is like a mirror right ? All our disowned parts are held up for us to see, accept and love. It can be quite humbling if you let it. That's why relationships are such full on vehicles for growth. Remember this sentence: it's never about the other person.
  4. If shit irritates us, it's because on some internal level we are doing those things to our self. Which mostly comes from internalizing how our parents treated us. Become a kind parent to yourself. But of course if the relationship becomes unbearable, then leave.
  5. If your woman is a good woman, she will push you to heal completely, so that you can be a clear container for her. Until you heal fully you will need to get use to the complaints.
  6. Common dude, this was clearly a hit piece. Can you imagine Vice doing a video on Leo, they would make him out to be a nutter.
  7. There are many brilliant independent coaches out there too.
  8. I've had some big aha moments here, if you're humble you will too.
  9. Listen to as many teachers as you resonate with, it helps to come at this thing from different angles. But when we get obsessed with where a teacher might be wrong, first feel into that part of one's own ego that want's to be right all the time, that's a big one to dissolve. And then you might find that your truth don't clash with anyone else's truth after all.
  10. No, it's actually good news. It should be quite obvious that the ego age is coming to an end. Either we evolve or we self destruct. Plus we have this idea that change is always going to take a very long time. I don't agree with Leo on that one. Covid is already an example of an event which caused a speeding up of awakening on this planet. And there are more to come. We are the lucky ones who are waking up consciously. The rest of the planet will literally be forced. That this planet is evolving from 3d to 5d is not just New Age speak. Let's say there are 50 super enlightened beings on this planet right now. Imagine if that number went to 500 000 or a million. Can you imagine the ripple effect on society. And if you look at the number of people who have literally been doing this work on themselves over the past 10 to 15 years, it's not an impossibility. It's foolish to think that it's business as usual for planet earth. We really are living in extraordinary times, and it's a good thing.
  11. This Kali Yuga is coming to an end. It's interesting to note that two unrelated sources both predict the start of a Golden Age in 2035, ie Bentinho Massaro, and the Oneness University.
  12. Happiness with a capitol "h" is our true nature, ie beyond dualistic notions of happiness and sadness.
  13. Enlightenment is happiness. If you don't mind what happens, how can you not be happy ?
  14. The frequency of nostalgia can also have a useful and deeper significance on the spiritual path. As in nostalgia for and a remembering of your true home. Like God whispering to all it's parts, there's rest here.
  15. When we evolved from being solely reliant on our instincts, into beings with self reflecting minds, conflict arose between our instincts and our adventurous minds. It was in this conflict that the shadow was born. The speaker (a biologist) in this short video clip even relates it to the garden of Eden in a novel way. It kind of feels like the whole human story is one where we were once taught that we are bad, and ever since we have been trying to prove that we are good. After watching this clip I came away feeling an amazing new level of understanding, forgiveness and love for myself and all of humanity. One gets the sense that with the right understanding the shadow can be integrated much faster than once thought possible. I hope someone else also has an aha moment when watching this.
  16. Devilry is an innocent byproduct of evolution. When we don't see it's innocence it leads to more devilry. When we see it's innocence it is transformed.
  17. In Leo's latest video he says God realization is much deeper than nonduality. Leo, I watched the whole video, thank you, but please can you or someone else that knows, say a bit more about the difference between realizing God and fully realizing nonduality. Are people like Adyashanti or Spira not God realized ?
  18. @Leo Gura Just briefly, what is your main disagreement with the work of Frank Yang ? Because I feel truth in your teachings and also in his.
  19. Feels like Frank Yang just rocked this forum in the most beautiful way today
  20. Is becoming aware through meditation and contemplation of how I am imagining/creating everything (including science, birth, death, family etc) not the best way of going about realizing that I am God ? (Apart from psychedelics of course.)
  21. @Inliytened1 Thank you. And then, if I understand correctly, God realization is really taking it all the way, ie realizing that as God I have literally imagined the whole universe and everything in it.
  22. I hear you, but my question is more about what Leo says in his latest video: ie that God Realization is something deeper than nonduality. I'm not doubting the oneness of reality. I'm more curious as to why he said God realization is something beyond or deeper than nonduality/oneness.
  23. In this clip Bentinho explains that every moment is it's own eternal parallel reality. With the symbolic cosmic big bang, God instantaneously created every possibility that could and ever will exist. So for example, the conversation you had with a friend this morning, has been playing itself out in the universe since the beginning of time, and will do so eternally. The novelty to the universe this morning, was the way your consciousness related to the conversation in that present moment. And on a more global scale, Bashar teaches that one can simply shift to the version of earth which one prefers. So for example, you could shift your consciousness to a version of earth where all the oceans are clean if you so choose. I agree with this to some extent, because we do all inhabit our own unique universe, but when it comes to changes on a macro level, I have a sense that it's more about the dominant forces in the collective consciousness. Any interesting perspectives on this topic are most welcome. Thank you.
  24. Once enlightened, he or she probably would not be drawn to the porn industry anymore.