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Soul harvest Thought to delete this video, but the screen went white right before I had the chance to. Key stays. "The sun" "The son" I need to think of a solution for this channeling problem I keep having. I build my keys from nothing... what if... you... left, like, maintained whatever connections you wanna keep here but just sort of peaced out or whatever? So that no one mistakes my work for yours? Please. Please. Just for a few more months and then I am out of here, probably June or July? And then I can keep my placeholder, for once, without all this other bullshit happening again - and having to start from scratch. Please do this for me. It's only for 3 and a half months or so, until I can move out of this place and then I won't have any reason to use this forum anymore.
I have been thinking about this topic lately, but I don't really know how I feel about it yet as I don't really understand it, death seems like its own complex thing. Does anyone really have a genuine understanding of what it/death means? I feel like people who still have life left say they do but they don't, that it is just a front kind of.
This shouldn't take too long. The earlobe thing works actually, I just tried it. Dreamboard - largest picture perspective would serve as a compass. Peace on Earth - Good/high vibe ET. Notes (Even this guy turned it into an idea a bit, you have to be cautious of this - it is so subtle. I think I passed the test, though.): gg Is peace on Earth obtainable for human beings and what would that look like? This is Truth thus far, I feel like I remember this place. I feel like ultimately I will/everyone will be free. This pulls on my heart the most as far as remembering what it was like before. It's even more perfect than I thought it would be. It feels like I can have this just for me, and then the colours blend together a bit and the sunlight becomes circular and within that it is like a message of some kind and I am grateful. Life is perfect in every way. I won. I'm expecting it to be some kind of trick, but it's not. I remember this place of absolute perfection as Home. Life is magnificent and I would like to remember this as much as possible. I worked hard for it, I do feel like I earned it. Nothing matters and everything is perfect. It's ultimately all for me. "Remember." "Homesick." "Home is where the heart is." Collect things that speak like this.
I think the most important thing in life is learning how to carry with you, to see the energy of, and to hold close to you - your death and that society needs to stop sweeping it under the rug and explore what death really means. How can you know where you are at if you do not look death in the face? All spiritual talents/abilities come from carrying it with you. All phenomena comes from opening that door. When thinking of it and discussing it with others, I am always confused when it comes to people's reactions about death and how they try so hard to keep the other person there with them... why would you stay here on this world when your home is over there and this is just some middle ground, something designed to set your game piece in a certain direction? All your memories, the uncovered, undamaged souls of everyone you have come into contact, and the full scope of our power, our minds, imaginations, manifest into whatever we want. The human being has the capability to carry this over into the next world, that's our gift. You have to look it in the face first. I'll write more on this later I have a lot of opinions on this topic.
In the summer silence I was getting violent In the summer silence I was doing nothing Comfort = Stagnation :: I suppose I could just keep the realization that death is always nipping at your heels and that necessity is the mother of all invention. Mother nature waits for no one. Wolf is a butcher, the cruelest, realest aspects of the human psyche - let loose a storm on the mountain and picnic in the rain. Something is coming, something will happen soon, I feel it in my gut.
Loba replied to Leo Nordin's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
My gut says that it is better to leave all of that behind. That society and culture drags you down and tries to mold you into certain things. That this will go against what is needed in order for a lot of people to become enlightened, or whatever it is that they are supposed to be. That the solution is going out into solitude and finding yourself there and that there is an underlying order that can be observed just by sitting silently and watching it all in the present moment, looking out over a mountain top or somewhere high up. It isn't a closed loop, like it is in the in the city; it feels dead to me - or with people - and you don't have to be thinking all the time, or worrying about nonsense. The earth will nurture your soul. I am in a position where I don't have to work ever again if I don't want to, and I will be moving into a decent home in a few months close to nature. I'm going to orient it towards where I want it to be near the end of my life, in order to wake up from - and to continue on - and not worry too much about society at all - to remove as much of culture from myself as I can. I'm more interested in the spirit realms and I think that there is some knowledge about them that can be found in the forest and I know how/where to look. I think that just outside culture, all of it, in every way, is something that belongs to humans as a birthright. That how we live gives us a chance to design the next life. And if no one wants it, I am going to go get it. mama's gun - glass animals but you're in an empty cathedral (slowed + reverb) -
Loba replied to ThaOreoBoros's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I wouldn't go looking for that energy. If you find it you will know, it feels very heavy, dark, static, magnetic. Like how God contains love, when you find this energy, it will be outside spacetime and contain a collective of hatred and fear, both individually and on a global scale. If you find such energies within you, do what you can to neutralize them. http://maryshutan.com/darkness-spirit-and-the-feminine/ If you are looking for advice from both sides of the coin, I would not use this forum as most of the people here have thrown out some of the more important aspects of true spiritual connection, in favour of simply seeing a false light. This place has developed a... ... .... culture. Most of the people here do not really delve into authentic work. And most of them share Leo's blind spots. If you are looking for information on dark energy, you can go within and tap into what is darkest in your heart, or you can open your perspective to the horrors that take place in the world and to merge the necessity of some of creation's harshest acts. You have to train yourself to See this part of reality in an objective manner. Without the polarity of being able to see what is evil, then you won't have the ability to see what is good. Open up to the idea that you might be food for something else. Open up your mind to the idea that even divine insight could come from beings that are still just as flawed, that in other ways consciousness has developed, it will have its own blindspots. That you still have to parse truth from fiction, be a good experience or a terrible one, angel or demon. -
Note: Culture is not your friend. You keep falling back into it. It's outside of culture, all construct = the trap. Reality is like clay. You shape it with your will, but it's immediate and present. It is the latter that is of most relevance to Fenrir and our existing Western Civilisation and Aeon. According to the Correspondences of “The Elemental Quadruplet” Fenrir is associated with the season of Winter; the Western Civilisation is entering its final, Winter stage. As such, Fenrir be seen as the ‘patron’ or symbol of this stage, and is a ‘patron’ to both the events that will occur naturally as befits this stage, and the options open to the Adept in his/her endeavours to alter this Aeon, and hasten or retard its demise. The choice is entirely upon the individual Adept; there is no set rule. Seeing this current Aeon has approximately in excess of 500 years to go, and Western Civilisation just under 400 years, there is no reason why – to speak symbolically – Fenrir can’t be chained for a little longer. His release and the death of this civilisation and Aeon are inevitable; there is no doubt that of that: one only needs a drop of Odin’s insight to see it. But if the right steps are taken, then a pre-Ragnarok Regeneration of the Western mind, body and soul may be possible. This would provide a lasting influence on the next Aeon (and its civilisation) as the Hellenic Aeon – as a vital stage of the evolution of Western Paganism – has had on the current Western one. Alternatively, the Adept has the option of unleashing Fenrir at this point in time in order to perhaps quicken the demise of this civilisation, ensuring an entirely new civilisation – without the influence of Western civilisation – in the next Galactic Aeon. Perhaps such an action is premature, considering the length of time left to run, however temporal unleashing can be used in order to enact the goals of a Regenerated Western Aeon. Such ‘temporal unleashings’ aid the disintegration of existing power structures; those that can be regarded as distortions of the Western Civilisation’s original ethos, while retaining the basis from which to build upon. However, such actions cannot be undertaken frivolously or on a whim. They require and appreciation or Wyrd, both collective and individual. All intentions, all goals, must be clearly defined and all actions and reactions should be understood by the instigators. In other words, they must be Adepts in the true meaning of the word. Note: Don't give your story away. Keep going. You need no middle man - you will find yourself in a very bad spot if you allow yourself to fall into the belief that you do. You are going to have to keep pressing forward. You know more than many of the people here about niche things and so you will have to be your own authority. But you are unsure of yourself, and so this creates a tempation for others to control your experiences because they often read as somewhat novel. When you push away, their reaction is to minimize you and this is how it starts with every single one. Keep going, don't look back. This is a cult, and these people are cult members. You provide a mirror that is at times too accurate for others to handle. Your requirement for absolute purity of intent makes people feel belittled, but energetically it has to be this way. Don't fall back into it, just look at it, watch it... glide OVER it. Darkness, Spirit and the Feminine The Mold - How Society Thinks We Should Be
https://outofthefog.website/top-100-trait-blog/2015/11/4/hysteria Hysteria An inappropriate over-reaction to bad news or disappointments, which diverts attention away from the real problem and towards the person who is having the reaction. Being a Drama Major or Drama Queen Many people enjoy 15 minutes of fame, however a Drama Major or Drama Queen has a constant need to seek out and hold the attention of others through manifesting extremes of emotion. Call it a hissy fit, a tantrum, or a case of hysterics – the effect is the same. The limelight is theirs, even if it was someone else’s catastrophe brought them on stage in the first place. The goal of a hysterical person is to draw attention to themselves and to their plight - often from people who do not know them well and who are more likely to give a sympathetic response. It’s a behavior which can manipulate total strangers into serving the PD person’s emotional needs. There is nothing inherently dysfunctional about desiring other people’s attention, except when the scale and context are inappropriate, and prevent someone with a genuine crisis or need from receiving the assistance they need. How the script plays out A parent’s behavior demands more attention at the emergency room than their injured child. A cousin starts an emotional argument with relatives while the bride and groom are cutting the cake. A widower needs to be carried out of the church behind the coffin at a funeral. A parent rushes their child to the hospital with a minor complaint. A man habitually calls the police when no-one is at risk. A person calls or shows up unannounced when they have been politely asked not to, claiming a crisis makes it necessary they ignore your request. A person always repeats the most outrageous, salacious, and dramatic gossip in order to get attention. A man threatens a lawsuit when a waiter spills his coffee. Someone seems to be more often than not in a state of crisis for no apparent or logical reason. Hysterical people take everyday situations and elevate them to a level that is inappropriate, unhelpful and diversionary. They may sometimes appear more comfortable in a crisis than in a calm situation. They are the kind of people who threaten, bluster, overreact, take it up a notch and go to extremes, becoming like black holes for the emotional energy if those around them. Like emotional addicts, they are constantly seeking another “fix” of sympathy, admiration, envy, respect, significance and attention. One of the worst impacts of hysteria is that it often diverts resources away from real problems and puts the spotlight on the person who is acting hysterical. People who know a hysterical person well are often inclined to become suspicious of them over time and withdraw their support. When this happens, hysterical people are commonly driven to recruit new sympathizers. It’s not uncommon for people who suffer from HPD to recruit whole new sets of friends every year or so. There may be a tendency to idealize these friends while they are new and sympathetic and to devalue them when they become withdrawn. What it feels like If you are a companion or family member to a Drama Major or Drama Queen, you are probably suffering from crisis fatigue. You probably yearn just to be a “normal” couple or a “normal” family, and long for mundane days, ordinary affairs and predictable events. You may wish you could just become invisible and let some other household get all the attention. In public, you may be wishing you could carry a sign that says “I’m not really like them” - except that to do so would just draw more attention. You may find yourself trying to “clean up” the mess behind your loved-one. You may be familiar with the impossible task of trying to appear as though you are a reasonable rational human being and you understand other people’s skepticism about your loved-one’s behaviors while at the same time trying to behave supportively so it doesn’t look like you are part of the problem. You may feel humiliated by their behavior. You may wonder what people must think of you and you may be thinking that people assume you’re probably at least half as bad as them. The good news - most discerning people can differentiate between the characters that make up a family, and can recognize who are the balanced ones. The bad news - most people will never tell you what they really think of your family member or partner, for fear that you might take it the wrong way and reject them. Unless you make the first move - such as move out or file for divorce and declare your independence most people will never tell you what they really think about the Drama Major or Drama Queen in your house. After you move out, a number of people will be only too happy to tell you what they always thought - once there is no personal risk for them to do so. How to Cope While you may find a Drama Major or Drama Queen’s behavior exhausting and frustrating, if you step in and try to control them or try to stand between them and the attention they crave, you will have about as much success as a concerned parent who tries to keep their teenage addict away from their next fix. You will not be successful and you may get hurt in the process. Unlike cocaine or heroin, attention is not a controlled substance and seeking or grabbing attention is not a crime. Therefore you are not going to be able control how much attention another person chooses to draw to themselves. You will have to let them have it. Your main concern should be to consider if this behavior is hurting you or any children involved. If they are hurting children by their behavior, do your best to protect those children - especially if you are their other parent. If you are not their parent then you are limited in what you can realistically do - beyond reporting any child abuse concerns to the authorities and offering those children a supportive environment whenever you are around them. If they are hurting you, then you need to consider protecting yourself. This begins by working on your own boundaries, and considering removing yourself from any environment that is not healthy for you, if and when appropriate. What NOT to do Don’t stand between a hysterical person and the attention they crave. You might as well stand in front of a freight train. Don’t try to “talk sense” into them - you can’t fight addiction with logic. Don’t assume the responsibility of fixing a hysterical person. Don’t try to “cover” for them - people are smart and will draw their own conclusions regardless of your efforts. Don’t blame yourself for the behavior. Drama is addictive, and you are peripheral to the Drama Major or Drama Queen’s need for a fix. What TO do Protect yourself and any children from harm as best you can. Promptly report any incidents of neglect or child abuse to the authorities. Talk to trusted friends about what you are experiencing. Level with them so they will be comfortable in telling you what they can see and help you to see things “from the outside looking in”. Detach yourself from feeling responsible for a loved-ones behavior. Let it go. You are not responsible for their actions. You are only responsible for the way you have behaved. Resolve that you are going to detach yourself from anybody else’s behavior and just be responsible for your own behavior from now on. Forgive yourself for your past mistakes. If you live with a drama major, chances are you have “lost it” a few times. That’s not the best way but that is in the past. Resolve to learn better ways to react to and protect yourself from your loved-one’s addiction. Forgive yourself for the way other people behave in your life. Resolve to be the best “you” that you can be. I couldn't handle what is essentially.... this... every time I am busy with my life in the real world, this is the pattern with this person, they introject themselves into situations and they cry wolf. I have noticed a pattern that whenever I am busy in the real world, they take this as a bad sign, so this lets me know that this person is basically just using this forum. Stop with this behavior where you do everything that you fight against. Just... stop.... this is why people don't wanna be around you. They can't even make a choice without coming back to insane levels of this weird.... nonsense. What is this? This place is less healthy for you than it is even for me. Maybe you should get a life? Every time I have been busy with real world problems, and divert my attention this happens - you don't own people's attention here... you know that right? You create problems for yourself. You spend all your time focusing on that stuff, just nonstop it is only negativity. Like... you are everything that you discuss in other people, why can't you see this? EVERYONE ELSE HERE DOES EXCEPT YOU. I am doing you a favour. Close your mouth and contemplant. Can you do that? Are you able you? God damn. Just goes on and on. I predict you'll post some long thing, not do any of it - and then claim victimhood or whatever else you use this place for - certainly not for growing... you know, people can choose who they let into their life. And this stuff you do, pushes people away. For me, I like being alone so idaf, but for anxious people like you - if someone doesn't want to put up with it, coming back - after a day of doing their own thing to just find page after page of this stuff, and then victimization that you just pull up on the spot without any interest to work through it - what do you expect? You're manipulative. Like... look for healthy people that can deal with that kind of stuff. Stop this every time I am busy with my life, or when I decide this isn't my cup of tea. Accept it and cut the shit. Leave me alone. I have you on block, I'm not taking it off, rage all you want I won't see it.
@zeroISinfinity Doesn't matter, this is what happened before where I had let go and wanted to do my own thing, and this only took me like a couple days to get over, I've been done with it from the near start - and this forum has a habit of dragging things on and then instigating a response, and I don't want to keep falling back into other people's nonsense. The moment I bumped into them bad things started to happen and so I really don't want anything to do with that person, I don't want their name attached to my spiritual journey, I have them blocked on here and on a blocksite - so stop. Also, I am not into that kind of stuff - it makes me anxious to see myself being misrepresented. What if people then start interacting with me expecting something disgusting like that? Had you genuinely looked at what I was trying to do? Nothing from that was positive; all of it trying to pull myself out of a horror show, why would anyone move towards the results of that?
I don't feel that way at all pertaining to cancer in the body. Little children get cancer, it isn't a good comparison imo. As far as future thought crimes or using AI, if such a thing exists then it would take into account the entire chain of thought and events - this would have to be put into the system. The only thing that would stop it is if people interfered with the AI being able to make an accurate judgement.
@Epikur I don't think cancel culture works, either. Then you just have mobs of angry people trying to enact justice on another and that doesn't often work. Maybe there just needs to be a chain of teachers? That all teachers should consider themselves students, even among students.
From what I saw - I don't like him, I don't think that way of teaching helps people at all. I think it makes it worse. I'm glad to hear he no longer teaches like that anymore. Few things are as messed up as trying to force your opinion on another person without questioning it and thinking that they have to take it. I think that people who want to teach/instruct others generally have underlying issues to be quite frank. You're already putting yourself in a position that you think you know better than the other person. I think people with issues with power and control like to gravitate towards these professions. Just my 2c.
@zeroISinfinity I don't know if I have an opinion on it, I don't know what I like only what I don't like
@Hulia Then it's not really cheating if she knows. People who like a lot of activity, noise and running around and being shoulder to shoulder with strangers I suppose. That's a shallow statement. I am working with it - but if you know this, why push people's buttons? When people act this way, and then do something different this tells me that I am talking to someone who is shifty. Everyone's intentions are usually good, but people have the ability to pick and choose what they will accept and what they won't and so even if your intentions are good, the other person still should have the option to choose what they accept into their bubble of influence for lack of better term. Of course.
I'll delete this in a bit because I don't feel good about posting in other's journals but I just wanted to let you know that I relate 100 percent to what you are going through and I want you to know I am rooting for you and hope that you are able to regain your health and find even greater levels of divinity within you, good luck. Have you spoken with @Michael569? He has a lot of knowledge on health conditions and might be able to give you some advice.
@zeroISinfinity Well if it isn't physical I guess, maybe, idk. Does she know? Poor girl. You do? I'm getting tired of cities tbh. Okay, then go do those things. Projection. You talk at people rather than to them, idk, I'm learning that this proclivity makes conversation convoluted. As far as others making me happy or not, I will never be happy, that isn't my goal and I don't care about others making me happy. I care more about them not making me upset than happy tbh.
@zeroISinfinity Never said I wanted enlightenment.
@BornToBoil Keep in mind this is coming from a guy who cheated on most of his girls and spent the summer making a public thread for everyone all about him. To z: You spent over a month wasting Galyna's time with your relationship crap - that woman was codependent and didn't have the heart to tell you that you are a self centered mental case - I have had more than one person message me, actually, about you because you are known for being a loud mouthed, abrasive ... kind of ... messed up in the head a bit, right... is that it, can't write properly, ect, you are also delusional, you had thought some things about me and it took a long time to get you off my back. You should learn your lesson. Don't control other people, what they wish to do. You should mention those things when you do this. Like how you kept getting into my journal and I could not get you to stop for a long time. And then made a bunch of other ones and I could not get you to stop? And then when I was talking to a guy here, posted something in the music section you did that... You're a legit crazy person. Look in the mirror. People read your posts here and laugh. You're a joke. How many times have you left this place just to comeback five minutes later? Leave her alone, let her like who she likes. Go eat some mud, friend.
You're attempting to embarrass someone who doesn't want to be involved in nonsense, if you're going to post rude things - keep it about me.
I have an idea, something that has been on my mind today. I need to raise my energy up into my heart, I only want to spend about 3-4 months here, until I move and then forest k.o. after pets are situated in the home. But I don't want my soul to end up somewhere disconnected, and connection via the heart might be the only way to keep this from happening. I want to grow by making really beautiful things, and to me, beauty is darkness, it is savage, sometimes brutal and I think that you have a very deep understanding of what that actually is. We get along well when we talk, both have an understanding of being wounded and do not have judgement towards this despite seeing it sometimes coming out. I was thinking about how I have a good ability to see into people, in a subconscious sort of way and when I looked at what was underneath you it was not disgusting and distorted, or cruel or savage in the wrong way - but put together just right. You don't hint at me with things that make me feel bad, and you are kind and supportive with your words and actions. I also admire things in your culture, like how the image of God is taken out and the video you showed me where many people would move together as one to pray. So my idea is this: each day, to every other day, I will work on my artwork - with you in mind and I will keep my emotions calm, loving, inspired - with the hope of freedom from something in me that was put on me in childhood, just like you. A curse. It will be in the spirit of connection, and to send to you positive energy for what you have done and how you have treated me - with the intent to help your soul grow and energy sent with, in mind, wanting the best in your life. And all that I ask is a prayer each day, oriented towards universal Love, from the soul - and I think this is how a social memory complex is created and maintained. And we could learn this skill, because it will be very valuable for the next life, if you believe in that. This is what I was initially shown when I was looking at the sky and the city lights and I was told I could keep my vibration in line with fixing childhood trauma, and while deviating from that to try to understand why I could not keep that state - I think that someone who has been through it and understands it, to send this energy to you would be moving in that direction. I don't know what will come from this art, it might end up being quite strange - I don't know what is locked in my psyche. But it will have this sort of quality to it: You gave me a new name. I will leave the idea open for a few days, don't feel pressured with yes or no, listen to your gut - what you wanna do. It's an odd request, after all.