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Everything posted by freejoy

  1. Yeah, but I want to wait until I see if anyone dies from taking it or has some other negative reaction. I want to go to Mars but not on the first trip! : )
  2. I'm in good health so if I catch it and live through it then I'll be immune anyway?
  3. No I didn't make it up. It's explained it in the video I posted "The Theory of Everything". It's kind of a long video so I'm sure not many will watch it. I don't necessarily agree with the whole video, but it's interesting in that I enjoyed how he explains the odds of just one thing happening and how that thing has to be in place before the other thing can happen and the other thing couldn't happen unless the other thing happen at the exact same time. : ) He also gets into when scientist consider some probability is zero.
  4. Yeah, I know what you mean. It can't be zero because we are here. But it is considered zero technically.
  5. I don't like needles. Is it ok if I pass on getting the shot?
  6. In these kinds of statistics once it gets to 1 out of more than say the atoms in the universe the probability goes to technically 0. The universe is expanding, so there must be an edge where it is expanding into.
  7. I see. I wasn't doing that because he wasn't predicting anything about UFOs. I was trying to understand why Leo thought Kurzweil was a fool. I thought surely Leo knew about him but wasn't sure. I was attempting to show Leo that even though he kind of was a fool (like being a seemingly materialist) in some regards he still is a brilliant man. Kurzweils argument concerning aliens stands alone. I think he made some good points. Let's say the universe wasn't infinite but just really really big, like as far as we can see with the hubble telescope. Because in absolute infinity all possibilities are probably true. Us i.e. the whole world, being here so unlikely, like 1 out of 1 with a million zeros on the end of it. That's why I posted the other video just to show how unlikely we exist : ) The statistically probability is 0. For that to happen twice ... well is probably super zero! : ) In another video Kurzweil said something along the lines of if another civilization just a few years ahead of us like a thousand years would be able to send messages out on all frequencies. They would be able to make contact if they wanted to. Our universe is expanding as everyone knows. That means there is an end to it. Kind of. As we approach the outer edge time slows down, way way down. So one can never go beyond it or get outside it. In infinity there are probably infinite bubbles of universe's. Like bubbles in a wine glass universe's are coming and going. We can never get beyond our bubble because time slows down and stretches out to infinity as we get to the edge of our bubble. So are there aliens in our bubble? Most likely not. What are the odds of us being in our bubble? Statistically 0. If there are aliens at all they are most likely trans-dimensionals blipping in and out. That's why they disappear so fast. I've seen many videos of Steven Greer and him trying to contact aliens. They seem to be having success. But they are putting out intentions to see something and then they see something. But I've only seen little lights flashing, zig zagging, blinking in and out. Nothing concrete. As far as aliens goes I find this stuff fun and don't really hold a firm belief one way or another. Just fun stuff. Oh yeah, last night I watched an excellent documentary about the pyramids that completely debunks that aliens created them. Actually, it appears the black race of people are the ones that created the beginning technology. Very interesting. Here it is if you would like to watch it:
  8. Hehehe Well he's made many predictions that came true, like 86% correct. I think he is a materialist and thinks we can upload consciousness into a computer. Which we can't because the computers are consciousness. He is a fool in that context but he seems to be a very smart fool! : ) There was another guy (forgot his name) that studies AI and AGI asked a supposedly Enlightened One about if it was possible to upload consciousness and the Enlightened One said no but a consciousness might incarnate into the AI. If there are any aliens I'm sure they will be very loving. I hope I get to meet them!
  9. According to Dr David Hawkins most if not all mental problems are ego problems. If I've understood him correctly. He was a psychiatrist and Enlightened. I've also seen on YT a doctor who apparently was healing people with love by creating a loving accepting environment. Personally I think it is about love. That's why I was thinking psychedelics might help one feel lovingness and maybe it might help. Thank you for the replies.
  10. I hope there are aliens! But it looks doubtful. Here's what Ray Kurzweil says: Here's a video that goes into the odds of us existing. Not that I agree with the whole thing but it shows the odds of us being here are astronomical! For another civilization with intelligent life the odds are beyond astronomical! But in infinity all possibilities are likely.
  11. Anyway, the body will adapt to any diet and do the best it can. It's amazing how the body works. It does a wonderful job at detoxing and making use of what's in the environment.
  12. You might be right. As for me I think the best diet is whole food plant based. I wish you well.
  13. The thing about the Keto diet is their are no long term studies on it. I love meat I kind of wish the Keto diet was right. I don't have time to learn everything about nutrition, although I have studied it. I know I'm getting all my nutritional needs met with my diet. Pretty sure. It's a hell of a lot better than most people! I listen to Dr Greger mostly about diet related matters. Not that he has it perfectly correct. Because I'm not sure he has it correct about salt, he probably does though : ). I like my salt! If you like you can listen to what he has to say about Keto: Maybe he is right. You decide.
  14. Who cares if we are omnivores or what. It appears evolution has design us to be able to eat almost anything. I see food like gas for a car. Some gas is better for the car. But the car will run on about any kind of gas. Evolution cares only about getting us reproduced. I want to live much longer than that.
  15. No I didn't get obese. I'm not sure if I eat more because it never mattered in my life how much I eat I couldn't gain weight. Plus I ate tons of food on the plant based diet. Lots of nuts, avocados, oranges, gains, broccoli, berries, beans etc. Yes meat is tasty for sure. I always ate meat at almost every meal. Now I buy plant based meat, not much though. Also been learning how to get that savory favor from other foods. It's a learning process in how to prepare foods.
  16. When I first started eating whole food plant based diet for about six months then I slipped and started eating Mcdonald's, KFC, and sandwiches with meat etc. My body gained around 25 lbs in about two weeks! It was unbelievable because I have never been able to gain weight. I've also been the same weight within a few lbs all my adult life. I have a scale that tracks body weight, body mass and lots of parameters. The scale said, "is this the same person!" I don't eat whole food plant based because of spiritual reasons but because it's healthier. I don't want to be sick and weak when I get older. My weight has returned to normal now. I'm sure it's better for our environment too.
  17. So you think people with schizophrenia can never get Enlightened?
  18. How come you say that? Has it been tried?
  19. No, never done any drugs except marijuana. Edit: I'm planning on trying it. I've been doing research about it and so far it's been positive.
  20. Just look at how many families it feeds and all the jobs it provides. Not to mention how convenient it is. Plus all the doctors it and medical care jobs too. A all the animals given an opportunity to be alive. Plus, Ronald McDonald house.
  21. Here is some information about finasteride: About minoxidil: Also another proven method is skin needling.
  22. One I met a man who shot and killed a cop when he was 12 years old. He told me the details. Rough neaborhood.
  23. @Phrenic Also, Sadhguru doesn't agree with using psychedelics.