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Everything posted by Holygrail

  1. do you need the possibility of getting into a physical fight in order to not be meek?
  2. i just realized that thoughts arent coming from us, because thoughts enter our consciousness from out of nowhere, we didnt choose them to enter us. And when we have another thought to think about the previous thought that entered, that new thought also came before it entered our consciousness. our egos are not really ours, its the universe trying to make sense of itself.
  3. In what ways are stage green people able to embrace different cultures and ideas that stage orange people aren't able to? Because orange is still able to work with all types of people without judging them, and doesn't see different cultures as inferior. But stage green people seem to judge religious and materialistic people and the cultures that created them. I also see stage green people say things like nazis aren't bad, it just worked for that time and place in history, but aren't they also capable of judging them for being oppressive?
  4. So they can understand how certain ideologies work for different cultures and time periods, but they will still view them as bad? And yeah, I can see how stage orange would look down upon theocracies or communist societies
  5. Yes, thats exactly how I feel around some stage green people. They've accused me of being a bigot towards autistic people for using the word retard, or thinking I'm insensitive for not accepting a joint from them.
  6. I've seen stage green people being able to empathize with criminals, racists, and greedy people seeing that they're just simply brainwashed by their society to behave like that. Wouldn't that partially be stage yellow attributes from them?
  7. That's a great point of tyt, that's why I had to drastically stop watching them.
  8. cant we also be generating atoms and quarks instantly from consciousness, still existing underneath the surface of things? (although knowing that atoms are also made out of consciousness)
  9. is it possible to find a particular objective with specific attributes within an infinite universe? You can theoretically never find it even if you had forever to look for it right?
  10. Is 20 minutes enough to noticeably change your consciousness so that you're calmer and more focused?
  11. Okay, I'll make time to do the full-length process.
  12. damn it got taken down while i was halfway through the video
  13. We can imagine flying and instantly manifest anything we want within our imaginations, but if our imaginations are bounded by a brain that's bounded to a finite set of physics, then shouldn't our imaginations also be limited by same set of physics as the brain? Can science explain this?
  14. interesting way of putting it. i agree that images literally do exist and are not the same thing as neurons.
  15. Is the ultimate happiness partying or living mindfully/meditating? Is living a normal life while being woke and seeing divinity everywhere just as fulfilling as a living a yogis life?
  16. Avoidant... My best friend was anxious attachment style and literally the opposite of me. It's best to learn the others' love language and reassure them with that to bring them into secure attachment.