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About Asma

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  1. I understand, thank you for your answer.
  2. Again, it's true when you only talk about attraction, and it certainly works with the majority of women. Not that the rest isn't biologically attracted to what you just describe, but if we give my example, when I smell the vibe of playfulness, even If I'm really attracted to the guy, I choose to backup (by playfulness I don't precisely mean a guy who is dating multiple women in the beginning, because for me it totally makes sense, but, the vibe). I think that either men nor women should be exclusive unless there is a sufficient engagement from the other part, but why does it have to be the woman that is slightly more engaged ? Why shouldn't men or women follow their intuition and the product of their thinking instead of rigid rules that are impossible to break ? It makes me uncomfortable when I see rules in dating for both sexes, what we need to have in my opinion, is general principles that we follow, rules can never match every situation and every person (man or woman).
  3. @Leo Gura Hi Leo, what you're saying is true because just the fact of reading your comment makes me want to be treated that way by a man, but don't you think that it's manipulation? It doesn't seem spontaneous, it's probably based on your knowledge about women and your experience and it seems to come from the mind, it's calculated. What if he wants to kiss her more than 2 seconds, whats if she wants it too and he wants to give it to her? Maybe she won't crave him and become mad about him, but for a moment, it would be true and pure. I'm a woman, I know that biologically I'm attracted to everything that you said, but my soul is attracted to sincerity and isn't comfortable with calculated behavior. As a female I can be deeply attracted by what you said but it is purely physical and sexual. In the end, it won't give me the deep connection that I want with a man. I would like your opinion about this. I'm not a native english speaker, so excuse my mistakes if there are any. Thank you