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Everything posted by The_Truth_Seeker

  1. Freewill is related to perception.
  2. When I have free time, I do this for fun. I choose an expensive course and look at what kind of materials are inside it. When I get a little hint like a word or a phrase, I search it on google. Most of the time, I find books, blogs and long videos about that little word or phrase. In the course if there is only 20 minutes info on that topic, after a quick google search I find hours of quality content on that specific topic. In the end, I have more resources to filter and learn from than the people who pay for the course. Lol Digging out information is my passion lol
  3. This isn't weird. This is normal haha. If you ever run long distance like 100 mile or more, you'll get that runner's high. It's almost like Marijuana but better.
  4. I don't understand these feminine and masculine discussion. May be it is for smart people. I'm too dumb to understand this. Lol I'll stick with Linear Algebra. Lol
  5. Holism & Holistic Thinking - Part 1 A couple hours ago, when I was watching this video, at one point Leo mentions that Holism = Love = Unity = Harmony = Balance = Goodness and so on. And I was like, "May be it isn't applicable to physical fitness. I literally have to drag myself to workout and in the end the workout becomes hard to finish. Where is unity and harmony when it comes to working out?" After that (almost coincidentally) I see a video recommended to me titled "The Motivation Factor - Physical Education in Schools in 1960's -" And this video gave me the answer to my question - "Environment is the key" Basically, if I complete a 45 minute workout, I feel great. Like I did something amazing, I took another step towards being healthy and all that. But back then it was just another normal thing. Having an attractive physique through rigorous training was just normal. Lol One girl even commented, "So anime isn't wrong ? highschoolers can actually look like this." Haha So yeah, it's entirely possible to be fit in a Harmonious way. The key is environment. Since I don't have it, I have to struggle. And If I was a part of that generation I'd be a hyper-fit guy without "trying hard" while making some friends on the way. Holistic Fitness!