Hanna Luna

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About Hanna Luna

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    Miami, FL
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  1. When you define their material as much higher in quality, what do you mean? What makes it of higher quality?
  2. But would it be? Absolute truth is what is, here and now. So, wouldn't the matrix while one finds themself in it, be absolute truth? Not as a concept, but what's being experienced directly (within the Matrix).
  3. I wouldn't be so sure. Apparently, mice and humans would rather shock themselves with a taser than experience boredom. Source: My memory of something I heard/read somewhere so take that with a grain of salt
  4. To anyone who's familiar with Abraham Hicks teachings, I'd love to hear what your thoughts on said teachings. Do you agree with them? Have you applied them in your own life? Has your time/energy doing so been fruitful? As for Bashar (who's channeled through Darryl Anka), some of you may not be as familiar with, but the message he most frequently seems to advocate is to follow your highest excitement which one could argue is much the same as what Abraham Hicks advocates for, which is to follow your joy. I think they may be saying the same things but in different ways.
  5. Unless, you can focus on/train yourself to see mostly the positive behind every negative thing in which case, you'd essentially be blocking out the negative. But, then wouldn't that be classified as delusional to some degree? That's what concerns me. Buying into a version of reality that's mostly positive, ignoring the negative aspects, and being blindsided because I chose to avoid the parts of reality I dislike.
  6. They also say that free will is ours, and always has been and that God/source would have it no other way nor would it want to if given the choice. However, free will doesn't really exist to he/she who is below a certain level of consciousness. You need awareness to make sound decisions because without a certain amount of it, any decision made would come from a highly egoic, narcissistic, and childish perspective said individual is experiencing. Said individual would be at the mercy of their negative/destructive beliefs about themselves and the world around them, they'd have an incredibly narrow perspective that excludes that which exists beyond said negative/destructive beliefs which one could define as that which simply is/that which is true.
  7. Yes, but the difference is that the characters aren't real. They aren't sentient beings, actually being killed. Therein lies the difference. I'd allow characters in a game to be brutally murdered via assault rifles or others, and be totally fine with it because they aren't sentient beings, it's just code and pixels on a screen.
  8. Those are positives though. However, without negativity, the 'positives' that I'm identifying as such might just be neutral.
  9. Yeah, that's tough. I'm not sure how, as all I've ever known is that reality.
  10. I think the reason people fear the infinite is simply that they project onto it the idea of suffering forever, and ever. As well as the possibility of doing so.
  11. Wow, fuck that God. No, but in all seriousness. I really don't like the fact that the universe doesn't operate on morality. I understand that would cause it to limit itself, but I'd prefer that over the contrary.
  12. Yes, but when I think about the fact that I live in a world where all of these horrific things can/do happen to people it starts to make me feel like a fish swimming in poisonous water.
  13. If God is all that is, wouldn't that make him relevant as it pertains to every subject?