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Everything posted by Woke456

  1. You in particular wont get over this until you actually go out there.
  2. Clever, if you cant find examples now, just go back in time to find ammunition. The problem with thinking this is a uniquely racial thing is that almost everyone in general has been oppressed for the past 50,000 years. Things started to change when the Magna Carta was signed, after several other events like the American Revolution, and US Civil War, but for the overwhelming majority of history (and prehistory), on all continents and of all races, people were oppressed. Be more inclusive with the Mythos and you've already done a lot. But something tells me "healing" isn't the real goal. Usually, it's a combination of other things such as: 1. Focusing on a crusade to avoid putting your own life in order 2. Sneakily making an argument to promote Marxism since our society is poorly educated on how that turned into multiple Holocausts 3. Virtue signaling for things you don't understand instead of being the change by doing something like renting an apartment in a black neighborhood The book's goal is to prevent white people from having discussions that aren't pertinent to the author's goals. It's also designed to normalize racism from the left in today's political climate.
  3. @datamonster They're not really concerned about being judged by race. Rather, they're using race as a political tool, and it's going to continue until they lose elections like they did with Hillary Clinton when they overplayed the gender card. @Boethius I suggest you go watch a movie with like 10 black people by yourself so you actually know what the hell is going on. Right now, you're just guessing about ridiculous horeshit.
  4. So basically there's an ID requirtement when voting by mail. That makes sense to me.
  5. Why can't we crackdown on colored racists? And are you really going to hide behind nomenclature, right now? I'm sure however I say it, you'll find a way to be "offended"
  6. An example of "systemic racism" would be one in that the ACTUAL SYSTEM is racist, such as with the Democratic Party and affirmative action, etc. What you;re taking about is FAITH IN RACISM like it's a religion to you.
  7. Considering that black people commit 50% of the homicides in the US but only make up 30% of the police shootings, I think you may need to feel a bit of shame yourself for commenting in public.
  8. You'll have to talk to 4% of Americans in the South from the 1700s to the 1860s, then. Everyoene else in the US is in the clear and suffered from having slaves just like Roman citizens did after the Punic Wars. Now that were talking about racial collectivism though, one of the many things white people should be proud of is being the first race to end slavery, starting with the Magna Carta and spreading to all races.
  9. @Elevated Cool. There's literally a subreddit with 400,000 users that makes jokes about dogma imperfections all day if you're intersted. It is pretty cool and freeing once you get to that level. I think the next step is cognitive enhancement without using pscyadelics or meditating all day because both are such passive techniques. Breathing methods seem to help me see and particpate on more levels without taking up much time.
  10. Not trying to be a dick (really I mean that), but I'm still seeing that if I invest in biotech so that blind people can see again, that's more real than you sitting around altering your state.
  11. So what do you mean by waking up, you mean like when you on psychadelics?
  12. Exponential growth and techology has solved a lot more pertinent problems than people sitting around dropping acid so I wouldn't exactly call it bullshit. For example, the guy who invented modern crop fertilizer literally kept billions of people from starving. Imagine what stage of the spiral you're at when there's no food.
  13. Blue is great because they follow guidance that's written instead of passed down orally. Usually, the collective guidance is about 99% useful and 1% detrimental. So it's good to reconnect with things like the Bible or Stoic philosophy. If they weren't timeless, they wouldn't have been used for thousands of years. Same thing with the legal code. It's an excellent guide that keeps you from having to recreate the same findings over and over again.
  14. The pictures you threw out there were all in your imagination, not mine so think about that for a minute. It's not just black people, and yes, colored people can be racist which is why we need to have this conversation. See, you didn't even know that before. Is my black friend who invited me to watch the movie with his black aquaintances racist? Of course, not. So it's not the entire colored community that needs to be cracked down on, but a good portion of it does. And it pointless to listen to people talk about racism if they don't think it applies to their own race. We're talking about forced equity, pal. It is diametrically opposed to equality, and class hatred is literally the ONLY idea in the 20th centurty to turn out more violent than Nazism.
  15. Notice how you disgaree with nothing I said and resort to ad hominem attacks. Looks like I'm right, you really don't want us to discuss this. Nevertheless, my perspective comes from the fact that I've actually sat down and watched a movie with like 10 black people before. After that experience, I'll probably never see 'old white people' as racist again simply because the scope of the spectrum has changed for me.
  16. They don't want white people (or the world) for that matter to have a conversation on what colored racists look like. As you can guess, such brown and black people would talk about racism non-stop since they think only white people can be racist. That's why they like talking about it. Some people on the "left" also like discussing racism as a means to promote Marxism. These people should be forced to visit gulag museums and khmer deatch camps.
  17. The authors from the spiral dynamics books have a different perspective than Leo on a lot of things. The disadvantage Leo had is that you only get to see 2 hours worth of his thoughts on each stage. I also think Leo melted a bit of his "left brain" through too much psychadelic use which put him at a strong bias against the 'hot' colors. Supposedly, meditation will literally do that as well. But bear in mind, we have two hemispheres for a damn good reason, and this is especially true for men. The "oneness" Leo keeps talking about is literally a female trait because historically women had little to gain from going their own way.
  18. @Rilles What makes you think purple isn't above this? How about a pack of dogs or alligators?
  19. Wolf packs, Bears, and even snakes use brute force to get what they want. You can even see it in a troop of chimpnazees. Purple tribespople will literally stomp toddlers to death on a bad day. Leo knows this, but his presentation made it seem like vioelnce is unique to stage red which is not true at all. The difference is in rank, training, discipline, and order. This doesn't mean that red eliminates brutality from the equation, but they're a lot more effective at it. Blue just adds ethics and mass production to the equation, but they're not really that much different from red in other areas, hence the confusion.
  20. Because it's stage red. Leo accidently used purple and beige violence to describe red, but the hallmark of red is order, not violence. Roman legions, Greek phalanxes, and Medieval feudal societies had laws, strict marriage rules, and professional armies, but rank was mostly decided by who the biggest bully was. This order however, is much more established than Sparticus's gladiator slaves who eventaully got their asses kicked by dissipating through individuality. Bear in mind, when collective cognition advances to stage blue it keeps the discipline established by stage red, but added ethics like Chivalry or the Magna Carta and then peaked out when mass production was added to the equation during the Napeolonic wars through ww2
  21. Orange just means you worship the exponential growth curve IMO. Tony Robbins tells you how to break out of Blue's linear growth and maintenance. Green doesn't really like to utilize it, but you'll start to respect it again in stage Yellow after you gain perspective and working for NGOs turns out to be unfilling, status killing, and materially deprivating. Here's an example of what orange thinks about, it's actually pretty awesome to live your life this way:
  22. So Monarch --> Clergy --> Military --> Middle Class ---> Proletariat ---> Peaseants. That's actually a stage red system and it dates back to mesopotamia.
  23. Red societies have loads of purple and beige in them. Red is only diluted by 3 stages including itself while blue, orange, and green are diluted by 4, 5, and 6 total stages. They definitely did dabble in blue and even orange at times. However, the rule of law, order, and premoginiture goes all the way back to ancient egypt and babylon. If feudalism and empires are stage red, so is Hammurabi's code and the Greek phalanx. The confusion is coming from Leo's use of the mafia and gang violence as examples of stage red, but that's simply not accurate. Organized crime and gangsters behave like families more than trained armies. In fact, I will even go as far to say that Leo painted ALL bullying as stage red, but you can literally look at a litter of puppies and see bullying in unsophisticated social mammals
  24. Leo totally used Tony Robbins's advice to get most of what you see up and running.