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Everything posted by Unio

  1. Have any of you considered switching out the toilet paper for just water or something just to avoid the explotion of chemicals stored in there?
  2. Why is it that most of the models that we use commonly in these types of circles are so reductive? There are only 9 stages in the Susane Cook Groiter model and like 7 colors in spiral dynamics. We spend so much time studying these and it becomes obvious that a ton of diversity gets lumped into one stage. I get that using multiple models is always the best way but do we have to limit ourselves to simplistic models only to encourage multi-perspectival thinking because of how limited one of them is on its own? We get these super odd clashes where someone can be blue and green or orange and yellow. There are many different areas where you can be developed, for example; emotionally, cognitively, or creatively only to name a few and they very rarely seem to develop in sync. Even though of course there is also some clear regularity. Why not have a model with 40-60 or maybe even 100 different stages of development? It could be more like a root system or a 3D model rather than a linear model like spiral dynamics. We spend so much time studying these that I don't think it would be an issue to memorize that many. From a meta-perspective, really what this would mean would be making finer distinctions. Then the question arises what the utility would be of this model. since the distinctions can already be made within the stages without putting them in separate categories. But wasn't the whole reason why spiral dynamics was so useful and so mind-opening (at least for me) because what it did was it made finer distinctions between stages of development? Maybe I'm the linear one for thinking that making more and finer distinctions will automatically be better. My intuition tells me that there is a clear reason for the design of these models and why this is going over my head but I struggle to make sense of why.
  3. @Leo Gura What if we made a model that was even more simple than spiral dynamics and taught that to noobs. Maybe with only 3 stages or something.
  4. @Leo Gura Don't you think the fact that there can be such diversity within one stage is what maybe is making it so hard to grasp? Also, people can of course start off with spiral dynamics if that is challenging enough for them but to me, SD seems very crude. Not that it wasn't useful for me when I first watched your videos on it. I just see the untapped potential.
  5. This might help you.
  6. Hey. So I'm way too young to have ever tried a psychedelic (17 y/o) so I can't really explore this with my direct experience. Im wondering how it is that psychedelics elevate consciousness. I get that after taking the substance you get a peak experience of what it feels like to have ultra high consciousness only to later fall back down into your normal "bass line consciousness". Does it elevate your consciousness slightly after taking it?, so maybe if 100 was infinite consciousness and 0 was nothing and you are normally at a 30, it bumps you upp to 31? Or is it that it just makes you more conscientious to work harder with meditating/self-inquiry after seeing behind the vail for a moment? thx
  7. Ok, so the best definition I could come up with was: the avarage level of ego development that you are at in your day to day life. Assuming that there is some sort of consistency there. And in this I also avarage out the different variables of how one can be emotionally, socially or philosoficly developed to varying degrees. Maybe some poeple might view those as the same. Just wanted to clarify.
  8. This guys work is really masterful. I learned more spanish in first two weeks using this guys stuff than I did after 4 years of highschool classes.
  9. acually, sorry, it was the first video where they guy explains this stuff.
  10. I found these two clips with two methods on how to really wash your greens to really get rid of most of the chemicals and dirt. Turns out that the traditional way we do it doesn't really do shit. One of them specifically explains the different types of pesticides and also explains which greens to buy when and so on. Hope this helps. For me it was really enlightening.
  11. well, in the second video, the guy explains how there are different types of pesticides. Some are part of the plant itself and can only be avoided through buying as organic as possible. But then there are things like ripening agents of which you avoid by buying local and inseason stuff.and the stuff they use to make them last longer which are sprayed onto the surface. Those can be washed away or so I have heard at least.
  12. wow! You really nailed it with that explanation. I really get it. I've read it multiple times and it really cleared up the fog perfectly. thx.
  13. So your sink won't expand after a trip automatically, rather you just know what to strive for?
  14. I realise (After you asking), that I 'm currently acually pretty unclear on that. Let me contemplate it for a bit and I'll get back to ya.
  15. Do you know any scientists that we could ask. This is not really our speciality here on this forum. hehe. I really have no idea how it works or even if it works.
  16. So you're saying that in your experience: people who are more "conscious" are really just wiser and can think differently about reality using lenses that are less distorted and more aligned with the truth and what psychedelics do is just demonstrate these facits of reality so that when you come back down from the trip you just try to remember?