Hanna Luna

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Everything posted by Hanna Luna

  1. @Haumea2018 How do I integrate more Fe? Spend more time with others? Act on my emotions? Then again, I've noticed when I spend a lot of time (too much time) by myself, I find I'm doing far too much theorizing/hypothesizing, and I'm not able to act of these with/around other people, which I think is vital to my mental well-being. I just feel as though I shouldn't HAVE to depend on others to be mentally fulfilled or well off, as Leo mentions in his videos. He often suggests spending time with one's self, and looking inward for answers, but maybe to a degree for certain individuals such as myself?
  2. @Forestluv Did the curiosity that propelled you to take on all of these new adventures and experiences lead to a feeling of satisfaction or lasting joy? I mean, really, I struggle to see the point of any of it sometimes. I find myself often contemplating if it'd simply be best to ignore my desire to learn and allow myself to indulge in actions/thoughts that fill my ego with excitement and joy while not swimming too deep into the ocean sea to reach a point of confusion, and dissatisfaction. However, upon thinking this, I realize that I had done this for many years, and in the end, when I'd wake up and realize how insignificant the actions I was part-taking in were (despite how easy and instantly-gratifying they were), and how dissatisfied I felt leading such a life I'd find myself depressed, and ultimately lost. These actions were eating junk food, playing video games for 8+ hours a day, mooching off my parents, and constantly distracting myself by always stimulating my mind with instantly gratifying treats which actually left me in a perpetual state of sadness and dissatisfaction when the action would come to an end for the day, or when I found myself bored with such actions. In other words, that's not a path I want to go down. Really, I just don't know. I simply don't know.
  3. @Leo Gura I suppose my desire to reach this ultimate destination is derived from seeing the point of consciousness you've acquired which I never could have imagined possible, accompanied by the sense of urgency I interpret from your videos. Though I love the journey, it can also feel as though I'm missing a key point or exploring ineffectively. Ahh, perfectionism at its finest. Anyway, appreciate you taking the time to reply.
  4. @WhatAWondefulWorld It's really when I find myself completely unmotivated to do anything other than contemplating/self-inquiry as a result of all the varying ideas and possibilities I'm absorbing through his videos that I find it difficult to enjoy the process. It's as though I can't move forward before stumbling upon a satisfactory conclusion or answer. I guess it's a matter of finding a balance between practical self-development vs spiritual/consciousness work, and accepting that I won't always immediately stumble upon the answer.
  5. @charlie cho It certainly is. At times harder than others, but that's just par for the course.
  6. I've often found that when I let others in on my goals/plans, it tends to backfire. Not in the sense that the person I'm telling my goals to rejects the idea, but rather, talking about it gives me a sense of fulfillment, which leads me to slack off on actually putting such an idea into action.