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Everything posted by Eternity

  1. I found that vid to be incredibly funny. When asked for evidence the caller had nothing, didn't know what he was looking at, didn't know how to compare apples to apples and not apples to oranges. He quoted the book, "1981" which I also read but is a work of fiction. And that's what he's using as his underlying thesis. "1981" is a scary story, but you could just as well take a 1950 science fiction movie as some kind of prophecy. But there was one good lesson in the video by whoever the host of the program was and that was how to engage these people when they come at you with their conspiracy theory. He didn't just outright slam the guy. He asked serious questions, suggested they look things up together, generally gave the other guy plenty of opportunity to show his "proof." And as they continued the other guy started to drop his defenses. The host only planted some seeds of doubt, but didn't dismiss the other guy outright until the very end when the other guy wanted to advertise himself. I thought that was smart on the host's part. In the end though you can't reason with unreasonable people and when you think about it, the anti-vaxxer crowd are all signing their own death warrants. So they will become a smaller group to deal with as we go along and I wish them all good luck with their endeavor if that is their choice of how they wish to go.
  2. Once you already have it, it's too late t to get the covid vaxx. You have to wait until after you're recovered. But Ivermectin can have fatal side effects. Wouldn't add to the load on his ailing body from mixing horse de-wormer into it if I was him,
  3. @Vladimir Death is not real. If you are a materialist, that statement will sound crazy. Long ago I would have said what you are saying. But you still have consciousness even though to others you may appear lifeless. All that we term as death is just consciousness having switched to another story, but consciousness still carries on. There is no hell, satan, or separation from the divine consciousness. We cannot be separated from who we are. We are representations of Life and Life is who and what we are. Nothing can change Life to the absence of life (called death), as life is unchangeable except we ourselves choose to change. As Life is Love, there is no capability for creation of destructive forces. The world that now appears is only an imaginary phenomenon.
  4. @blessedlion1993 Ken Wilber is ill. He has a chronic disease,. Perhaps at times he's not able to function fully, even though he's brilliant.
  5. Wow, it seems so odd to me to read posts where guys are putting so much study and effort into the whole dating thing. It sounds so desperate. I'm not gonna get into statistics. If that's your groove go ahead and look, but you better not post about it. There are ways that these studies can be slanted one way or the other and that the researcher can be prejudiced without realizing it. Maybe it's because I'm married but I just have no interest in looking up stats and I wouldn't base my behavior in social situations on them. You have to put yourself into situations you may not be comfortable with, but you can't become a tennis star by reading a book, you have to do actual hands on practicing. Why don't you look up a list of famous stars who were real womanizers and also short. There were and are some hollywood actors who were quite short and still women were after them like white on rice. I just binge watched a dutch made t.v. series where the lead barely came up to the top of his female counterpart's head and yet he was soooo hot. I can't tell you how he managed to portray so much sex appeal but I was wishing I could speak dutch and lived in Holland (only a day dream, I lived in Germany several years close to the Dutch border so buzzing over there on a day trip was no big deal, but...I didn't care for the people all that much. Besides I'm married.) Anyways, this actor probably started off as just a regular dude, but he's had acting lessons, so he can exude sexiness at the drop of a hat . In fact all actors, at least the good ones can do the same. Who knows. Acting is a skill, so it can be learned. You could do some online courses and learn it. All you're doing when you go out looking for a girl is acting a part. You don't need much, or to change your natural features if you can act the role you want to and you know how. Go for it!
  6. @Preety_India i did do what someone here suggested and it worked. There was this guy back in my past who took a fancy to me, but even though he was nice enough I just couldn't get past a common birth defect he had around his mouth. It had been corrected, but it still made me uncomfortable to kiss him. I couldn't see how I could marry him and be attracted enough to have sex with him. And otoh, he was pushing and pushing to make out which I couldn't stand. So I thought about it and decided to make myself unattractive as I could to him. I did nothing physical, but I adopted a very annoying personality when we went out, so that he would get fed up and stop calling. I remember the last date when I began playing with the buttons on the sound in his car. We were driving somewhere and I turned the music way up and changed the station, he turned it back down and I turned it back up to ear shattering. I continued to be a brat and when he brought me home, he couldn't wait to get rid of me which was exactly what I wanted. He didn't call me back again either which suited me just fine. I gave him the option to drop me which was less damaging to his pride and I got what I wanted as well. You could try to do something similar that fits into your culture. Since your parents are strict, behave yourself when they are in close range, but if they leave you alone with this chosen one, become annoying, make snide comments, be disagreeable. It might work. It did for me.
  7. I just watched some videos on youtube about families having to split up because one member has gone down the rabbit holey of conspiracy theories and is a fanatic. You cannot reason with these people once they are convinced the conspiracy is true. Over here in the U.S. the biggest conspiracy is that the world is being run by a shadow government that works in secret with many politicians involved and that they run a paedophile ring that cannibalizes babies. It's all completely crazy and rational people don't believe such nonsense. But it is helpful to watch some of the videos on youtube made by people who have had an awakening that these theories were just crazy and they gave that craziness up. There are also vids of families who had to cut contact with their family members and some by psychologists who specialize in deprogramming conspiracy theory believers. I believe you will not convince your mother to see things your way, unless she comes to her senses on her own. Arguing doesn't work. I think you should tell her that no matter what, you love her, but you are still going to follow your dream in the U.K. Even if she tells you not to ever come back, she will probably wake up to the manipulation she has been victim of, and you will reunite one day. She has some paranoia that made her believe these conspiracies are real. But there are people who recover and go back to normal behavior. Things will all work out, you'll see.
  8. @EugeneTheSage Is there any way you could take a job as a tour guide in Germany or become a part time English or German instructor? Those are not usually long term careers. They pay just enough to maybe rent a room and buy your food while you work on your 3D development career. I'm pretty sure you can find a guru somewhere around who does satsang where you can meet others of the same spiritual level. You may not find everything all in one place, but if you compromise a bit, you probably can piece together the things you're looking for.
  9. @BipolarGrowth When referring to non-duality we are forced to speak on two levels. Our language requires terms that refer to the delusion we currently appear to be living in. Non-duality requires entirely different terminology. There is no language specifically to explain what it is. Mostly we can only describe what the delusion is not. "Netti netti." That is why it appears to be just all dualistic terminology. As you listen to lectures or read up on it, you will have to distinguish which level is being spoken of, the dualistic or non-dualistic. And the terms will switch back and forth from one sentence to another. This is tantamount to learning a new language without a glossary, or dictionary or curriculum for learning it. It can't be learned over night no matter what you try. Even Eckartd Tolle who went through his experience in an instant did not try to express any concepts for years until he had studied ACIM, Buddhism and Advaita to learn the most helpful terms so that he could express it.
  10. @roopepa The most difficult part of ACIM to wrap my head around was the concept of guilt. But I think it best not to spend too much time focusing on analyzing what you don't really understand. Analyzing is a function of the monkey mind and keeps you distracted from the main message. My conclusion about all the references to guilt is that the woman who channeled and wrote down what she was told to write and authored ACIM was a psychologist and most psychology included the teaching of Freud and Freud often used the concept of guilt in his teaching. So as this woman was taking dictation some of Freud's teachings such as guilt was the closest she could come to explaining the idea of how the "separation" apparently made it's appearance inside a fictional, delusional world view. To a mind convinced that it has trespassed against the greatest most powerful being in the universe it would most likely be a great cause for terror and feelings of guilt. And that would occasion more guilt and thoughts of having to hide from what you've done, which in one instant could create in the frightened mind an entire universe appearing to be real based on fear and foreboding. This is as far as I've gotten with the concept of guilt, but I have not spent all my time trying to analyze it. On occasion it drifts into my mind and something rings a bell and then the thought drifts out again. Understanding every nut and bolt of this or that concept is attachment to concepts and will slow you down. Just let it pass like a fish passing by in a stream.. Eventually the puzzle pieces will fall into place and the complete picture will be visible.
  11. Sometimes I feel like we are the blind following the blind here. Allegory is sometimes the easiest way to illustrate a complicated subject. Suppose you own a nice home. It's well built and visually pleasing, worth quite a bit of money. But it attracts attention, especially from the kind of people who would like to break in and steal the valuables inside. One day, a stranger who feels it's his right to break in and take what he wants simply because it's there and he wants it, speaks to the owner, and does his best to convince the owner, that he, the stranger, would be a better owner of the valuables than the owner is and to please just give him, the stranger, the keys. The owner politely turns the stranger down since as owner, he has bought and paid for the ownership and he enjoys living there. This infuriates the stranger who believes the owner should not have rejected him. The stranger returns to the same house that very night and breaks into the house, taking as many valuables as he can, including a coin collection worth millions and runs off with them. Was the homeowner being selfish when he refused to turn his house keys over to the stranger because, he felt he'd paid for the home and had the title (i.e. certificate of ownership) and he cherished the home and valuables and had no interest in giving all that away for free? Or was he simply respecting his home and property and being a responsible owner? Whose right was it to claim ownership of the home, the real owner who paid for it, or the dishonest stranger who felt he should just take ownership without offering fair payment? We have a term for people like the envious stranger bent on taking someone else's property. It's called robber and what he did is called robbery. There is one other term when it comes to stealing another persons sexual property, and that word is rapist. There are numerous websites that give instructions for getting another person's sexual property, their body. These are referred to as Pick Up Artist advice. Both of these acts are illegal and if you are caught you can be rightfully charged and put in jail. If you wouldn't rob another of their property, then consider carefully what you are doing before doing it especially when it comes to who can rightfully refuse to give their body away under duress.
  12. @spinderella Get a copy of Howard Storm's book, "My Descent into Death." It's been around for a while and is his personal account of his near death experience. It's not a long book and there is a section that is so poignant, I weep whenever I read it. It is the moment that he is forgiven by God or Christ or whatever label you use, for all his past mistakes. The love that shines through that particular scene makes me weep and reminds me of how loved we are. That is the first time I felt real unconditional love for all things and all beings. Here is a link to the author's interview on you tube: Then I read "A Course in Miracles" and once you get past the beginning which seems somewhat dry and you begin to understand it, unconditional love shines through it and removes all feelings of lack of love. Just as an aside, I was always an analytical person but my greatest wish was to find love for everyone. "A Course in Miracles" speaks the language of love and forgiveness and seems to simply soak in without effort. If the text appears to be too difficult to start off with, there are short individual lessons or affirmations, one for each day of a year, but you are not required to go through them at that pace. I read the book over and over for five years because it was like a long cold drink of water to someone dying of thirst. It was my constant reminder of infinite love. There is a couple who are both very advanced through struggle and through their openness to hear the "still small voice inside" and have passed on their method to many seekers. Their names are Candace and DavidPaul Doyle and they have a website. They also do workshops using their method in person around the country. They only just started doing this when I first heard of them and they had an online workshop I participated in. They teach how to communicate with universal love in a very simple meditation. I do this now whenever I wish to have an answer, I listen to her exact words which put me into deep meditation and connection to love, and the answers I receive are either strong feelings or pictures which tell a story. I believe their website gives information about their method if you google their names.
  13. Cramping after masturbating is not really normal. My sister spent 20 years trying to find out what was wrong with her. She had gastro intestinal problems as well that were disrupting her ability to function. It got slowly worse over time so that she had pain with sex, and couldn't have sex with her husband even though her sex drive was still there, but when you have pain with sex, that becomes an issue for you. She got very bloated with her periods. Every gyno she saw brushed it all off as just part of being female. Now I'm not a doctor so I'm not trying to diagnose you and I don't want to scare you, this is not fatal and it's not the big "C". But it just reminded me what my sister went through. Even good gynocologists rarely even bring this up because the only way to diagnose it is to have surgery, but a specialist is more likely to know to some degree if you have symptoms. It's called endometriosis. There are very few specialists in the world because it is hard to diagnose. My sister is relieved that the specialist finally found it and did robotic laproscopic surgery, but she is very angry that other gynos she saw didn't mention anything and she suffered needlessly. She even tried holistic doctors. It has vague symptoms and actually once it starts in the abdomen, it can spread to any organ in the body including the heart. Here is a link for a page set up by a Practical Nurse who is in the field to inform women where to find help, and provides a support group, women who have had it and who their doctor was:
  14. Well here's another question. How do you convince the gullible Trump fans that he was not elected and is not president, Just saying it over and over is not working.
  15. I had a woman do this to me. I'd met her in an online game, so it wasn't like I'd met her in real. She was funny and we'd hang out cracking jokes. I liked her sense of humor. But then eventually she came out and asked me if I'd ever consider going lesbian. At first I was trying to be cool and laugh it off, but she wouldn't quit. She gave me all the usual reasons like she could give me more pleasure and all that b.s. So I finally told her she was a nice person and funny as hell, but that sexy play was never ever going to happen, and just take my word for it. So after that she just disappeared offline. Kinda a shame 'cause she was really funny. But I had a bff in high school who I didn't know was bi, until one night when we went camping together and she insisted we try girl on girl. I can't even tell you how uncomfortable and awkward that experiment was. I hated it. I'd been dreaming of having a bf and all of a sudden I was being molested by my bff. Blech Blech Blech. So I really meant it when I said to the online girl, it wasn't going to happen, ever, never, ever.
  16. @VeganAwake There are not separate Gods each with it's own intentions. All these negative experiences are part of the ego stories we buy into. They have never happened. These are only stories in the ego consciousness. The reality of all appearances in the universe are God in perfect order without creating havoc. The havoc is simply what ego perceives and then weaves stories about. We are all the collective conscicousness (the kingdom of heaven) and all One and only one with God/Source/Creator. But we are asleep and dreaming,, lost in the egoic mind. And during our dreaming we create stories just as in night time dreams. Ego convinces us what we see is reality, but it's not. When you actually awaken, the dreams are seen for what they are: the story of ego and just as unreal as our night time dreams. You will smile and shrug it all off just as you do after your human nightmares.
  17. @The0Self If you feel infinite Love, it is such a transformation that you know nothing and no one can threaten the existence of that state of mind. Love is ever eternal and non-destructable. Only in the ego's delusional mind, it seems as if Love is weak and feeble. But love is the fabric of the universe and cannot be destroyed.
  18. If you believe your life to be insane and twisted, it will be. It is your inner beliefs that take the creative force of God/Source/Creator and use it in conjunction with your inner beliefs to create the life you have. You are co-creating with your ego and God. Ego will do whatever it takes to preserve it's delusional life. To that end, the ego/persona will rise up and use anything you hold in mind to create exactly that thing. If it's your story of having an insane twisted life that you are holding onto, then that will be what it seems to you. Remember life as we know it is ,only thoughts. Nothing comes into existence without a thought behind it. And every thought about what your life is like is always only another story ego has created to hinder or stand in the way of your progress. Stop believing the "story" of how miserable your life is, and reverse your story in your thinking. Insist on a better version of that story and you will have it. You can co-create using infinite Love as your basis or you can choose ego as your basis for your story. But using ego's beliefs will only end in tradgedy. Or it will end with you desperately trying to raise your consciousness above the ego's version because it's so painful. That is when pain becomes a blessing. It will drive you to save yourself from your own nightmare stories.
  19. @Windappreciator McAfee led a colorful life, so to speak. There is an investigative report on him from some prominent network that I found interesting now playing on you tube , I think, if you are interested in what he did.
  20. @Javfly33 No, you are not brutal. You are infinite Love, intelligence being part of Love. God does not have human qualities such as brutality. Would you consider electricity to have brutality on its mind? No. Why? Because it isn't human in any way. If someone gets struck by lightening, it was not the "intent" of electricity. It was simply a consequence of you doing something that attracted the lightening and you got struck. Lightening simply follows the rule of being present when something untimely happens because of what you did: holding an electrical device in your hand, or standing on a golf course close to trees or acting as conductor in any manner. We depend on electricity and we are also aware that we can attract it in the wrong way instead of just using it carefully by conducting it through wires where we access it by using plugs. Likewise if you jump off a building, the law of gravity takes over and you suffer injury. And yet, gravity had no "intention" of causing you to suffer. Gravity is not aware of damage that may happen when we disregard it. When you see how this and other natural laws have no intentions at all, let alone to do something detrimental, then you begin to see God in the same light. God is Love, pure and simple and has no bad intentions as humans might. Love simply creates and it is our consciousness that co-creates what happens in the universe. Like the sun shines on everyone regardless of who they are, be it killer, robber, saint, just a regular joe, or sinner. Getting a sun burn is our fault, not the sun's. Your persona or ego is flexing it's muscles when mishaps or injuries occur.
  21. I don't think the theory that mercury in shots translates to autism has ever been proven though it has been given a lot of publicity. If anyone has a link that confirms this theory as scientifically proven, please post it. I would be interested to find out.
  22. Owning a home or any kind of real estate is the fastest way to up your personal income. Yes, you have to figure about 10% of value yearly for maintenance. But our house cost us $43,000, doubled in value the next year, and now it's worth nearly a million in my area of the country. You can't make that kind of interest on any other type of investment. The only issue I have with it now is that I'm no longer into gaining material wealth, so none of that really matters to me anymore.
  23. This is a free audio book that answers the questions of how you will, and many do, hear the I AM's (or God's) voice speaking directly to you and how ego interferes with this ability we are all born with. Very worth listening to: