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Everything posted by Wilhelm44

  1. If the duality of subject and object is just an appearance, does it mean that at the deeper levels of reality choice and decision making don't actually exist ? Is everything simply happening automatically ? Any interesting perspectives on this topic would be most welcome.
  2. @NoSelfSelf Thank you, I'm more interested in freedom with a capitol f
  3. For the past couple of days I have felt very little sense of difference between anything. Even the economic system with it's hierarchical structures feel smoothed out in some way. I might see the president of a country on tv, and I can tell he thinks he's important, but I don't sense any more power there than in a plant growing in the garden. I'm pretty sure that if a tiger came for me I would probably notice some sense of difference and shit myself. But somehow everything just feels like "equal" beingness at the moment. I'm guessing this is just a phase ?
  4. @Mason Riggle Cool, thanks man. So it's simply our insistence on being a separate doer, ie trying to play God in a way, which prevents us from knowing that we have been God all along.
  5. @Mason Riggle When you say it like that, it almost feels like there is no God.
  6. @Mason Riggle Aha, so whatever this body appears to be doing is still actually only a beingness, because that's all there is.
  7. @NoSelfSelf Thank you, so by a game you mean we are in charge of the importance we give to things, and thus also in control of the amount of suffering or bliss we experience, is that the extent of our freedom in this life ?
  8. What is the best way to find the source of "I"- thinking ?
  9. Why would you want to be with someone who enjoys being treated like trash ?
  10. So true, without the need to be right, where is the problem ?
  11. I think secretly they love men even if they don't want to admit it.
  12. I'm curious, which blind spot did you see there for Bentinho ?
  13. Inherently there's nothing wrong with men or women, can't we just all get along
  14. @Axiomatic Dude, from personal experience I can say that trying to get others to look at themselves is a futile exercise. I found what works in relationships, is just to really become aware of myself, what triggers me is simply showing me I have some past hurts to heal, and thus I can love myself more in the process. Somehow the relationship then begins to take care of itself.
  15. @Axiomatic You're not getting it. What I'm saying is that you're battle is not with woman out there. The real battle is always an internal one.
  16. You do realize that a relationship is like a mirror right ? All our disowned parts are held up for us to see, accept and love. It can be quite humbling if you let it. That's why relationships are such full on vehicles for growth. Remember this sentence: it's never about the other person.
  17. If shit irritates us, it's because on some internal level we are doing those things to our self. Which mostly comes from internalizing how our parents treated us. Become a kind parent to yourself. But of course if the relationship becomes unbearable, then leave.
  18. If your woman is a good woman, she will push you to heal completely, so that you can be a clear container for her. Until you heal fully you will need to get use to the complaints.
  19. Common dude, this was clearly a hit piece. Can you imagine Vice doing a video on Leo, they would make him out to be a nutter.
  20. There are many brilliant independent coaches out there too.
  21. I've had some big aha moments here, if you're humble you will too.