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Everything posted by Wilhelm44

  1. @Leo Gura For your health challenges, have you ever tried some of the more 'woo hoo' treatments, like say working with a well known healer in Sedona for example ?
  2. For the overthinking and anticipating bad events, you might benefit from Katie Byron's 4 questions to work with the mind.
  3. Every experience is serving you in some way. And we're imagining the whole thing, right ? So yes, we wanted to experience it all more than we know. But of course if you're in a real shitty situation, do your best to get the hell out of there.
  4. @Sandhu In many ways it could be a blessing in disguise to be 'stuck' in an environment that you don't connect with. ie less social distraction and more motivation to wake up even more. Eventually it's inevitable that you'll either find yourself in different surroundings or become more okay with things as they are. Perhaps there's some deeper purpose in being there right now that's yet to be revealed. What is the real value in the experience you are having there ? Because on some level you wanted this experience. You don't need to be living in a first world country to have an enjoyable experience of life. ps being around normies is often the best cure for spiritual ego.
  5. https://www.amazon.com/Changed-Mind-Beyond-Awareness-Extraordinary/dp/1642939862
  6. Not sure how this relates ?
  7. Why are you not worthy of love ?
  8. Don't need to take that long What thoughts and emotions come up when you feel resistance towards the idea of being your authentic self ? ie what do you keep telling yourself ?
  9. What untruth about being your authentic self, are you believing to be true ?
  10. What is the limiting belief that causes you to feel anxious ? Have you identified it yet ?
  11. It's basically pointing towards what you are putting out into the universe. If you are putting out limited beliefs, then what you will receive are thoughts and ideas which might not be very effective at creating a good life.
  12. I can relate, but I do remember Matt Kahn saying that at some stage it all becomes interesting and fascinating again. So keep going, that sense of human interaction feeling burdensome is not the final stage. We're not meant to only be in full joy when meditating in the forrest.
  13. What is the real value in the experience you are having right now ?
  14. I'd say that to know/see yourself very clearly, is like a portal to that Source. Leo's latest video on the psychology of being wrong is very helpful in this regard.
  15. @NightHawkBuzz Stop wasting energy on mental masturbation. Focus all ur energy on your own path and see what happens
  16. @Sandhu Sometimes we say: "I'll be able to serve people much better when the money comes." But what if the money only truly comes, after making the clear decision to serve more fully.
  17. @trenton I went through something similar, but in childhood. I was a brilliant tennis player up until the age of 12. My dream was to win Wimbledon and I planned and lived accordingly. When I was 12 I had a bicycle accident where I fell on my face, with bad concussion and few hours of memory loss. Soon after my tennis abilities went downhill as did my confidence levels. It was a huge identity loss for me. Years later when I started the spiritual path, my focus was still on recapturing the magic of my tennis days. Ultimately I realized that all the magical frequencies of my youth are still present now just in different forms. Nothing was lost. In fact I was probably saved from becoming a sport star with a big ego and potentially a loveless marriage. You'll be surprised at how magically life can fall into place, when you let go of the belief that only certain things can bring joy.
  18. Feeling is one aspect of it. The understanding that what you're feeling is mostly just an inner child's reactions to not having had all their needs met, and that you now have the power to fulfill all those needs internally - this makes all the difference.
  19. Or phrased differently: How do you come to an acceptance of Infinite Life
  20. @Sincerity If we made it a conscious practice to not just feel our pain, but to also deeply feel some of the magical frequencies of Life on a daily basis, then stuck energy would move a lot quicker. In other words, bring the same intensity to feeling Good.