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Everything posted by Loba

  1. High school and some college. I want to get a dog training license. And take some art and psychology classes in the future if my mental health improves and I feel I can take that on. I've always had trouble in school though, despite having a high IQ. It's the whole paying attention and remembering what has been said that's so tough, even with notes. But these three things I am good at and could pass even with some trouble focusing. In a year I will revisit this, I will be settled in a new home and will be doing part-time work. (recovering from psychosis, takes a bit of time to get back to original functioning, I tend to get more of the psychological freezing more than anything else) So that's why I am behind. Still directionless. I'm just going to work on myself the best I can and take it easy for this lifetime, learn as much about God as I can and I think that I will dissolve my karma and won't have so many problems in the next life to work through. I do wish I had more education, though, and for those who are wondering if they should go to school... I would do it. There are so many more opportunities for you if you have a degree.
  2. @RickyFitts Me too, I love learning from other women. This whole forum in general is a rare gem. I should appreciate it more than I do.
  3. @Esilda The odd thing is, I don't get any notification when you/Ix send me something. @lxlichael Same here, let me go check something, I should be getting notices, I don't have restrictions on people sending me any notice, but they are not showing up, nothing on ignore either just a bunch of old account from who knows who that I just removed. Can either one of you send me a note and see if it shows?
  4. He was as great then as he is now, maybe he just wasn't as in tune with that then after doing all the work he has done on himself. Good job, Leo, I mean that 100 percent. You managed to grow so much you should be so proud of yourself and all you do for us. But you were perfect then too, never forget that.
  5. My fav. channel for women/girls is The Perception Trainers Good for: self, body, image, spiritual understanding.
  6. @Esilda You have just the right level of extroversion that this forum neeeeeeeeeeeeds so much! Inclusiveness, and vulnerability and kindness, this forum will change into a beautiful butterfly with the right level of feminine touch, I can guarantee it! <3 <3 We need more women who are inclusive like this, it's not a common trait. Not authentically anyways. You're rare.
  7. @Leo Gura Isn't it interesting how just one small action like that changes the course of everything, it's almost as if your life was designed to awaken, and to avoid or mitigate things that would have been in conflict with that. I worked as a game tester for Nintendo back in the day, it was not a fun job. Very monotonous. Now you're a spiritually developed, rich, famous YouTuber that people look up to and want to emulate and you have the freedom to do what you want with your life. That's pretty sweet.
  8. @Esilda Haha, no worries <3 *sending positive vibes your way*
  9. @SamC Stage yellow views on what does it mean to be a man; hope this helps you somewhat.
  10. http://maryshutan.com/
  11. Got the guns to protect myself Got the banks to protect my wealth Got the laws that are keeping me safe Got the jails gunna lock you away Feel it in my blood, feel it in my bones It's in everything I love, everything I know.
  12. @Esilda You're welcome, welcome to the forum. <3
  13. @Goldzilla Thanks - it just sort of developed itself when I was contemplating and trying to get back to the state where all just 'is' right now and everything is more illuminated and had gotten close. That happens frequently to me and it just sort of develops itself in that state when I'm inspired. I am not enlightened and still have a lot of shadow to work through before that happens. But I can get an idea of what the difference in state is when the ego is shed... for a time. There is that knowing there of the direction I need to go in, and the experience of no death - but I just don't have the "I am the all" experience quite yet, usually I experience other souls around me and stuff like that, so in Leo's awakening video on where to place it, it's like advanced beginner. There is so so sooooo much more to learn. So it is supposed to sort of represent my soul becoming awake just during that time. Kind of like the sluffing off of the mental and emotional layers, and what was left was just spirit, or shakti, or whatever the energy that comes from feminine creativity is, the one that changes shapes a lot, has it's own consciousness and causes events to unfold in a certain way in order to express itself. Kundalini perhaps? I'm still in the process of understanding it. It's the knowledge that comes through after death acceptance, like in between the lines of the words you use for an object, the illumination of it just being what it is. Like being very focused on an art project, and the self is gone and flow just takes over, muscle memory, inspiration and it is like being moved by a creative spirit. It doesn't happen to me too often though, and fizzles out after a week or two and then I have to wait for the cup to fill up and focus on other things during down time.
  14. @Gianna You're welcome, keep up the good work! @RickyFitts Agreed. @Esilda Thanks! I like it, too, it helps me organize my thoughts. I will check yours out as well. At this point in time, I am just working with basic shakti energy and trying to understand it, and use it for different projects. I'm not the best at writing, either. It can be hard, like a whole paragraph can be written about a single feeling that took place in a second, and I totally get it.
  15. @Leo Gura You also have two videos showing people how to practice memento mori. Through going into my fears of physical death, and facing them I have the same sorts of awakenings on the illusory nature of death. Just not the being God myself one, this hasn't happened yet. But I can intuit a technical process that happens after the body dies, and beings from beyond time have given me info about the nature of death as well. The soul seems to go through a process after death that reflects their beliefs and knowledge, karma and the like - so how you die and what you know about it will have value. For someone like you, you might not have a lot of karma and other things to keep you here for another round because you are already so knowledgeable on what God is in the firstplace. But there is something there. I can look at "death", which seems to be life as well. And pull stuff from it in a certain state, like a rabbit out of a hat or something due to serious sickness back in 2017, I opened that channel up. Have you studied reincarnation or any of that? It's pretty interesting actually. I've decided to reincarnate a few more times just because I would leave without knowing enough in this life. There's so much to learn about. You can develop siddhis from going into deep study and delving into one's personal hang ups about death. @Goldzilla Not really, most of them are quite ordinary claims.
  16. Memento mori - contemplating your death, is one of the most transformative spiritual practices imo. I have learned so much and have had many awakenings through this. You can't avoid it or go around it, you have to go through it.
  17. I added three NDE channels to my list there if you want to look through them as well, some are quite fascinating, a few people have died in very strange circumstances to have been able to have an NDE at all and I feel those have the most value to them in terms of proving what happens in the afterlife. I have had some experiences related to dealing with the afterlife, but not a direct NDE so I didn't feel it was worth sharing here. Sri Aurobindo's 'The psychic being' offers quite a lot in terms of explaining what the soul is and what to expect after death. If you have had awakening experiences, it will be easier to parse what's being said. Different cultures have been mapping the death process for millennia/centuries. I think those cultures that have a closer connection to it are worth looking at, for sure. I have a feeling that actually understanding the technicalities of the death process does take a decent amount of study, and even then, no one could give you an answer without writing another book on it. I think there are a lot of different ways it can happen and it depends on what you want, and how much you have learned. I think it is like an onion, a progressive removal of layers over many lifetimes. I've never experienced being God, as the One God, but I have experienced my soul group, and ancestors and deities and things of this nature and have had a few transcendental moments where death was seen through as illusory.
  18. Knowing what happens after death often takes serious study (unless you have had an nde). https://sanjeevpatra.medium.com/psychic-being-c99b55ae12c4 We don't die radio NDE radio with lee witting NDE accounts
  19. @Esilda Same here it takes a lot of time, and a bit of insight before I can write like she can. Gianna has a way with words, I like the journal and tend to write a lot of notes when reading books/listening to lectures as well.
  20. I wish he could be less blunt; I try to stay off Leo's bluntness radar.