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Everything posted by Holygrail

  1. I recently had a problem with a bully and I stood up to him rather reactively and got in his face. I would always control myself for the sake of understanding him and being the better person, since he obviously seems stage blue and rather miserable. But today was my breaking point and I felt like this problem wasn't going to end unless I stood up to him and threatened him to stop the BS.
  2. nice, thanks so much for clarifying this for me. I was dealing with this issue for quite some time now not knowing how to handle such situations, but love can be brutal sometimes I do believe that having integrity for what's "right" is the most important.
  3. I have no problem with courage, I developed my stage red with jiu jitsu and being a knucklehead between 18-22 hanging out with the wrong crowd. I just wanna act in accordance with what's more conscious and "right". I'm guess pragmatism and fitting in with your environment (stage red/blue environment) is more important for your survival than just trying to be stage green/yellow/turquoise.
  4. can we still say it's true that the earth is round even if we haven't personally seen earth from outer space?
  5. when i was 9 years old, i was traveling with cousin in the sparsely populated area of north western new jersey in the middle of the night, and we saw a a round metallic ufo thing with orange lights coming out of the windows, it was parked in an empty field right by the side of the road, it literally looked like your typical ufo you see in movies... The next day, we drove by the same spot that the ufo was at and it wasnt there anymore... That area of new jersey has a long history of ufo's, but who knows if it was actually a ufo we saw, but ill never forget it.
  6. it doesnt exist in my direct experience besides being in my imagination, so we cant technically say its true. But we can still say that "the earth is round" is closer to truth than saying unicorns are true relative to what we will encounter in the real world (based on our past experiences). While of course. not being true right now.
  7. i guess we can make an approximation of the "earth is round" being true since we see science all the time telling us, and how science measures relative truth with accuracy. It's just useful to make approximations of truth around us as a survival strategy based on what we consistently see and haven't seen, but ultimately still taking it on a level of faith since right now it's in my imagination.
  8. as opposed to stage green people. maybe stage yellow wants people to learn the lessons of each individual stage in order, including being on the receiving end of the limitations of these stages, yet still desiring society to move up the spiral as quickly as possible by focusing on the core problems inhibiting society from evolving quicker.
  9. yeah i get it now, its all about including the desires of green but it a more pragmatic way of actually tacking the problem at the root, rather than the green's ineffective strategy of dealing with it at the surface level.
  10. im assuming to transcend the naive and utopian notion of completely eradicating oppression, seeing it as a fundamental necessity of human evolution... but still including the desire to help minimizing these problems to the max, and helping society move up the spiral by tackling the core societal issues at the root.. not like green that focuses on the superficial level
  11. the perfect embodiment of red right here
  12. I can see how two hydrogen atoms are at least different in coordinates, but aren't they also different in that every part that constitutes that hydrogen atom is in infinitely different locations within the hydrogen atom making both the hydrogen atoms infinitely different? In one way, they're arranged identically at the atomic level, but they're probably arranged in infinitely different ways at the subatomic level and so on..
  13. Oh yeah thats true, kinda spooky how these electrons technically dont even exist but probability fields...
  14. I dont really understand what is meant by the past never having occurred. Did I not type this question in order to ask it? I can see how the past only exists in our minds and never in the present moment, but aren't we still experiencing and creating stuff in the present moment which is actually happening?
  15. Morality is relative, so in the absolute sense, it's all just goodness spawned out of God's love to explore all of his infinite creations. So would you let God's desire to experience rape play out or intervene to stop it?
  16. Paradoxically, we are ultimately being selfish by wanting to be selfless because its all one, you're everything, that's what i was originally missing. You want to create the least amount of suffering for everyone because they're you, so why hurt yourself and not defend yourself (others). Preventing suffering=fragmentation from selfish egos for love/wholeness/selflessness/peace
  17. Tim R: From the absolute perspective, there's no reason why you should intervene. But equally, there's no reason why you should not intervene. He honestly put it perfectly
  18. that also makes sense, not stopping him also be identifying with a part rather than the whole. Every action is necessary, though we can selfishly strive towards the most whole (selflessness), paradoxically
  19. Stopping the rapist would be a selfish act as you're rejecting a part of yourself and identifying with only a part of the whole rather than the whole of which you are. But the rapist is even more selfishly not considering the emotional trauma he's inflicting on her for his own partial egoic gratification, causing her to become more fragmented and fearful (since she will not be accept that she is also that rapist). So overall, even though you're still being partial and selfish, stopping the rapist would be a less selfish desire overall since you don't want her to become more fragmented, and letting her grow in life more easily towards wholeness without the mental distortion impeding that. The rapist would also learn about the backfiring and limitation of his actions by getting the shit beat out of it and going to prison, therefore growing as well. Also selfishness for selflessness, going full circle, the paradoxical singularity of reality
  20. I can appreciate this perspective, it brings clarity to me now... Some relative perspectives are just more superior to others to the wellbeing of humanity, like selflessly stopping the selfish rapist
  21. I just get a lot of kickback from people for being so relativistic when it comes to morality. I know I would want to intervene but I also know that I am also that rapist, so why stop and resist a part of who I am?
  22. you're going to get banned so quickly lol