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Everything posted by freejoy

  1. Think we can build an AI with free will? I think so or pretty close.
  2. Never seen Bashar before. Very interesting. Thanks
  3. Leo says God has a Will. A it felt like God possessed him. I'm not sure what you mean here thou
  4. @Origins I'm not sure we can create awareness. On one AI YouTube supposedly an Enlightened One implied that consciousness might incarnate into an AI. Right now I tend to lean toward reincarnation. I'm not sure we ever return back into nothingness. We'll probably always have some kind of vehicle (body) to natigate our reality.
  5. Intention mostly. Someone can be wrong even Enlightened One(s) : ) I don't like the word "spews" in this context. Seems to imply judgement. If one is worried about a spiritualized ego they probably don't have one. The ego just thinks it's "spiritual person" thinks it's special. It's not that big of a deal. It's much better to have a spiritual ego than an mean ego. Dogma isn't all "bad" anything that points toward God will lower disorder in my view. Yeah
  6. There is no body? I see bodies everywhere I go. There is ego until there isn't. One can't live as if there is no ego if they are still aware of ego. That wouldn't be congruent. One has to be integritious to where they are.
  7. I was homeless for many many years on my spirit "quest" hehehe Now that I'm a regular guy : ) I mostly pass them by and wish them luck. Not long ago a homeless lady asked me for a ride and said she would get me some gas. She pulled out a sock stuffed full of money, $20s, $50s must have been over a thousand dollars. Then she wanted me to take her somewhere else she pulled out another money stuffed sock. Pan handling was her "job". Where you find people begging for money you'll most likely find a package store very near by. Not that there is anything "wrong" with it. I just see it as there job, standing with their signs, mostly trying to play off the guilt of people. Sometimes I will give but not out of guilt but if I feel like giving in my heart. But hardly ever. Do I want to pay them to stand in the street? I wouldn't judge myself for giving/not giving. I don't see it as spiritual ego. I like to error on the side of love.
  8. Plus he's picking out bigger names to "debunk" in his yt title to target a larger audience for more viewership.
  9. I watched it a little until he said the mind can't heal. What about the placebo effect? It's a waste of time to listen to.
  10. @Gabith Look up David Hawkins karma on you tube you'll find some.
  11. Karma isn't what you probably think it is. Hawkins explains karma in very much detail.
  12. @lmfao Yes his teachings are awesome. I never had a "spiritual experience" until I started studying his work. He mostly teaches the path of surrender. He talks about how drugs calibrate at like 85 loc. They work by blocking the lower levels of ego but can give one a very high loc (level of consciousness) experience. He says there are karmic consequences to taking short cuts to Enlightenment. But who knows what consequences they would be? Anyway, there are karmic consequences to everything we do! Maybe the drug 5meo causes (which really there is no "cause and effect") problems in the body, like damages the liver or something? Most drugs do have side effects. Is it worth it? Maybe? I don't know if the calibration thing is true, could be made up but a very useful tool.
  13. Say the Enlightened Ones are correct and all reality is only imagination, or dreamstuff. What happens after death? Does one return to the nothingness from which one came? Or does one enter into another imagined reality in the astro worlds? Say our body/soul/mind/memory is held together by intelligence. Why would the intelligence defuse into nothingness? Could intelligence that holds the body/erthric together continue holding aspects of it together after death?
  14. There are no morals. Morals are rules. Like the 10 commandments. Love can never be bound by rules. Everything is contextual. I suppose love is the only rule. So a burglar enters your home, your children sleeping. What would love do? The Enlightened Ones only serve. Only selflessly. They are beautiful to watch. They probably wouldn't comb their hair or bath but only to not smell in order to do their function. : ) ------------- The Master doesn't try to be powerful; thus he is truly powerful. The ordinary man keeps reaching for power; thus he never has enough. The Master does nothing, yet he leaves nothing undone. The ordinary man is always doing things, yet many more are left to be done. The kind man does something, yet something remains undone. The just man does something, and leaves many things to be done. The moral man does something, and when no one responds he rolls up his sleeves and uses force. When the Tao is lost, there is goodness. When goodness is lost, there is morality. When morality is lost, there is ritual. Ritual is the husk of true faith, the beginning of chaos. Therefore the Master concerns himself with the depths and not the surface, with the fruit and not the flower. He has no will of his own. He dwells in reality, and lets all illusions go. The Tao Te Ching by Lao Tzu Translated by Stephen Mitchell
  15. You made me laugh. You might be Enlightened. : )
  16. No he really existed. If I created heaven and all hells, space, time, enlightenment, the before and after ...then I also created Jesus being here about 2000 years ago. You can look it up in the Akashic records.
  17. First off Jesus changed the world! More than any being ever in history. So you think you know more than Jesus? That is funny. Most people ridiculed that which they do not understand. Jesus was a spiritual genius by a lot.
  18. I wasn't asking you that question. It appears both of y'all didn't really read the post but took it out of context.
  19. I've been doing research what other Enlightened Ones have to say about it. Dr David Hawkins says there are karmic consequences to taking short cuts to Enlightenment. Tom Campbell says that drugs can create the same "experience" of enlightenment but generally doesn't change behavior at the being level. He sees life as a mission to reduce entropy by becoming love. Dr David Hawkins also doesn't recommend things and practices that raise the Kundalini.
  20. It's in all the spiritual books! I mean even Jesus said it. One has to have something to go by. Some kind of standard. Since we are going for the Most High, then love seems pretty obvious to me. Don't you enjoy being loved? Surely others do also. So someone calls us a name, it's an opportunity to love this person and to discover why we might not can. If we can't we'll discover some ego thing underneath.
  21. Yes, the spiritualized ego can happen if one isn't careful. It's a trap you need to avoid. Focus on loving everyone you see. Imagine them all having angel wings.
  22. A dog might help. They can be rather loving creatures! : )
  23. Just relax. When conditions are favorable it will spontaneously manifest in its prefect timing.