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Everything posted by Wilhelm44

  1. Yeah he's a special talent, been teaching since he was like 19.
  2. Not answering your question, but I thought this was pretty cool, gambling experiments done using heart resonance, with significant results in Vegas.
  3. @Raptorsin7 Trying to figure out how conscious spiritual teachers are based purely on their teachings is still guess work. You just don't know what's going on in their inner world. Just because one person's teachings might seem quite simple, and another's more vast, does not automatically mean the latter is more conscious.
  4. These conversations about how conscious someone is that you haven't even met, feel like a talking into the wind.
  5. When struggling on your own, it is always an option to look for a good intuitive healer in your area.
  6. Combining shadow work with bliss work helps a lot. We can get stuck in focusing on feeling our pain. It really helps to give the childhood versions of us the infinite satisfaction they always wanted. Lets say I experienced a huge loss as a child. This is going to sound like woohoo, but the more I play with the imagination of having had a perfect childhood where that loss did not happen and feeling what that feels like, the more I will notice positive shifts in my identity in the present. The reason this works so well is because infinite love is the case anyway and you are the ultimate creator of your life. This technique can speed up the healing process tremendously.
  7. Yeah I hear you, I just have this feeling that if Elon saw their vision he'd be more than willing to invest, I might be wrong, still if I was them that would be the first person I'd approach.
  8. @aurum I wonder why they don't connect with someone like Elon Musk to get some proper funding, it feels like this project has been taking forever to get off the ground ?
  9. Are there any plans to replicate The Venus Project in other parts of the world ?
  10. @catcat69123 sorry, here's the other link
  11. @catcat69123 The next best thing is to listen to teachers on Youtube that you resonate with. See if you can listen to talks on the topic of self love from as many different angles as possible. And begin to see your current situation as a blessing not a curse. You are starting your spiritual journey at a relatively young age and you have the necessary solitude to do so. Once you discover a teacher that you like, really study their work, let that teacher be like a friend in a way. Self love really is key, with that all good things come. Matt Kahn is a brilliant teacher you might enjoy. ps you are alive, focus more and more on what a miracle that is within itself. Abraham Hicks is also good energy to take in.
  12. @catcat69123 I hear you, if I was you I would join different spiritual groups in my city, surround myself with friendly likeminded people, seek out the wisest and most compassionate people there, and be willing to learn. And don't be so hard on yourself, you're still young.
  13. How much self love work have you done ? Something that helped me was to constantly overwhelm past memories with what I imagined infinite love to be. In other words, lets say you were rejected as a child, then imagine actually having a childhood where you were totally accepted, and feel what that feels like in your body. Use your imagination to overwhelm the past with a sense of infinite satisfaction. The more you do this, the more those old victim identities will begin to dissolve, and the more you will know yourself as the creator of your life.
  14. Very cool, this reminds me of something I once heard Adyashanti say, that even when he's just walking, every step he takes, feels like a totally new enlightenment unto itself.
  15. My biggest frustration with society has always been the sense of everyone just looking out for themselves. While listening to this episode I had a deep recognition of this irritation simply being a reflection of my own sense of self interest. It was like something popped and all of a sudden society started feeling less rigid and more dreamlike. Thanks Leo. I do sometimes wonder though if you are not underestimating the awakening happening on this planet. The mere fact that someone like you has a million subscribers is a miracle in itself. Somehow my intuition says that big positive changes are going to happen much sooner than a thousand years from now. Surely Reality itself is more powerful and intelligent than man's selfishness. (and I don't feel that chips in the brain need to play any significant part in such a future). ps I posted this topic in the enlightenment section because somehow it feels more relevant here. Lastly, I am curious as to what might be an example of a thought which is outside the social matrix. Seems like any thought we might have will still be linked in some subtle way to creating a more loving society.
  16. Feels very surreal and a proper wake up call to know that Existence is more important than it's content.
  17. I hear you, when I wrote that I was in shock and admittedly some fear. It helped me to go beyond it all for a while by just being the screen upon which everything was appearing. But I am sensing a return to it all within myself now, ie oneness of existence and it's content. And thus more compassion also. Thank you.
  18. Can't help but feel that this is a miracle blessing in disguise, like some deep healing finally happening for this country.
  19. When awakening is described the phrase "the universe disappeared" is often mentioned. There seems to be different interpretations of this. Is it simply referring to the imaginary nature of things ? Or am I missing something here ?
  20. @Mason Riggle Wow, not being able to distinguish anything from anything else, sounds like a recipe for fearless living.